Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Lady Sif

    Cul Borson

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Green Goblin (ultimate)

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Spider Noir


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Jean Grey


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Iron Skull

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Hulk (Amadeus Cho)


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Hydro Man

    Molten Man

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Blackjack o'hare


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    White Tiger


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Hydra Supreme

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Midnight Angel

  • Spacecowboy0Spacecowboy0 Member Posts: 1

    Cecilla Reyes


    Dani Moonstar

    Strong Guy
  • MaskidentityMaskidentity Member Posts: 1


    Valkyrie Brunnhilde



  • ManuelGzzManuelGzz Member Posts: 15
    • Superior Spiderman

    • Scarlet Spider (Kaine)

    • Spider Noir

    • Spider India

    • Silk

    • Silver Sable

    • Lizard

    • Morlun

    • Daredevil (Electra)

    • US Agent

    • Black Knight

    • Weapon H

    • Red Harpy

    • Sakaar

    • Dracula

    • Werewolf by night

    • Doom 2099

    • Lady Sif

    • Clea

    • Agony

    • Thena

    • Daken

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    My TOP 10 Most Wanted Characters in MCOC:

    1. Lizard

    2. Beta Ray Bill

    3. Werewolf by Night

    4. Superior Spider-Man

    5. Bullseye

    6. Mystique

    7. Morbius

    8. Pyro

    9. White Tiger (Ava Ayala)

    10. Prowler
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Sebastion Gilberti (Earth-616)
    Sebastion Gilberti (adopted name)[1]
    Arnold Rodriguez,[citation needed] Master Mold,[citation needed] Nicholas Hunter,[citation needed] Nimrod,[citation needed] Template[1]


    Cybernetic Body: As a cybernetic life form he possesses all of the various superhuman attributes:

    Superhuman Strength: His cybernetic body makes him inhumanly strong well beyond the human limit.
    Superhuman Speed: As a cybernetic life form he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Durability: As a cybernetic life form his construction makes him very durable.
    Superhuman Stamina: As a cybernetic life form he can exert itself well beyond the human limit.
    Superhuman Agility: As a cybernetic life form his agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Adaptation: Like all sentinels, he can assess the particular mutant abilities of his adversary and then modify his internal and external mechanism to compensate.
    Quick Self-Repair: The nanites in his body provides him a self-repair similar to a Healing Factor. After exposure to the blending of T.O. virus, his mechanical regeneration was vastly improved upon by many leagues.[26][21]
    Techno-Organic Wings: His transformation into a Nimrod based sentinel bestowed him with four techno-organic wings which he could use for aviation and defense.
    Flight: flight via jet boots and his wingspan.[16][27]
    Technoforming: Bastion can command and control computer systems and Sentinels with his computer brain alone. Even being able to commandeer and re-purpose robotic bodies for himself by supplementing his head onto their chassis.[28][14] When exposed to the modified strain of Technarchy Virus by the villain Mainspring. Bastion, as Template, gained the ability to transmute inorganic matter into techno-mechanical material with which he had complete and total control over.[12]
    Sentinel Creation: Bastion has the natural ability to create cyborg mutant killers called Prime Sentinels using a nanite based conversion process.[29] These powers were magnified many times over with the introduction of the T.O. Virus into his system, now bastion's sentinel tech Robotization enables the creation of Nimrod like Omega Prime Sentinels in those whom he's resurrected within his Council.[21]
    Size Alteration: Through his mastery of techno kinetic matter manipulation, Template could easily change and adjust his mass and height to monolithic proportions by converting and absorbing transmoded matter into itself.[30]
    Techno Shifting: Bastion's technorganic frame has vast metamorphic capabilities, so much so that he could merge himself into any mechanical, cybernetic or techno mechanical substance he pushed his consciousness through. Changing anything or anyone else around him along with his form at will. Through this he is able to assume his normalized and Nimrod forms at will.[28]
    Techno-Kinetic Possession: Through his metamorphic abilities he could cast his will into any and every form of machinery or anything his virulent substance infects.[31]
    Mechanical Duplication: Bastion, through his understanding of technological interface, used a decommissioned sentinel factory bionic clones of himself with enhanced intellect and bionic shapeshifting abilities.[32]
    Infection: Bastion can infect others with his Techno-Organic Virus giving them some of his unique abilities.[15]
    Mechanical Construct Creation: Shifting his technomorphic biomass enables bastion to generate new appendages and weaponry with a thought. Such as techno-organic wings for flight and missile pods generated from his shoulders.[26][21]
    Resurrection/Reanimation: Using his mastery of the transmode virus Bastion was able to resurrect his select generals and commanders within his Human Council to aid in the extinction of Mutants.[15]
    Hive Senses: He can access the senses of those he infects with his T.O. Strain, interfacing with their minds and thought processes. Everything his infectee sees he see's and through this connection he can feed them necessary information or bestow them with computerized senses in order to utilize and asses strategic advantages.[33]
    Energy Manipulation: Bastion had some modicum energy manipulation and casting abilities. A capacity which was only made stronger as he became a Transmode/Celestial Tech enhanced Nimrod series sentinel.
    Energy Projection: Able to shoot energy blasts from his hands and has laser vision he can fire from the eyes. During his final battle with hope, he showed he could project energy from his mouth as well.[21]
    Energy Shielding: Having been augmented through the Transmode Virus, he could project energy barriers of varying size and resilience. Once having erected a massive shield dome around the city of New York stretching from the bay area all the way to Utopia.[33]
    Technoformation: As the end result of the merger between Nimrod and Master Mold, Bastion has vast technokinetic modulation capabilities. Powerful enough to gather and reconstruct or outright upgrade his mechanical chassis out of excess scrap metal and robotic parts.[28]
    Psychic Immunity: It is also immune to psychic reading from telepaths.
    Space/Time Migration: With the resurgence of his Nimrod programming. Bastion could freely traverse the timestream to access the alternate timeline which part of himself hails from. He can also travel to alternate futures, this of coarse was accidental.[22]
    Teleportation: Bastion has a natural ability to warp to and from different locations under his own power, even choosing who he takes along with him in the jump.[22]
    Time Travel: He has the latent ability to travel to and from the future at will.
    Portal Creation: Bastion had the power to open rifts to the alternate timeline where he originates from in order to summon more Nimrod Sentinels.[33]
    Genius Intelligence[34]

