Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Silver_GooseSilver_Goose Member Posts: 488 ★★★

    She is a shark—huntress and predator.
    She — ZZKRRRZ — was once a stuntwoman.
    She is chaos.
    She shall dance.
    You shall not interrupt the dance.
  • Silver_GooseSilver_Goose Member Posts: 488 ★★★

    She is a shark—huntress and predator.
    She — ZZKRRRZ — was once a stuntwoman.
    She is chaos.
    She shall dance.
    You shall not interrupt the dance.
  • Silver_GooseSilver_Goose Member Posts: 488 ★★★

    Vivian Vision (Earth-616)

    Vivian "Viv" Vision[1]
    Other Aliases:
    Vivid Vessel[3]


    Similarly to her father, Viv previously possessed a number of superhuman powers ultimately derived from her artificial substance and metabolism. Viv's Synthezoid body was supposedly a functioning replica of a human body containing analogues to virtually all human organs, blood, and tissue, composed of an unknown synthetic organic-like substance. This substance mimicked all the functions of human tissue, but was several times as strong, durable, and resilient.[4]

    Density Manipulation: The molecules in Viv's body were capable of separating or pulling themselves together, thus being able to control her density and solidity.[4]
    Superhuman Strength: While Viv's strength was above human, increasing her density would additionally increase her strength.[4]
    Intangibility: Viv could control her density to pass a part or all of her body through solid objects.[4]
    Flight: When at a minimum mass, Viv could fly through the air weightlessly.[4]
    Solar Radiation Absorption: The solar jewel on Viv's brow absorbed ambient solar energy that her body was able to convert directly into usable forms by a process not unlike photosynthesis in plants.[4]
    Computer Brain: Viv's brain was a multiprocessor computer, which enabled her to wirelessly or directly interact with other computer systems to utilize or extract data from them. This way she could be constantly connected to the internet,[11] and even act as a WiFi hotspot.[12]
    Holographic Projection: Viv could project multiple full-sized, detailed holograms with audio projection.[22]
    Camouflage: Using her holographic projectors, Viv could project a running hologram of her surroundings in order to hide her presence.[23]
    Emotional Shutdown: Vivian walled off her emotions regarding the loss of her mother and brother rather than cope with them. This partition was removed by the High Evolutionary, leaving Viv heartbroken and confused over feelings she previously refused to process.[14] When she regained her android form, Viv once again disengaged her emotional core.[2]

    Viv Vision

    Character Class: Tech

    Basic Abilities: Robotics, Energy Resistance, Armor Up, Pre-Fight Ability, Persistent Charge, Intangibility, Shock, Glancing, Solar Radiation Absorption, Power Burn, Stun, Power Sting, Fury, Regeneration, Unstoppable, Indestructible


    • Advanced robotics grants her full immunity to all bleed and poison effects.
    • When striking a stunned opponent, Viv deals a burst of shock damage equal to 10% of the damage dealt by the attack.
    • Viv has +2000 Energy Resistance.
    • Viv begins the fight with 2 stacks of Armor Up, increasing armor rating by 637. She gains an additional stack every 18 seconds, max 5 stacks.

    Density Manipulation - Pre-Fight Ability

    • Viv begins the quest with 1 Persistent Charge.
    • Before the fight, Viv can expend this charge to choose a density. On defense, 50% chance to select High Density and 50% chance to select Low Density. On offense, by default select Medium Density.
    ⁃ Low Density - When struck or striking with a medium or light attack, 20% chance to activate Intangibility for 7 seconds. While Intangible, she generates 14% of a bar of power per second (this does not benefit from power rate increase), and incoming attacks have a 100% chance to miss. This ability has a 20 second cooldown. While in Low Density, Viv is immune to all power drain, lock, burn, and steal effects.
    ⁃ Medium Density - Gain +850 attack and +300 critical damage rating per active armor up buff. Additionally, each armor up increases her shock damage by +50%, max +250%, and increases stun duration by +10%, max +50%.
    ⁃ High Density - When gaining 1 Armor Up, 80% chance to gain another. While in High Density, she is immune to ability accuracy reduction. Incoming attacks have a 10% chance to glance per active Armor Up, max 50%. Incoming damage from a single source cannot exceed 5% of Viv’s max health. If the damage would exceed this, the damage is capped at 5% at the cost of an Armor Up buff, and the damage that would spill over the 5% cap is reflected back to the opponent, max damage 400% of Viv’s base attack. Max number of Armor Ups is doubled. When leaving this density, lose up to 5 armor up buffs to get below the cap.
    • At the end of the fight, if it was spent, regain her Persistent Charge.

    Solar Radiation Absorption

    • When Viv is struck directly or on block with an energy attack, or suffers from a shock, incinerate, or coldsnap effect, she gains 1 Solar Energy Charge.
    • Solar Energy Charges stack up to a maximum of 10. If she would gain more from a damage over time effect, she purifies the effect and loses 1 Armor Up buff. If it would be from an energy attack, she simply doesn’t gain the charge.

    Heavy Attacks

    • If the opponent is above 2 bars of power, the first hit burns 100% of the opponent’s current power and deals energy damage for 200% of the power burnt. This ability can only be used once per fight.
    • The final hit spends all Solar Energy Charges, incinerating the opponent for 50% of her base attack per charge removed. If the opponent is immune to Incinerate, inflict Shock instead.

    Special 1 - Sixteen-Year-Old Synthezoid
    Viv phases her arm into the opponent, and solidifies it inside them.

    • Stuns the opponent for 2 seconds.
    • 10% chance for this attack to cost 50% of the power it normally would.

    Special 2 - Android Champion
    Viv delivers a crushing blow to her enemy, with a different effect based on her density.

    • Activates an ability based on current density:
    ⁃ Low Density - Inflicts 10 second Power Sting. This Power Sting deals damage equal to 200% of her base attack.
    ⁃ Medium Density - Converts all Armor Up buffs into a 10 second passive Fury, increasing attack by 100% per Armor Up removed.
    ⁃ High Density - Doubles current number of Armor Up buffs.

