Suicide Mastery | Rework Kabaam

Dear Summoners,
I think as we are progressing towards higher Map like Map 6 or events like "Abyss Of Legends" I think Kabaam Team should rework on suicide mastery set up especially health loss on Recoil.
A lot of summoners have gone off Suicide mastery after Recoil, Liquid courage, Double Edge have taken lot of health in long fights.
Below I Mentioning option that can be work upon by kabaam request you all to pls cast your poll & Opinions.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
This poll is created for Feedback purpose only
I think as we are progressing towards higher Map like Map 6 or events like "Abyss Of Legends" I think Kabaam Team should rework on suicide mastery set up especially health loss on Recoil.
A lot of summoners have gone off Suicide mastery after Recoil, Liquid courage, Double Edge have taken lot of health in long fights.
Below I Mentioning option that can be work upon by kabaam request you all to pls cast your poll & Opinions.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
This poll is created for Feedback purpose only
Suicide Mastery | Rework Kabaam 58 votes
Rework on recoil - Health loss "make it zero health loss or max of 1% , 2% & 3%" of existing 5%, 7.5%, 10% per Rank respectively
Rework on Liquid Courage - "make Poison debuff for limited time instead" Poision debuff which goes on all whole march fight
Rework on Double Edge - Make it of 1% , 2% & 3%" of existing 10%, 15%, 20% per Rank respectively
I started to use them but going off them because some champions are worthless with it. For example... with invisible woman, double edge bleed damage causes her shield to dwindle so fast, it is worthless. You dont want them. Dont use them