    Laser pistol.

    Hope Summers (Earth-616)
    White Phoenix[2]
    Other Aliases:
    "Antichrist/Mutant Antichrist",[4] Exploding Girl,[5] "Hellspawn",[6] Hope Cable Summers,[5] "Little Girl",[7] "Little Momma",[7] Master,[8] Messiah,[9] Messiah Child,[10] Mutant Messiah,[11][12] Phoenix Messiah,[13] Red Ring of Death,[14] Throat Slicer[15]


    Hope Summers (Earth-616) and Cain Marko (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 541 001.jpg
    Hope draws on the powers of Pixie, Transonic, Rockslide, Magneto and Gentle to face Kuurth
    Power Manipulation: Hope is an Omega Level mutant[96][97] with ability to manipulate powers of other mutants in her close proximity,[82] but only mutants.[92]

    Power Mimicry: Hope's primary power allows her to copy the powers of any nearby mutant. Unlike other mutants with similar abilities, such as Rogue, Hope does not need to make physical contact and the person who's powers are copied suffers no ill effects. Hope seems to be subconsciously aware of any power she copies and is able to utilize it immediately, without any need to learn how to use them or even to see them in action first.[19][44] The powers she copies are at their full capacity[96] and she has full control over them[41] (regardless of how much the original wielder controls them and how well developed their powers are). Hope does not have any known limit on how many powers she can copy at the same time, but wielding multiple powers simultaneously is taxing on her.[55] The powers she duplicate fade away due to time, distance and usage.[95][98]
    Power Absorption Immunity: Hope herself is immune to power absorption abilities, as demonstrated when Rogue's power had no effect on her.[24][96]
    Power Regulation: Hope can stabilize the powers of other mutants and bring them to their most optimal state. Hope first used this ability to help the Lights, whose powers were unstable after activation.[99][49][100] Later on it became crucial to her role in The Five, as she continuously supported other members to keep their powers in peak condition, so that every resurrection was performed perfectly.[21] She also assisted two other Omega Level Mutants — Vulcan and Proteus — by supplying them with enough energy for completion of their part of Mars's terraformation.[86]

    Power Amplification: Hope has the ability to aid mutants by temporarily unlocking the full potential of their powers and augmenting them.[21][86]
    Power Synergizing: Hope has demonstrated the ability to aid other mutants in using their powers in synergy. One of her roles among the Five is to synchronize their powers and to help them operate in unison.[21]
    Power Sensing: Hope can track down a mutant by sensing their power. She used this ability to find and catch Velocidad, when he himself wasn't able to control his powers, and when telepaths were unable to pinpoint his exact location. It is unknown whether this applied only to the Lights, or if Hope can use this ability to track any mutant.[22]
    Power Bestowal: First shown when she activated the Five Lights.[19] Hope later used this power — greatly augmented by the Phoenix Force — to activate a multitude of new mutants all around the world.[20]
    Psychic Energy and Undetectability: It is also notable that after Hope's initial detection at birth, Cerebra blew up.[101] After repairs were made the Three-in-One tried to search for her because she had been kidnapped by the Marauders yet she somehow became undetectable by mutant-detecting equipment. It is possible, however, that she was merely being shielded by Cable, as he was with her from the time she left the hospital until he left to stop the Nimrod-Series Sentinels.[102] Hope was again able to disguise her signal when both the X-Men and Avengers were looking across the globe for her, through the use of a device Cable taught her to build.[103]