    Special 3 - evenanandro1dcancry
    Viv charges her solar gem and shoots a beam of raw energy at the opponent.

    • Grants her a 10 second unstoppable buff and a 10 second indestructible buff.
    • Grants 10 Solar Energy Charges. This CAN spill over her max number of Solar Energy Charges.

    Signature Ability - Evolved Synthesis

    • Heavy attacks rotate to the next density. This ability has a 15 second cooldown.
    • Viv regenerates 85% of damage taken on block. Additionally, while below 1 bar of power, blocked hits generate power as if they were unblocked.
  • ImabatImabat Member Posts: 1

    Baby Groot



  • SilverMoonSilverMoon Member Posts: 1

    Lady Hellbender



  • Rogue12355Rogue12355 Member Posts: 4
    An MCU variation of Moon knight and Mr Knight would be epic🌙
  • Rogue12355Rogue12355 Member Posts: 4
    An MCU variation of Moon knight and Mr Knight would be epic🌙
  • Iron_J3Iron_J3 Member Posts: 269
    @Rogue12355 - I have Moon Knight 4* 4/40 and he’s a beast. Really like him. Would like another too.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Raven Darkhölme (Earth-616)

    Rabe Dunkelhölme
    #001034 [22]
    Imitationen :
    Apocalypse , [10] Carol Danvers , [11] Charles Xavier , [12] Dazzler , [13] Elektra , [14] Jakob Eisen , [15] Jean Gray , [16] Kwannon , [14] Lady Deathstrike , [14] Leni Zauber , [17] Mr. Sinister , [18] Psylocke , [14] Rogue , [19] Spiral , [14] Surge, [15] Valerie Cooper , [20] Victor Creed , [2] White King , [14] Wolverine [21]
    Andere Aliase:
    Amichai Benvenisti [1]
    B. Byron Biggs [2]
    Clarice Kenner [3]
    Holt Adler [4 ]
    Foxx [5]
    Mallory Brickman [6]
    Millicent Hardwick [7]
    Mr. Raven [8]
    Raven Wagner [9]
    Ronnie Lake [2]

    Romantic relationships

    Destiny (married)[27][24]
    Wolverine (serious relationship)[114]
    Christian Wagner (married)[9]
    Azazel (one-night stand)[9]
    Sabretooth (serious relationship, both as Leni Zauber and as Mystique)[17][86]
    Forge (serious relationship)[115]
    Senator Ralph Brickman (married, as Mallory Brickman)[116]
    Shepard (one kiss)[117]
    Fantomex (off and on casual relationship)[118][89][119]
    Iceman (serious relationship)[120]
    Daken (brief relationship)[121]


    Metamorph: Mystique can psionically alter the formation of her biological cells at will. As a result, she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of any sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, smell to overlap the original being, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voice prints.

    Mystique was once exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in order to save the life of Toad. The process dramatically morphed Mystique's appearance, causing her skin to become reptilian, and boosted her powers so that she could now morph her body into taking certain desired physical traits depending on her situation at the time (note: this reptilian form was quickly discarded, whether it was because of retcon or if she simply shape-shifted back to her previous form remains to be seen).

    Examples of this new ability included: night vision, wings on her back, talons in her fingers, sharp fanged teeth, natural body armor, mermaid-like tail, and she could even compress into a nearly two-dimensional state to glide on air currents (similar to Mr. Fantastic), which she used to survive an explosion.

    Since her resurrection by The Hand, her powers have been enhanced to a higher level than they were before, to the degree that she could fool super-humanly acute senses such as Wolverine's sense of smell, something she couldn't do before her death. Other new facets of these abilities include tentacle generation,[122][123] animal shifting,[124][122] and partial liquefaction.[125]

    Metamorphic Adaptation: After her first enhancement Mystique showed the ability to adapt her body depending on her situation at the time. She was able to camouflage her body to match her surroundings so well as to be invisible, shift her organs into her lower extremities, and mimic the textures of metals (when she took on the form of Magneto and his helmet). She also clearly stated that she was always naked and simply made her skin look and feel like other materials to fool others.[126]

    Enhanced Physical Attributes: Able to enhance her strength, speed, agility, durability, reflexes, and senses.

    Accelerated Healing: Mystique's nature allows her to repair wounds and regenerate herself from minor to near death injuries in a short span of time, much faster than an ordinary human. She is capable of retaining a mimicked form even when drugged[127] or knocked unconscious.[128]

    Toxin & Disease Resistance: She has also developed a resistance and immunity to toxins and diseases.

    **** Aging: Her metamorphic powers have **** the degenerative effects of aging. She has always had this ability even before her enhancement; she is over one hundred years old.

    Psychic Defense: Mystique's nature also provides her with a natural defense against telepathic intrusion.
    Nick Fury's intel classified her as power level 8,[129] while the O*N*E stated that she was a Severe Threat.[130] According to Prosh, her Comparative Mutagenic Power Register was of 8.3.[4]

    Master Martial Artist: Mystique is a highly skilled combatant. Her skills rival those of Black Widow and Captain America.

    Trained Actress

    Expert Marksman

    Multilingual: Mystique has stated that she knows at least eleven languages; besides her presumably native German and English, she has demonstrated fluency in Spanish,[126] Portuguese,[117] French, Farsi,[21] Korean,[131] Swedish,[132] and Czech.[133]

    Covert Operative: Strategist in terrorist and commando operations.

    Appearance Limitation: Originally, it was clearly stated that Mystique's powers were limited to appearances only; she could not assume the powers of the people she morphed into or alter her body to adapt to different situations. Although Mystique's powers were enhanced, Mystique could never duplicate the powers of other superhumans, and she still cannot duplicate the powers of the person she imitates: for example, when she turned herself into a duplicate of Nightcrawler, she did not gain the ability to teleport. However, she can use her powers to mimic the powers of others; such as assuming the form of Sabretooth, and then using her powers to enhance her senses, strength, speed, agility, and of course naturally heal at an accelerated rate.

