Wish list for 2020

BDeezyBDeezy Member Posts: 119
What champ has this far eluded you and you hope to add to you roster this year?..... Duping a current champ on your roster counts.....


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Nick fury 5*+
  • BDeezyBDeezy Member Posts: 119
    For me my #1 is my 4th overall 5 star whose woke ability has eluded me. Omega red

    Close 2nd is a domino

    More that come to mind are Quake and gladiator hulk
  • BDeezyBDeezy Member Posts: 119
    Lvernon15 said:

    Nick fury 5*+

    Do you need the dupe? Or just want him in general?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Any 6* that I would want to take to R2 and beyond.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    i had gulk as a maxed duped 4* but got sold :'( really want a five star version
    I NEED QUAKE but wait.... I NEED NICK FURY!
    duping my maxed sparky would be nice too. If I could i would like warlock above a three star and also BWCV would be nice, I just learned how to play ghost on an alt account so she would be nice too
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★

    i had gulk as a maxed duped 4* but got sold :'( really want a five star version
    I NEED QUAKE but wait.... I NEED NICK FURY!
    duping my maxed sparky would be nice too. If I could i would like warlock above a three star and also BWCV would be nice, I just learned how to play ghost on an alt account so she would be nice too

    I forgot! I need a 5 star cyclops red to match my blue one!!
  • BDeezyBDeezy Member Posts: 119

    i had gulk as a maxed duped 4* but got sold :'( really want a five star version
    I NEED QUAKE but wait.... I NEED NICK FURY!
    duping my maxed sparky would be nice too. If I could i would like warlock above a three star and also BWCV would be nice, I just learned how to play ghost on an alt account so she would be nice too

    I bought 1...... 1!!!!!! BWCV crystal to get my 5 star warlock. He was like my 23rd so it was hugeeeeee for me

  • BDeezyBDeezy Member Posts: 119

    Any 6* that I would want to take to R2 and beyond.

    Do you have any 6-R2?

    Would you take hulk rag to R2?

    How about human torch?

    How about Yondu?

  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    BDeezy said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    Nick fury 5*+

    Do you need the dupe? Or just want him in general?
    Just in general, mostly for the act 6 synergy for my cmm, though there’s only 1 chapter left for him to help in now
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Thread shutting down in 5 4 3 2 1....
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Finally dupe 5* Gwenpool
    Pull Ghost as a 5*+
    Pull 5* CV
    Pull Domino
    Dupe my 5* Voodoo

    Among many others
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    BDeezy said:

    Any 6* that I would want to take to R2 and beyond.

    Do you have any 6-R2?

    Would you take hulk rag to R2?

    How about human torch?

    How about Yondu?

    I don't have any at R2. I've got almost 4 t5 basics and stash t2 alphas. I'd R2 Gulk or HT. Not Yondu. I have Angela sig 40, and unduped Annihilus, Diablo, Mephisto, Red Skull, Electro, Yondu, Electra, Gullotine, Deadpool, Jane Foster, Yellowjacket, Storm, Magneto, and Beast. It's not that they are all terrible, they aren't. I just can't see using the resources to take any of them to R2. Maybe if Annihilus were duped I'd rank him.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Id love to awaken my omega red, void and Emma Frost.
    Would like to pull masacre as a 4 or 5* to use for domino synergy
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    edited December 2019
    Wouldn't mind pulling Ghost (for obvious reasons) or Rulk (for my Domino) in 5* rarity or higher.
    Wouldn't mind a Aegon (5*+) either.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,517 ★★★★
    5* Ghost, 5* Aegon, 5* Gladiator Hulk are three I certainly look to pull. Then again I've had really decent 5* pulls lately; Stealth Suit Spidey, Namor, The Hood, and just recently Corvus Glave. So who knows might get those 3 next or maybe I'll get Cyclops in honor of Kabam Miike or Groot for Rich the Man or Thor Jane Foster/Kamala Khan for Prof Hoff.
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    I desperately want a Claire Voyant
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    5* or 6* Symbiote Supreme has eluded me for over a year. I'd love to finally pull him this coming year.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    BDeezy said:

    i had gulk as a maxed duped 4* but got sold :'( really want a five star version
    I NEED QUAKE but wait.... I NEED NICK FURY!
    duping my maxed sparky would be nice too. If I could i would like warlock above a three star and also BWCV would be nice, I just learned how to play ghost on an alt account so she would be nice too

    I bought 1...... 1!!!!!! BWCV crystal to get my 5 star warlock. He was like my 23rd so it was hugeeeeee for me

    the single time I bought a BWCV crystal, I got a 4 star beast :|
  • duckrogersduckrogers Member Posts: 11
    Skaar son of hulk
    Shanna she devil
    Thor infinity war
    Pré historic avangers
    Spider man 2099
    Hulk pool
    War machine avangers ultimato
    Nathan sumers x man
    Capitain universe
    Conan the barbarian
    Beast ultimate
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Spider-Man star enhanced 5* and up
  • TheToxicCactusTheToxicCactus Member Posts: 368 ★★
    A cookie
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    In this order are my top 10 most wanted.... (5*+)

    Dr Doom
    Claire Voyant
    Symbiote Supreme
    Omega Red
    Silver Surfer
    Corvus Glaive

    Hopefully 2020 brings at LEAST 3 of these. Ideally, the top 3, lol. I'm not holding my breath on Surfer or Corvus. The game doesn't like to give me Cosmics. Also wouldn't mind a Cull, Medusa, Hyperion, or Proxima.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Oh, let's also throw in the one champ you didn't want from this year.

    The one I got AND duped.... Diablo 🤮
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Ideally, duping my 6* Killmonger, getting a 5* Claire, Doom and AEgon...

    ...but mostly, I just hope this is the year I FINALLY get my 5* Quake. Over 2 years at this point
  • NerdNerdNerd1NerdNerdNerd1 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    Quake or ghost, still havent even gotten 4*
  • dr_nish777dr_nish777 Member Posts: 313 ★★
  • bhuv9191bhuv9191 Member Posts: 320 ★★
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 891 ★★★★★
    I'd say.... Bases
  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    Corvus 5 star or 6 star

    Captain America
    -Don't have these as 4 star either.
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    A bloody 4* Sentinel, please RNGesus, I gotta get that Variant 3 completion.
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