    Lights' Influence and Bonding: Soon after Hope's return to the present day, five new X-Genes manifested across the globe. Besides her own birth, these were the first new manifestations of mutant powers since M-Day.[19] The Lights were shown to be linked to each other with Hope able to exert a degree of control over them. Hope has exhibited both subconscious low-level powers of persuasion or manipulation over the lights, and when pushed, the ability to take control of their actions entirely.[51][93][104] All the Lights were also affected by the suicide of Zeeshan.[52] Also, when the Sixth Light activated, all of the Lights were able to sense it.[105]

    The Five later developed a similar bond, becoming an inseparable unit and preferring to always stay together. It is unknown if this was caused by Hope or was simply a result of them bonding through the shared use of their powers.[21]

    The mutant powers that Hope has previously mimicked include:

    Power Absorption from Rogue. She touched Rogue and survived without any damage and erased all of the previous memories and abilities Rogue had absorbed, including those of the Hecatomb. She also cured Rogue of the Strain 88 virus.[106] In other words, she did "reset [her] powers".[107]
    Telekinesis and Telepathy/Volga Effect from Cable. Using telekinesis, she was able to stop a bullet in midair, and she was able to sense Bishop's presence using telepathy.[30] When she was finally reunited with her father, she again mimicked his telekinesis and upon contact with him may have briefly gain precognition.[108] Hope was briefly an Omega Level Telekinetic after having stabbed Cable with the Psimitar.[109] Cable's telekinesis spilled out and was absorbed by Hope,[110] stored and used for weeks, allowing her to form force-fields,[98] telekinetic superhuman-strength[110] and "Omega-Level Mind Bullets".[111] Having copied whatever perversion Volga put in her father left Hope physically in a coma but kept her mind percolating enough to use her core power.[75]
    Energy Absorption and Concussive Blasts from Bishop. Absorbed and re-channeled a concussive blast at Bishop while he was hunting her.[30]
    Optic Blasts from Cyclops. Exhibited once when Hope yelled at Cyclops for sending Cable into the future without a way back[112] and again displayed it while battling Bastion.[41] Hope later displayed this power while furious with Evangeline Whedon in Cyclops' presence.[51]
    Organic Steel Transformation from Colossus. Used while battling Bastion to punch through his torso.[41]
    Psionic Exo-Armor from Armor. Used while battling Bastion to deflect his blasts.[41]
    Cryokinesis from Iceman. Used while battling Bastion in order to create a pillar of ice and temporarily freeze him.[41]
    Electrokinesis from Surge. Used while battling Bastion.[41]
    Geokinesis from Magma. Used while battling Bastion.[41]
    Telekinetic Creation of Biological Matter and Ferrous Material from Kenji Uedo. Used in Tokyo when trying to save Kenji from his powers manifesting. This is also the first time Hope consciously used her mutant powers.[48]
    Superhuman Strength and Self-Propelled Flight from Namor. Used to subdue Namor during his delirium in the Negative Zone. Hope also sprouted Namor's signature vestigial "wings" on both of her ankles while mimicking his powers.[113]
    Regenerative Healing Factor from Wolverine. Used to heal a black eye, several gunshot wounds to her shins and to regrow her nose, eyes and mend several cuts during her abduction by Crimson Commando.[114]
    Pixie Wings from Pixie. Used while attempting to remove the helmet of Kuurth.[55]
    Transonic Speed and Shifting Crystal Skin from Transonic. Used while attempting to remove the helmet of Kuurth.[55]
    Inorganic Rock Form from Rockslide. Used while attempting to remove the helmet of Kuurth.[55]
    Magnetokinesis from Magneto. Used while attempting to remove the helmet of Kuurth.[55]
    Extreme Strength from Gentle. Used while attempting to remove the helmet of Kuurth.[55]
    Extreme Strength from Gentle. Used while attempting to remove the helmet of Kuurth.[55]
    Stepping Disks from Magik. Used to teleport to a vantage point and shoot Sinister in the forehead.[115]
    Organic Diamond Form and Telepathy from Emma Frost. Used to shield herself from mind control by Sinister, and later to communicated while Emma was trapped in her diamond form while battling the Sinister-controlled Dreaming Celestial.[116]
    Telekinetic flight and Pyrokinesis from Exodus). Used when battling Exodus with Wolverine's X-Men.[117]
    Increased Size and Strength from Puff Adder. Used when stopping the Serpent Society's bank robbery.[92]
    Bone Claws from Wolverine. Used to fight against the Death Commandos.[118]
    Telepathy from Marvel Girl. Used once when Marvel Girl was tracking Hope for Cyclops and the Phoenix Five.[119]
    Breathing Fire from Shou-Lao. Used when fighting Cyclops. This is the first time Hope's been able to mimic the powers of a non-mutant. (although this was more due to her absorbing his power, which is the same as that of Iron Fist)[120]
    Hex Bolts from the Scarlet Witch. Used when fighting the Phoenix-empowered Cyclops.[121] Marking the second time she has absorbed the powers of another non-mutant as it was revealed that Pietro and Wanda are not children of Magneto.[122]
    Osteokinesis From Marrow.[123]
    X-Ray Vision from closeted mutant in physics class. Accidentally used while at boarding school.[71]
    Luck Manipulation from Domino. Used to find Cable.[71]
    Pheromonal Mind Manipulation from Kara Killgrave. Used to evade the Uncanny Avengers.[95]
    Telepathic Illusions from Mastermind (Martinique Wyngarde). Used to evade the Uncanny Avengers.[95]
    Electromagnetic Transference from MeMe. Used for an extended period of time while Hope secretly assumed MeMe's identity to join Cable and his X-Force.[75]
    Healing Trance, Superhuman Agility, Enhanced Strength, No Smell, Perfected Volga Process and Cure from Fantomex.[77]
    Telepathy from Psylocke. Used when X-Force was in battle with the deranged Fantomex.[77]
    Intuitive Genius from Doctor Nemesis.[123]
    Telekinesis and Telepathy from Jean Grey.[124]
    Solar Radiation Absorption and Rechanneling from Sunspot.[125]
    Kinetic Duplication from Multiple Man.[126]
    Telepathy from Proteus every time she replaces the need of a telepath working with the Five to put a mutant essence in a hollow husk during the resurrection process.[127]