    Unchangeable Body Mass: While she can make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself, she will not weigh as much as the real person does.[136] As such, she will be considerably weaker than the true person she copies, as evidenced by her form of an impostor Sabretooth, where her powers were less effective than the genuine Sabretooth. Also, the longer she takes a form of someone with greater mass, the greater a strain on her body which could reach a "breaking point" where she is forced to turn back into her normal self. Since her enhancement, Mystique has stated that her body mass now changes when she does,[137] although the truth as with everything concerning Raven Darkhölme, remains shrouded.

    Schizophrenia (formerly): Mystique's shape-changing physiology causes her brain to suffer from constant and subtle shifts in her brain tissue that manifested in the form of schizophrenia. Her personality constantly changed, making her volatile and unpredictable. Psylocke has since stabilized her mind.[104]

  • OmnipotentoneOmnipotentone Member Posts: 1


    Iron ghost

  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Please Kabam, next month can we get Werewolf by Night and Dracula for Halloween. I’ve said before but would love to see more of the monsters of the Marvel Universe. And I still think the Mystic Class is falling behind in The amount of Beyond God tier Champs.
  • KassinatorKassinator Member Posts: 1




    Arabian Knight (Qamar)

    G.W Bridge

    Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch)
  • heirDEZheirDEZ Member Posts: 144 ★★
    edited September 2022
    Please add more ETERNALS,
    I’d say add a Modern ETERNAL & one of the OG ETERNALS..
    for instance MCU MAKKARI & URANOS THE UNDYING (Granduncle to the mad Titan THANOS)

    MAKKARI (Cosmic)

    URANOS THE UNDYING (who has tech-ish god like aspects)

  • TheNightbeginsTheNightbegins Member Posts: 1


    Rescue (Pepper Potts)


    Caretaker (Sara)
    Steel wind

    Zombie ( Simon Garth)

  • Meridius

    Bedlam (Symbiote)


    Codex (Dylan Brock)
    Itsy Bitsy
  • FreshIrishFreshIrish Member Posts: 1


    Blue marvel

    Baron Blood

    Radioactive man
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Edward Brock (Earth-616) The New King in Black

    Edward Charles Allan "Eddie" Brock[1]
    King in Black[2]
    Anti-Venom,[3] Toxin,[4] Venom[5]
    Editorial Names:
    Venom: Lethal Protector
    The Comeback King,[6] Ed Brock,[citation needed] Edwin Brock,[7][1] Rad Eddie,[8] Sister Edwina,[8] The Man of a Thousand Second Chances,[6] Whitey[9]
    Other Aliases:
    God of the Symbiotes,[2] Host,[11] Lethal Protector,[1] Mr. Sym,[12] Vengeance[13]


    God of Symbiotes: After vanquishing Knull, Eddie Brock became the new nexus of the Symbiote Hive and inherited his title of the King in Black.[2] While this gave Eddie access to several of Knull's powers, it placed an immense amount of strain on his still-mortal body and caused him to rapidly age over the course of a few months.[26]

    Telepathy: Eddie is able to sense and telepathically communicate with symbiotes, their hosts, and manifested codices through the Hive-Mind.[139] For unknown reasons, the Venom symbiote is the only one he cannot sense or communicate with.[26]

    Symbiote Domination: Through the Hive-Mind, Eddie is able to remote-pilot symbiotes, enabling him to see through their eyes, speak through them, and manipulate their biomasses even when not in direct contact with them;[139] using them to create avatars of both his Venom and human forms. Having severed it from the Hive by freeing it from Knull's control, the Venom symbiote is the only one he cannot remote-pilot.[26]

    Mental Time-Travel: Being capable of seeing through the eyes of every symbiote that ever existed, Eddie theorized that he might be able to use the symbiote hive-mind to effectively time-travel and thus alter the past -- much like Knull once tried to do to prematurely bring about his awakening.[26][160]
    Eddie Brock bonded with three symbiotes over the years, formerly returning with Venom. The other two were Toxin, the offspring of Carnage; and Anti-Venom, a non-sentient symbiote composed of the remnants of the Venom symbiote in Brock's bloodstream fused with his white blood cells by Martin Li's Lightforce.


    Main article: Venom (Symbiote) (Earth-616)#Powers
    Black-and-White Symbiotic Costume: The alien costume, which had grafted itself to the nervous system of Eddie Brock, somehow absorbed the powers of Spider-Man during its brief symbiotic relationship with him, seemingly due to the lasting impression that Spider-Man had on its psyche due to being rejected by him. These powers had been transferred to Brock, so long as he wore the costume, and combined with Eddie's natural bulk made Venom physically stronger than Spider-Man. Ultimately the costume's influence hurt more than helped Brock's psyche and when he finally realized this, he decided to auction it. Several years later, Eddie reclaimed it, becoming Venom once more; though the pair eventually had a falling out when Eddie discovered the symbiote had been altering his memories and making him sick in order to gaslight him into staying bonded to it. While connected to Codex's hive-mind, the symbiote acquired the ability to manifest an arm-cannon capable of firing powerful energy beams, but this was lost upon returning to Earth-616. The symbiote grants Eddie the following powers:

    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Speed
    Superhuman Agility
    Superhuman Senses
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Reflexes
    Superhuman Durability
    Regenerative Healing Factor
    Webbing Generation
    Offspring Detection
    Genetic Memory
    Spider-Sense Immunity
    Constituent-Matter Generation
    Constituent-Matter Manipulation
    Night Vision
    Spider-Man Detection
    Venomous Fangs
    Telepathy Resistance
    Empathetic Empowerment
    Energy Transference
    Energy Absorption

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Bedlam (Symbiote) (Earth-616)

    Edward "Eddie" Brock
    King in Black[1]

