Looking for advice on Dr. Strange

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
So, I just pulled 6* Dr. Strange, and since the 12.0 fiasco I have not had any real experience with this champ (mostly playing end-game content like Act 6 and not having him above a 4*).

I'm looking for any advice people have on where he may still have uses himself. In addition, I have most champs, so I'm especially interested in the synergy teams he fits best into.


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    edited January 2020
    He's still good (not as good as his pre 12.0 self), I have him.
    He is very substainable outside of healblock/negation battles with his passive powergain/healthsteal abillity (which can't be removed), hits very hard with his fury phase (best time to fire off special 2s for major damage + armor break).
    His armor face is good if you need to take many blocked hits and makes him a (somewhat) reliable Havok counter if you can time it right with detonations.
    My usual rotation with Strange is
    Fight start.
    Normal combos and parries until he switches to fury phase (throw off special 2s as much as possible in this fase for damage)
    Then play aggressively in powergain/healthsteal phase to gain back Parry chip damage/missed parries/blocks.
    He's better than most basic pool champs, and sits at a solid 8/10 in his current state.
    His synergies are very basic (as is all older champs) featuring the standard armor/crit/fury stuff for himself, but he has very good synergies with others, so good teams can be found and built around him.
    Good pull (and good luck with using him) OP!
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Terra said:

    He's still good (not as good as his pre 12.0 self), I have him.
    He is very substainable outside of healblock/negation battles with his passive powergain/healthsteal abillity (which can't be removed), hits very hard with his fury phase (best time to fire off special 2s for major damage + armor break).
    His armor face is good if you need to take many blocked hits and makes him a (somewhat) reliable Havok counter if you can time it right with detonations.
    My usual rotation with Strange is
    Fight start.
    Normal combos and parries until he switches to fury phase (throw off special 2s as much as possible in this fase for damage)
    Then play aggressively in powergain/healthsteal phase to gain back Parry chip damage/missed parries/blocks.
    He's better than most basic pool champs, and sits at a solid 8/10 in his current state.
    His synergies are very basic (as is all older champs) featuring the standard armor/crit/fury stuff for himself, but he has very good synergies with others, so good teams can be found and built around him.
    Good pull (and good luck with using him) OP!

    He would be an awful Havok counter as he only has immunity to detonation 9 seconds out of the 27 second cycle, and ALL of his hits are energy attacks. He still rlly doesn’t hit that hard. Outclassed easily by a ton of people. His best ability currently is his auto-nullify, and good luck getting a 6* duped. Unduped he is a 6/10 at best and 3.5/10 at worst.

    Obviously he isn’t the worst pull to get, but he isn’t someone that is worth getting hyped over.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★

    Terra said:

    He's still good (not as good as his pre 12.0 self), I have him.
    He is very substainable outside of healblock/negation battles with his passive powergain/healthsteal abillity (which can't be removed), hits very hard with his fury phase (best time to fire off special 2s for major damage + armor break).
    His armor face is good if you need to take many blocked hits and makes him a (somewhat) reliable Havok counter if you can time it right with detonations.
    My usual rotation with Strange is
    Fight start.
    Normal combos and parries until he switches to fury phase (throw off special 2s as much as possible in this fase for damage)
    Then play aggressively in powergain/healthsteal phase to gain back Parry chip damage/missed parries/blocks.
    He's better than most basic pool champs, and sits at a solid 8/10 in his current state.
    His synergies are very basic (as is all older champs) featuring the standard armor/crit/fury stuff for himself, but he has very good synergies with others, so good teams can be found and built around him.
    Good pull (and good luck with using him) OP!

    He would be an awful Havok counter as he only has immunity to detonation 9 seconds out of the 27 second cycle, and ALL of his hits are energy attacks. He still rlly doesn’t hit that hard. Outclassed easily by a ton of people. His best ability currently is his auto-nullify, and good luck getting a 6* duped. Unduped he is a 6/10 at best and 3.5/10 at worst.

    Obviously he isn’t the worst pull to get, but he isn’t someone that is worth getting hyped over.
    I said "somewhat" reliable.
    He does hit hard in fury phase. Especially during sp2 crits where his main damage comes from.
    "Outclassed" is a word used by those too used to God tiers and above. There are better than Strange, yes, but as a pull standalone he is a good one and better than 60-65% of base pool. He can nullify normally via powergain fase specials (can't remember of the top of my head) with a quite high chance. He's 8/10 duped (no sigs needed really since it's a constant attempt and more Sig's is just faster dispelling) and 7/10 unduped. I speak from personal experience with him.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    @Terra Thank you for that insight. I knew his own synergies would be basic. What I'm hoping you and others can advise on are which newer champions have impactful synergies with him. I am working through looking into my champs to see what's listed, but any insight from folks who use him is of course very appreciated.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    @Terra Thank you for that insight. I knew his own synergies would be basic. What I'm hoping you and others can advise on are which newer champions have impactful synergies with him. I am working through looking into my champs to see what's listed, but any insight from folks who use him is of course very appreciated.

    I have a rank 5, sig 200 Strange and I use him extensively.

    As others have said, he's VERY sustainable. He has very high block proficiency with his armor blessing and he can heal via his 3rd blessing. For this reason, he's excellent for AQ and Dungeons.

    For the most part, he's a less offensive version of Sym Supreme, though Sym Supreme lacks any type of regen. Just about any fight Sym Supreme can do, Strange can do (though often times slower). Both are great for Korg and Morningstar fights since they don't trigger Rock Hard Thorns or Bleed.

    My personal favorite synergy team is just Cap IW and Sym Supreme (I use these for level 7 dungeons on Cosmic day, finish with full health). Both offer damage for each buff nullify and they stack with one another. I think each time I nullify a buff I'm inflicting around 1700 damage via counterspell. If you think sustainability will be an issue, you can put Mephisto on your team to increase your regen. I don't have 5* Mephisto, but I haven't found this one necessary. He's also got a good synergy with Dr. Doom that will come in handy if you use Doom and run suicides.

    I used him on my initial clear of 6.2 against the Champion and he was excellent, but this does require a high signature level.

    The biggest drawback is that even with Cap IW and Sym Supreme synergies, he's not a great damage dealer. He's easily outclassed in that department by most modern mystics like Doom, Sym Supreme, Claire, and Morningstar. I ranked him because he's fun and I enjoy using the classic champs. I tend to share these videos with my alliance just to showcase an older champ doing current content.

    Don't rank him to be effective. You might be disappointed. Rank him because you like him.
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