    Hope Summers (Earth-616) from Cable Vol 2 5 001.jpg
    Baby Hope Summers with Phoenix eyes
    Hope Summers (Earth-616) and Phoenix Force (Earth-616) from X-Men Hope Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
    Present day Hope Summers with Phoenix eyes
    Hope Summers (Earth-616) and Phoenix Force (Earth-616) from Avengers vs. X-Men Vol 1 12 0002.jpg
    Hope Summers as the Phoenix
    Phoenix Force: Hope has demonstrated a flaming energy aura like the Phoenix raptor several times, even as early as five months old.[128][129][41][19] After Cable's return from the future and being consumed by the techno-organic virus, Hope absorbed the virus and used the Phoenix flames to destroy the virus and cure Cable. Cable then told Cyclops that Hope was the Phoenix.[130] As the Phoenix comes nearer to Earth, Hope has been able to feel its presence and exhibit the following powers:[131]

    Cosmic Pyrokinesis: Hope has created cosmic flames often under duress, but with increasing control.[citation needed]
    Concussive Force Blasts: Hope has wielded this energy to project beams of immense concussive force.[citation needed]
    Resurrection Force: Despite being fatally stabbed by the Shi'Ar Death Commandos, Hope was almost immediately revived by the Phoenix Force, with all of her injuries healed.[citation needed]
    Immortality: Hope cannot die, as the Phoenix will resurrect her if she sustains a fatal injury.[citation needed]
    Phoenix Force Avatar: When Hope finally became one with Phoenix Force she was able to use all of the Phoenix's powers. Though Hope was Phoenix it is unsure how strong she is compared to previous Phoenix hosts, such as Jean Grey. While bonded with the Phoenix, Hope gained the title White Phoenix, implying some connection to the Phoenix or Jean who took the title White Phoenix Of The Crown.[2]

    Hope was taught how to fight by Cable, with Cyclops continuing her training. Hope was further tutored in survival techniques, various hand-held firearms and blades, stealth, CPR, combat first-aid, warfare strategy, and some gymnastics.

    Lack Of Control: Hope's mutant powers are not fully under control and generates power levels that are potentially dangerous to people and environments around her.
    Power Limitation: Hope's ability to mimic superpowers is limited to mutants only.[92] Therefore, she cannot duplicate the abilities of non-mutant superpowered beings (i.e. Spider-Man, Luke Cage, or the Fantastic Four). Her duplicated powers do fade due to time, distance, and usage.[95][98] However, there were instances of Hope wielding powers from non-mutants, such as the Scarlet Witch (who was believed to be a mutant at the time) and Shou-Lao the Undying (a mystical, immortal dragon).[68]

  • LeopoldscotchLeopoldscotch Member Posts: 2



    Black Swan


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    U.S. Agent


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Power Man


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Harry Leland

    Donald Pierce

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Dylan Brock

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Death Head 2


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