    Symbiote Biology: When piloting an avatar, Bedlam possesses powers common to symbiotes, and is additionally able to manifest a humanoid form without need of a host due to being a King in Black.[3]

    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Durability
    Superhuman Speed
    Superhuman Agility
    King in Black: As a King in Black, Bedlam possesses a special connection to the Symbiote Hive-Mind that enables him to pilot any symbiote he desires and project his consciousness through the timestream into the past and possible futures.[1]

    Bedlam possesses fangs and claws, and also has spikes on his arms, legs, and back.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Daniel Jermain (Earth-616)

    Daniel Jermain
    Danger Man


    After falling into a radioactive vat of Atomic Hard Water, he became larger, stronger, and more power gaining the following superhuman abilities:

    Energy Projection: Danger Man constantly emits an atomic aura. Additionally, he can generate enough energy to create an atomic meltdown.[2]
    Superhuman Strength: After the accident, Danger Man's musculature and mass increased as did his strength. He is strong enough to punch She-Hulk into the side of a building, and has trouble interacting with objects without destroying them.[2]
    Atomic Punch[2]
    Atomically Fueled: Danger Man is atomically powered and requires no food to sustain him.[2]
    Superhuman Hearing[2]
    Underwater Breathing[2]
    The codename "Danger Man" is a play on the characters given name, "Dan Jermain".

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Ellie Phimister (Earth-616)

    Ellie Phimister
    Negasonic Teenage Warhead
    Other Aliases:
    NTW, Warhead

    Mutant: Ellie is a mutant with psychically based powers. The full extent of her abilities is unknown, but her powers include:

    Telepathy: Ellie has the ability to read thoughts, project and broadcast her own thoughts, as well as affect the minds of humans and animals with higher-order intelligence.[2]
    Precognition: Ellie experiences precognitive nightmares and premonitions. It would appear she often foresaw disasters, which may help explain her depressed and angst-ridden personality. She foresaw Genosha being destroyed,[2] and the defeat of Selene's army.[7] Ellie would later display the ability to be overcome by quick glimpses of immediate danger, allowing her to avoid and counter a raid on her house by the Mercs for Money,[10] and escape enemy forces by becoming aware of an ambush she and the Mercs were walking into.[20]
    Telekinesis: Ellie has demonstrated the ability to mentally levitate objects and people.[14]
    Flight: She has shown the ability to levitate herself, but the limit of this power is currently unknown.[21]
    Reality Warping: Ellie has the power to warp reality. She created clothing and an entire house out of nothing.[14]
    Particle Manipulation and Absorption: Ellie's power over reality enables her to absorb, generate, and manipulate vast amounts of raw power for various effects.[13] Ellie has vast control over both matter and/or energy, quite possibly on a quantum level. Examples of this include reforming Inferno's fire into flaming monkeys, disassembling Domino and Gorilla-Man's guns into their component parts, transmuting Jack Chain's darkforce links into butterflies, creating material energy duplicates of herself,[21] completely absorbing The Presence's nuclear energy,[13] possessing the ability to render the Terrigen Cloud harmless for mutants [22] and releasing energy that can be used for multiple purposes. [23]
    Superhuman Strength: Ellie is at least strong enough to flail Scorpia around with one hand by her mechanical tail.[11]
    Superhuman Speed: Fast enough to dart in and out of visionary fields with ease, though this might be a byproduct of reality or time manipulation.[10]
    Superhuman Durability: Was punched by Titania and slammed through a wall without suffering any noticeable injury.[11]
    Superhuman Reflexes: Quick enough to dodge Stingray when she foresaw him coming, though this could also have been a byproduct of her ability to manipulate time or reality.[10]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Arnim Zola (Earth-616)

    Dr. Arnim Zola
    The Bio-Fanatic, Scientist Supreme[1]


    Super-Genius Intelligence: Arnim Zola possesses a brilliant mind, with knowledge and technological understanding far beyond the standard of the time.[39]
    Expert Biochemist: Arnim Zola is considered one greatest genetic engineers in history, a biochemist whose knowledge of genetics was enhanced by his study of Deviant science. He studied under Wladyslav Shinsky.[39]
    Robotic Expert: He was able to build a functioning robot body with the limited technology of the 1940s.[39]
    Zola's Robotic Body: Zola's consciousness has been transferred in to a robotic body allowing him a form of immortality. If a body is destroyed his mind is downloaded to a spare body.[39]
    ESP Box: Arnim Zola possesses the ability to mentally control his various genetic creations by means of the ESP Box mounted atop his torso and surgically attached to his central nervous system. Although most of the creatures possess limited intelligence and the capacity for creative thought, Zola can override their mental processes if he so desires. The ESP Box is a retractable device that can convert brain waves into electronic signals for transmission as telepathic commands within ordinary radio range. Normally, Zola is capable of controlling only his own organic creations, but if he remains linked to his support equipment, he can stimulate his own mental power to such a degree that he can create a psychokinetic network able to animate inorganic matter within radio range. Zola is unable to control natural organic life. The ESP Box also provides Zola with the following powers:
    Mind Control
    Mind Ray
    Mind Transfer[39]
    Zola deploys mental commands to his creations in the form of energy bolts of approximately 100,000 volts. Similar in purpose to the ESP Box, the prod is limited in range to 18 feet and can only work on his own organic creations.[39]
    Zola uses exotic weaponry, androids, and genetically engineered lackeys in his schemes. His androids (or "bio-servants") can host Zola's mind and life-force.[39]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Raven Darkholme (Earth-616)

    Rabe Dunkelhölme
    #001034 [22]
    Imitationen :
    Apocalypse , [10] Carol Danvers , [11] Charles Xavier , [12] Dazzler , [13] Elektra , [14] Jakob Eisen , [15] Jean Gray , [16] Kwannon , [14] Lady Deathstrike , [14] Leni Zauber , [17] Mr. Sinister , [18] Psylocke , [14] Rogue , [19] Spiral , [14] Surge, [15] Valerie Cooper , [20] Victor Creed , [2] White King , [14] Wolverine [21]
    Other Aliase:
    Amichai Benvenisti [1]
    B. Byron Biggs [2]
    Clarice Kenner [3]
    Holt Adler [4 ]
    Foxx [5]
    Mallory Brickman [6]
    Millicent Hardwick [7]
    Mr. Raven [8]
    Raven Wagner [9]
    Ronnie Lake [2]

    Powers and Abilities


    Metamorph: Mystique can psionically alter the formation of her biological cells at will. As a result, she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of any sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, smell to overlap the original being, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voice prints.

