Which 5* to 5/65: Warlock vs Cap.America IW vs Black W. Claire W.

ZarakikZarakik Member Posts: 178

Which 5* to 5/65: Warlock vs Cap.America IW vs Black W. Claire W. 35 votes

ArcDeAngelusArrsssIcejrExHavokAldacKaratemike415FF10EtjamaCtuchikdot_dittoAdamb208RU11011H3t3rLeoZedAgentkNightbat216M0RN1NGST4R 17 votes
Cap.America IW
TerraDoonxAssumedNameManar198xAleorFhfjghhggggjfhfjgMother_FlerkenFreeToPlay_21UraniumelOlvidado 10 votes
Black Widow CV
Acehole77DOKTOROKTOPUSSamdroxtaarB_Dizzle_01SDPStargazerKill_GreyBLACKMILKTEA_88 8 votes


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Cap.America IW
    The choice is between Warlock/CAIW imo. Tough choice but personally I'd do CAIW due to smoother fighting style
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Warlock, he's just stinkin' awesome and has so much utility that he's viable in like all parts of the game. Would love to get my hands on a 5 star. That being said, if you haven't downed 5.2.6 yet, CAIW would come in real handy for The Champion.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Cap should be awakened first. The choice between the other two depends on your roster and needs. I have both at r4 awakened and use them constantly. Both amazing.
  • ZarakikZarakik Member Posts: 178

    Cap should be awakened first. The choice between the other two depends on your roster and needs. I have both at r4 awakened and use them constantly. Both amazing.

    I have awake gems for all of them
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  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114
    Cap is just so freaken reliable (once awakened). So many uses in so many ways
  • AznkerbzAznkerbz Member Posts: 114
    Is Warlock that amazing? I get his ability accuracy can shut down a lot of champs, but does the damaage get pretty good at higher tiers? I just pulled one today but have yet to rank him up.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Black Widow CV
    Aznkerbz said:

    Is Warlock that amazing? I get his ability accuracy can shut down a lot of champs, but does the damaage get pretty good at higher tiers? I just pulled one today but have yet to rank him up.

    Warlock isn’t great because of damage. Neither is Claire. Decent, but they are amazing for more important reasons.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Black Widow CV
    I could not justify ranking Cap over Warlock or Claire.
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    Warlock must be pretty damn good. I think I would flip a coin over CAIW and Warlock, or else just go with CAIW. Utility really shines lately though. Good luck with that one.
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Black Widow CV
    I have Cap at 5/65 sig 200 and both Claire and Warlock at 6/2. I would definitely go for either Warlock or Claire. Claire is super sustainable and very suicide friendly. Warlock just shuts so many annoying things down. I typically bring warlock to AW and I always run Claire in AQ map 6.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Black Widow CV

    I have Cap at 5/65 sig 200 and both Claire and Warlock at 6/2. I would definitely go for either Warlock or Claire. Claire is super sustainable and very suicide friendly. Warlock just shuts so many annoying things down. I typically bring warlock to AW and I always run Claire in AQ map 6.

    Wise man. 🥰
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