    Mystique was once exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in order to save the life of Toad. The process dramatically morphed Mystique's appearance, causing her skin to become reptilian, and boosted her powers so that she could now morph her body into taking certain desired physical traits depending on her situation at the time (note: this reptilian form was quickly discarded, whether it was because of retcon or if she simply shape-shifted back to her previous form remains to be seen).

    Examples of this new ability included: night vision, wings on her back, talons in her fingers, sharp fanged teeth, natural body armor, mermaid-like tail, and she could even compress into a nearly two-dimensional state to glide on air currents (similar to Mr. Fantastic), which she used to survive an explosion.

    Since her resurrection by The Hand, her powers have been enhanced to a higher level than they were before, to the degree that she could fool super-humanly acute senses such as Wolverine's sense of smell, something she couldn't do before her death. Other new facets of these abilities include tentacle generation[109][110], animal shifting[111][109] and partial liquefaction.[112]

    Metamorphic Adaptation: After her first enhancement Mystique showed the ability to adapt her body depending on her situation at the time. She was able to camouflage her body according to her surroundings, shift her organs into her lower extremities, and mimic the textures of metals (when she took on the form of Magneto and his helmet). She also clearly stated that she was always naked and simply made her skin look and feel like other materials to fool others.[113]
    Enhanced Physical Attributes: Able to enhance her strength, speed, agility, durability, reflexes, and senses.
    Accelerated Healing: Mystique's nature allows her to repair wounds and regenerate herself from minor to near death injuries in a short span of time, much faster than an ordinary human. She is capable of retaining a mimicked form even when drugged[114] or knocked unconscious.[115]
    Toxin & Disease Resistance: She has also developed a resistance and immunity to toxins and diseases.
    **** Aging: Her metamorphic powers have **** the degenerative effects of aging. She has always had this ability even before her enhancement; she is either close to or over one hundred years old.
    Psychic Defense: Mystique's nature also provides her with a natural defense against telepathic intrusion.
    Nick Fury's intel classified her as power level 8,[116] while the O*N*E stated that she was a Severe Threat.[117] According to Prosh, her Comparative Mutagenic Power Register was of 8.3.[10]

    Master Martial Artist: Mystique is a highly skilled combatant. Her skills rival those of Black Widow and Captain America.

    Trained Actress

    Expert Marksman

    Multilingual: Mystique has stated that she knows at least eleven languages; besides her presumably native German and English, she has demonstrated fluency in Spanish[113], Portuguese[104], French, Farsi[21], Korean[118], Swedish[119] and Czech.[120]

    Covert Operative: Strategist in terrorist and commando operations.

    Physical Strength
    Mystique possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her physical age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise.[121] She can enhance her strength using her powers for brief periods by redistributing mass.[122]

    Appearance Limitation: Originally, it was clearly stated that Mystique's powers were limited to appearances only; she could not assume the powers of the people she morphed into or alter her body to adapt to different situations. Although Mystique’s powers were enhanced, Mystique could never duplicate the powers of other superhumans, and she still cannot duplicate the powers of the person she imitates: for example, when she turned herself into a duplicate of Nightcrawler, she did not gain the ability to teleport. However, she can use her powers to mimic the powers of others; such as assuming the form of Sabretooth, and then using her powers to enhance her senses, strength, speed, agility, and of course naturally heal at an accelerated rate.

    Unchangeable Body Mass: While she can make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself, she will not weigh as much as the real person does.[123] As such, she will be considerably weaker than the true person she copies, as evidenced by her form of an impostor Sabretooth, where her powers were less effective than the genuine Sabretooth. Also, the longer she takes a form of someone with greater mass, the greater a strain on her body which could reach a "breaking point" where she is forced to turn back into her normal self. Since her enhancement, Mystique has stated that her body mass now changes when she does[124], although the truth as with everything concerning Raven Darkholme, remains shrouded.

    Schizophrenia (formerly): Mystique's shape-changing physiology causes her brain to suffer from constant and subtle shifts in her brain tissue that manifested in the form of schizophrenia. Her personality constantly changed, making her volatile and unpredictable. Psylocke has since stabilized her mind.[125]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Monica Rambeau (Earth-616)

    Monika Rambeau
    Spektrum [1]
    Captain Marvel , [2] Photon , [3] Pulsar , [4]
    Daystar , [5]
    Andere Aliasse:
    Auntie Monica, [6] Avengers Mom, [7] The Lady of Light, [8] Sun Goddess [9 ]

    Energy absorption, generation and manipulation
    Ability to travel at speeds up to the speed of light while in her energy form, convert her body into any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum and travel in energy form through the vacuum of space
    Intangibility (Via energy form)

    Powers and abilities
    Due to bombardment by extra-dimensional energies, Rambeau can transform herself into any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum. Among the many energy forms she has assumed and is able to control are cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, electricity, infrared radiation, microwaves, radio waves, and neutrinos. By assuming an energy-form, she gains all of that energy's properties.

    She is invisible and intangible in many of her energy forms (the most frequent exception being visible light), and is capable of flight in all her energy forms (reaching velocities up to and including light speed). She also has the ability to project these energies from her body while she is in human form (only one wavelength of energy at a time), usually in the form of energy blasts from her hands. She mentally controls both the type and quantity of energy she wishes to transmit. The maximum amount of energy she can transmit at a given time is unknown. Rambeau can also divert small amounts of various energies for employment as force beams, which have the equivalent to 300 tons of TNT of explosive force. A variation of this ability enables her to project light-based holographic illusions of herself. Rambeau has also shown the ability to split her energy form into several miniature energy forms that are under her mental command, each miniature Rambeau is able to react and fly at light-speed.

    When she encounters a new or unfamiliar energy, Rambeau can often duplicate it given enough time for analysis.[71] Rambeau tends to be physically insubstantial in her energy forms, though with concentration and effort she can sometimes perform tasks such as briefly grasping an object, either by partially solidifying or by applying some sort of force to the object in question.

    She is immortal and does not age beyond her prime.[72]

    When Rambeau temporarily lost her original powers after a massive energy expenditure,[38] she developed the ability to shunt any mechanical energy directed towards her through a dimensional interface surrounding her body, granting her increased strength, resistance to impact, and the ability to fly. After Rambeau asked Reed Richards to examine these new abilities, he theorized that she accessed the same dimension from which she derived her energy powers to create the interface.[40]

    Rambeau has strong leadership skills and law enforcement experience due to both of her time as a police officer and former leader of the Avengers. She is an excellent markswoman, unarmed combatant, detective, and swimmer with extensive nautical expertise. She has received Harbor Patrol training, and Avengers training in unarmed combat by Captain America.

    Rambeau is able to retain her energy form for several hours with no ill effects.[73] She can only transform herself into one wavelength of energy at a time, but she can transform between one energy-state and another in a fraction of a second. Extensive energy transformation and manipulation can be physically taxing once she re-assumes her physical form. Rambeau can also be forcibly reverted to her original form by other forces.[74]


    Energy Form: Due to bombardment by extra-dimensional energies, Monica Rambeau acquired the ability to change herself into any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum.[2] Among the many energy forms, she has assumed and is able to control are visible light, radio waves, electricity, X-rays,[2] microwaves,[10] infrared radiaton,[150] ultraviolet radiaton,[151] cosmic rays, gamma radiation,[24][152] and a wide variety of high-power lasers.[151] It has been theorized that this transformation occurs by Rambeau mentally shunting the matter of her body into the dimension from which she draws her energy, and replacing it with a corresponding amount of energy.[34] Rambeau is apparently unlimited by the amount of time that she can remain in her energy form.[38] In the past, she could seemingly only transform her entire body into one wavelength of energy at a time, being able to transform between one energy-state and another in a fraction of a second.[10] However, with experience, she has demonstrated the ability of converting only parts of herself into sentient energy.[153] Many derivative abilities are achieved in Rambeau's energy form.

    Flight: In her energy form, Rambeau is capable of flight in any of her wavelengths.[2] With experience, she has shown the ability to flight in her human solid form as well.[97][105]
    Superhuman Speed: Rambeau is capable of moving at extremely high speeds while in her energy form. When converted into a beam of light, she is able to travel at lightspeed.[10]
    Intangibility: In certain energy forms such as X-rays, Rambeau can phase through solid matter and even certain energy fields depending on their wavelengths.[150]
    Invisibility: When changed into wavelenghts that are invisible to the naked eye, Rambeau renders herself invisible.[150]
    Energy Blasts: Rambeau is able of releasing blasts of pure electromagnetic radiation without compromising her body mass integrity.[2]
    Energy Absorption: In her energy form, Rambeau is able of rechanneling energy and absorb it to her own form.[2]
    Appearance Alteration: With due practice, Rambeau eventually managed to use her facility over light to modulate her energy and create holograms.[39] She has also been able to modify her appearance as an hologram, and outwardly take the form of other people. However, when she does so, she does not actually change her physical shape nor can she emulate their biometrics.[123]
    Hard Light Form: After recovering her powers, Rambeau has shown the ability to turn herself into a solid light form, allowing her to stay in energy form but physically interact with matter if she wishes so.[3]
    Size Alteration: Using her facility over light, Rambeau is able to change size. She has been shown both to be capable of shrinking[154] and growing significantly in size if needed.[124]
    Energy Source: Having the ability to become a being of energy, Rambeau has been able to join her force with other super-human beings' energy signatures in order to empower their attacks as a live battery. In the past, she used her powers to boost Thor's Mjolnir,[155] the Wrecking Crew,[86] Carol Danvers,[156] and She-Hulk.[152]
    Dimensional Interface Forcefield: After recovering from an accident that caused her to lose a big portion of her body mass due to her powers,[12] Rambeau's abilities changed drastically. No longer able to convert herself into energy, she acquired the ability to consciously envelope her body into a milimiter-thick dimensional interface that acted as a link between her physical body and the extradimensional source of her former powers. This force field was reactive to mechanical energy directed towards Rambeau, granting her extreme resistance against physical impact, increased strength and the ability to fly at high speeds.[157] However, her powers returned to their former behavior.[81]
    Permanent Energy Form: After being infused with additional photons by Blue Marvel's antimatter projection abilities, Rambeau experienced an extreme power boost.[18] The improvement turned Rambeau's energy form into her natural state, granting her not only higher limits to her previous abilities but also new ones.[16] After burning out most of her additional power helping the Vision enter the House of Ideas in order to defeat Nyx,[158] Rambeau returned to being human again.[19]

    Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: Although Rambeau took on a hard light semblance to resemble her human form, she did not process sensory reception like a regular human being. Her consciousness perpetuated approximate human senses allowing her to precisely be aware of what she was seeing, hearing or feeling and translating it to something her physiology recognized. To this extent she is also aware when something is grievously wrong with the universe as well, having prophetic dreams of a cage around Eternity.[130]
    Eidetic Memory: Though since she acquired her powers, Rambeau's photographic memory improved, her power-up allowed to have total recall of everything she sees,[123] probably an effect of a latent cosmic awareness that she had due to being an energy consciousness.[130]
    Immortality: Being a creature of pure energy, Rambeau used to be functionally immortal, not aging beyond her prime.[134]
    Skilled Leader: Monica Rambeau has strong leadership skills being the leader of different incarnations of the Avengers and other super-hero teams. She also has law enforcement experience as a formar harbor patrol agent.
    Master Combatant: She is a master at hand-to-hand combat. Rambeau's hand-to-hand combat skills are increased thanks to her law enforcement and Avengers training.[159]
    Nautical Expertise: As a former harbor patrol enforcer and boat charter businesswoman, Rambeau has advanced nautical knowledge, being referred to as "Mon Capitaine" by Professor André LeClare for her expertise and bravery.[2] Moreover, she has been showed to be a strong swimmer.[26]
    Multilingual: Rambeau speaks fluent English and French.[160] She was shown to be able to communicate in Portuguese.[13]
    In her energy form, Monica Rambeau has shown to have some weaknesses and limitations:

    After acquiring her powers, Rambeau was unable of interacting with the physical world in her energy form, being restricted from becoming tangible.[11] Apparently, after mastering the ability to become solid light, this limitation stopped being a problem.[3]
    When converting herself into lightning and hitting the ocean, Captain Marvel proved to be unable to keep her cohesion and was severely damaged by the experience.[161] Following this episode, Rambeau has expressed her trauma of using her powers underwater.[153]
    Her energy form has been shown to be particularly vulnerable and inneficient against darkforce in several occasions.[162][163][164]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Adam Brashear (Earth-616) Blue Marvel

    Powers and Abilities

    Anti-Matter Energy Absorption Physiology: Theoretically, it seems to be the main source of Blue Marvel's power. This source of power is the energy released from anti-matter which derives from the dimension called the Negative Zone.[2] Anti-matter is the same as normal matter except that the sub-atomic particles are the opposite charge. Therefore, anti-matter and normal matter cannot coexist without exploding. CERN was the first to synthesize particles of anti-matter on Earth in 1995, keeping them in a magnetically charged vacuum to keep it from coming in contact with normal matter. Nuclear fission releases energy with 1.5% efficiency; anti-matter releases energy with 100% efficiency. One gram of anti-matter contains the same energy as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. One droplet could power New York City for a full day. Adam Brashear is the first human anti-matter generator and reactor. The experiment he gained his powers from renders his form unaffected from anti-matter. Blue Marvel was considered to be an Alpha Level Threat by Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Tony Stark.[36]

    Superhuman Strength: Blue Marvel possesses vast levels of superhuman strength, capable of lifting excess 100 tons.[37] He was seen as capable of effortlessly lifting the 1960 era's American warship Enterprise [1] which weighs over 93,000 tons.[38] The Blue Marvel is capable of greater feats of strength as when he effortlessly moved a meteor "easily the size of Arkansas."[1] The Watcher states that Adam is capable of splitting the Moon into two with a blow.[4] He was able to directly engage Iron Man, Ares, Wonder Man, and Ms. Marvel in combat at the same time and casually overpower them.[10] He is strong enough to push the Sentry to the limits of his strength and knock him into Earth's orbit with a single punch.[10] He even managed to ultimately defeat in physical combat the powerful King Hyperion, who had slaughtered numerous other incarnations of Blue Marvel as well as heroes of multiple worlds (including Hercules, and Thor of his own Earth,[39] as well as the Sentries, Hulks, Thors, and Eternals of other worlds.[11] When he and the Ultimates confronted their Earth-1610 counterparts he was able to defeat their Hulk with just one punch.[40]
    Nigh Invulnerability: The Blue Marvel has survived a hydrogen bomb blowing up in his hands unfazed.[41] He was capable of withstanding blows from a large collection of superhumans made up of Ms. Marvel, Ares, Iron Man, Wonder Man, and Sentry unharmed. Blue Marvel can also breathe and survive in space.[42] He can also survive in a nuclear explosion without being harmed.[2]
    Anti-Matter Manipulation: Blue Marvel can absorb and generate vast amounts of anti-matter energy for various effects.
    Concussive Force Bolts: Blue Marvel can release anti-matter energy from his hands as bolts of concussive force.
    Stun Bolts: Blue Marvel can project low-energy of anti-matter bolts that render human beings unconscious.
    Energy Pulse: Blue Marvel can release all of his body's anti-matter energy as a massive omnidirectional pulse of devastating power.
    Flight: Blue Marvel flies by manipulation of gravitons, manipulation of magnetic fields, control of his absolute molecular movement, and utilizing his superhuman speed. Blue Marvel can fly far beyond supersonic speeds. He has been seen flying into space unaided under his own power.[4]
    Longevity: Blue Marvel ages much slower and lives much longer than normal human beings.[22]
    Matter Manipulation: Adam can also manipulate material bonds as well as he can control and manipulate anti-material and energy. Able to do so from the molecular to particle levels as he was capable of producing new particles to repair the damages to Spectrum's light form.[14]
    Energy Manipulation: Blue Marvel was able to re-arrange the photons in Spectrum (Monica Rambeau)'s body to stop the anti-photons from destroying her body and made her stronger and more powerful, strong enough to take down a tiny shadow of Shuma-Gorath.[14]
    Enhanced Mental Perception/Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: Blue Marvel possesses the ability to sense & comprehend things on levels that far exceed human capabilities. He can perceive different sensory spectra beyond the regular norm. Superior Spider-Man once likened him to being his own Electron Microscope,[14] enabling him to see into Spectrum's damaged energy form in order to repair what Proxima had done. Later he would expand his consciousness further through one of his inventions to find out about the imprisonment of conceptual existence.[25]

    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, endurance, senses, durability, intelligence and longevity
    Energy, manipulation, generation, absorption and projection
    Trained military and hand-to-hand combatant
    Highly proficient engineer and physicist
    Molecular manipulation
    Light manipulation and creation
    Anti-matter manipulation, absorption and projection

    Powers and abilities
    Anti-Matter Energy Absorption seems to be the main source of Blue Marvel's power. This source of power is the energy released from anti-matter which derives from the inter-dimensional universe called the Negative Zone.

    Superhuman strength: Blue Marvel possesses vast superhuman strength. He has been observed moving a meteor the size of Arkansas and routinely lifting and flying an aircraft carrier a considerable distance. The uppermost limits of Blue Marvel's strength is unknown, but it is in the same ballpark as Hulk, Sentry and Thor.
    Nigh invulnerability: Blue Marvel possesses nigh-invulnerability and durability, being capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury. He has withstood a nuclear detonation without any apparent physical trauma and is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided.[20]
    Flight: Blue Marvel flies by manipulation of gravitons, manipulation of magnetic fields, control of his absolute molecular movement, and utilizing his superhuman speed. Blue Marvel can easily attain escape velocity (or escape speed, which is about 34 times the speed of sound) and fly far beyond supersonic speeds, but it is not known if he can achieve speeds beyond the speed of light.[20]
    Enhanced mental perception: Blue Marvel possesses the ability to sense and comprehend things on levels that far exceed human capabilities.[20]
    Energy generation: Blue Marvel has the ability to generate and control negative matter energy based on antimatter. He can manipulate this energy for various effects, including creating energy constructs.[21]
    He can release his energy in the form of energy blasts, including Concussive Force Bolts, Stun Bolts and Energy Pulses[22]
    Molecular manipulation: Blue Marvel evidently is able to affect matter at a molecular level with a great degree of precision and control, as he did when he not only healed Monica Rambeau, but further boosted her electromagnetic abilities. It is not known if this ability is limited to electromagnetic particles only, or if the Blue Marvel is able to affect all matter, allowing him to alter an object's molecular composition or transmute elements.
    Bioluminescence: Brashear/Blue Marvel has exhibited the ability to emit light from his body.[23]
    Longevity: Blue Marvel ages much slower and lives much longer than normal human beings.[24]
    Trained combatant: He has been trained by the US Marines in armed and unarmed combat.[25][26]
    According to Brashear he is a stable "antimatter reactor", but from his broader explanation what he appears to do is channel exotic particles generated by a stable event horizon caused by the interaction of opposing positive matter and negative matter (Negative Zone) universes. Because Brashear has retained his abilities all this time, it would seem that either the specific generative reaction, that granted him his powers continues at an unseen or subatomic level in the facility where he first gained his abilities, or exotic particles generated by the experiment somehow became quantum entangled with Brashear.[8]

    Brashear holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics and a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University.[5] He maintains a massive undersea headquarters in the Marianas Trench at a location known only to Namor the Sub-Mariner.[6] Brashear normally wears gauntlets on both arms that channel and augment his vast powers. Blue Marvel is able to create portals from technology that he invented that far exceeds any technology currently on earth. Blue Marvel's main weakness is Neutronium, a substance from the Exo-Space.

    Super-Genius Intelligence: Adam Brashear is a genius in the field of theoretical physics and has made extraordinary strides in the study of antimatter.[2] According to Reed Richards, Adam's intellect matches that of Doctor Doom.[43]

    Trained Combatant: He has been trained by the US Marines in armed and unarmed combat.[1][2]

    Athlete: Brashear is also a highly talented football player though he is out of practice.[1]

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+, Adam is capable of lifting far in excess of 100 tons easily. He is stated to be in the same league as the Sentry, Hulk, and Thor.[37] Namor also stated that the only other beings who have hit him as hard as Blue Marvel were Hulk and Thor.[6]

    Neutronium: Blue Marvel appears to be only weak against this substance from the Neutral Zone.[17]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Thaddeus Ross (Earth-616)

    Venom/Ghost Rider: When he was fused with both the Venom Symbiote and the Spirit of Vengeance, Ross possessed a large variety of supernatural and symbiotic powers, and his own powers were greatly amplified by the Venom Symbiote and the Spirit of Vengeance. He had the following additional powers:

    Symbiotic Costume
    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Durability
    Superhuman Speed, Agility, and Reflexes
    Accelerated Healing Factor
    ESP (Spider-Sense)
    Immunity to Spider-Man's Spider-Sense
    Camouflage Capabilities
    Constituent-Matter Generation
    Constituent-Matter Manipulation
    Demonic Transformation
    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Durability
    Regenerative Healing Factor
    Hellfire Manipulation
    Mystical Chain Projection
    Penance Stare
    Hell-Mark: The Hell-Mark was given to Ross by Mephisto after being resurrected by him,[79] marking him as a potential candidate to become a Hell-Lord (current state of Ross' Hell-Mark is unknown).

    Formidable hand-to-hand combatant, skilled military tactician

    As Ross, he is as vulnerable as any human. However he can overcome this weakness with his will-powered transformation into Red Hulk. As Red Hulk, he displays a notable weakness against bladed and sharp objects. The Punisher was able to easily stab him with a knife through his chest causing excessive bleeding, and later Wolverine's cutting him open in the arm, back, chest and across the eyes, weakening and temporarily blinding him. Absorbing energy from the Negative Zone drains him. Red Hulk can overheat himself as the madder he gets the hotter he gets through the production of gamma radiation and is also vulnerable to mental attacks from powerful psychics.
  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    werewolf by night.
  • SlayerofTitansSlayerofTitans Member Posts: 1



    Serpent (Cul Borson)

    Nico Minoru

    The Spot

    Magus (Technarch)
  • MagnumsteelMagnumsteel Member Posts: 1


    Vampire by knight

    Malekith the Accursed


    Fing fang foom
  • TheEmperor785TheEmperor785 Member Posts: 1

    Jackal (Ben Reilly)

    The man with no face

    Star child

  • SquareBenefitSquareBenefit Member Posts: 1
    Most desired champions
    Beta Ray Bill
    Adam Warlock
    Blue marvel
    Wonder Man
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