Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Hope Summers

    Rachel Summers

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Black Racer

    Death Adder

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Juggernaut (Kuurth)

    The Thing (Angrir)

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Thor (Herald of Thunder)

    Old King Thor

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Radioactive Man

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Red Widow


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Black Mamba

    Puff Adder

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Fabian Cortez (Earth-616)
    Fabian Cortez
    The Power[1]


    Power Augmentation Manipulation: Cortez had the ability to augment the powers of other mutants, often to dangerous levels. Cortez could also use his power to read genetic code and harm other mutants while appearing to heal them. Fabian's powers also lets him make his power augmentation addictive if he so chooses. He also has some control over his own power's energy field, being able to constrict it around a foe.

    Power Siphoning
    Fabian was an experienced leader and a skilled martial artist.

    Ability to enhance mutant powers

    Powers and abilities

    Fabian Cortez possesses a unique mutation that grants him the ability to enhance or diminish energy levels. In the case of mutants, he can enhance their abilities occasionally to very dangerous levels and limits that may exceed the normal limits of the targets' control; temporarily empowering them at the expense of their health. Thus, burning out the targeted subjects physical bodies, sometimes at the molecular level.

    In X-Men #1 (1991), while on board Asteroid M, Magneto returns from a fight with the X-Men, having suffered deep lacerations to his lower abdomen from Wolverine's claws. Cortez seemingly "heals" Magneto, as he says he had also done with his sister after an earlier battle. These actions temporarily restore Magneto back to full health and vitality. However, these actions turn out to be false, as the effects on Magneto were frequently needed to sustain the "healing" effects by Cortez. Whether this was an offshoot of Cortez's main powers, a display of "controlled power boosting", or demonstrations of an ability to "trigger" a mutant's own natural healing abilities is not known. This ability was not used much or at all in his later history. Additionally, it has not been determined if his power affects human bio-energy or other naturally occurring energy in the same manner.

    Cortez could also use his powers to sense and interpret the genetic code of living beings and the unique bio-energy signatures and energy fields in other mutants. Likewise, he may also have some control over his own energy field along with possibly being able to constrict it around various targets and foes.

    Cortez is also a skilled martial artist and often carries a firearm. It has not been yet determined if his skill sets are rooted in a previous military background, resulting in advanced tactical expertise. Still, it is noteworthy to mention that he is highly intelligent and a formidable military tactician and strategist.

    In Magneto: Dark Seduction #4 an image of Mr. Sinister hovers over Fabian Cortez. This may imply that Mr. Sinister played a role in Cortez’s unexplained recovery from his previous death at the end of the Bloodlines crossover in Avengers #369.

    Jonathan Chambers (Earth-616)
    Jonathan Chambers

    Jonathan Chambers was a mutant and scientist who created a refuge on his island for mutants afflicted with the Legacy Virus. By feeding on their powers, he temporarily eased their pain.

    Power Absorption: Empyrean had the power to leech other mutants' powers and absorb them into himself.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Bennet du Paris (Earth-616)
    Bennet du Paris
    Paris Bennet,[1] Hero sans peur ("Hero without fear", misspelled),[2] Grand Duc Bennet du Paris[2]


    Exodus is one of the most powerful mutants alive. He was described as a Psionic of Highest Order.[45] He possesses vast superhuman powers, including telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and durability. His high-power levels are inexplicably linked to tampering by Apocalypse. He was later confirmed to be an Omega-Level Mutant.[46]

    Confidence Empowerment: Exodus's mutant abilities are enhanced when others around him or he himself, have faith in him and his abilities.

    Telekinesis: Exodus is an Omega-level telekinetic.[46] He is capable of very fine control over objects down to the molecular and even subatomic level. He can telekinetically accelerate the chemicals in someone's body.[15] His ability to manipulate and control objects and himself include:

    Intuitive Aptitude: He can disassemble complex devices explosively (separating every component, such as screws, nuts, circuit boards, etc.) and just as quickly, easily assemble complex devices. This also has enabled him to even attain awareness and control over objects as small as individual electrons in an atom.
    Force Field: Exodus can create protective force shields that can deflect even the most powerful of attacks, makes him nearly invulnerable, as well as crush objects within them.[47]
    Concussive Blasts: He can project telekinetic energies as powerful blast beams directed from his eyes,[48] hands,[49] or entire body[49] that can affect matter with concussive and/or explosive force.[50]
    Electromagnetic Blasts: He can manipulate the various types of energy of the Earth's electromagnetic spectrum to release tremendous amounts of heat to incinerate specific targets.[49]
    Telekinetic Flight: By levitating himself, he can “fly” at for very long distances and at speeds of Mach 2.[35]
    Telekinetic Healing: He is capable of healing others, for example repairing Xavier's brain using his powers after he had been shot in the head atom by atom.[51] (Note: Exodus essentially brought Xavier's body back to life, but more was needed to return Xavier's consciousness)
    Tactile Telekinesis: He can use telekinesis to enhance his own strength 100 tons, speed,[52] and reflexes.[53]
    Superhuman Durability: Exodus's skin, bone, and muscle tissues are augmented to levels that are considerably stronger and harder than normal humans and can withstand extreme temperatures.

    Disease Immunity: Due to his highly efficient immune system, he is immune to all Earthly poisons, toxins, venom, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergens, gas attacks, and nerve-toxins of any kind.

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Exodus has an accelerated healing factor that allows him to rapidly regenerate any damaged, missing and/or destroyed bodily tissues, cells, limbs, and organs.[54]

    Advanced Longevity: Exodus has lived for hundreds of years without further aging due to extensively healthy cells regenerating.

    Teleportation: Exodus can psionically transport himself, his clothing, and additional mass from one location to another.

    Empathy: He can psionically sense, control, alter/manipulate the feelings, sensations, and emotions of other people/animals psionically.

    Telepathy: Exodus can read minds and project his own thoughts into the minds of others. His telepathic powers include:

    Telepathic Tracking: He can detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations (thought patterns contained in the psionic portion of the spectrum).
    Heightened Awareness: Demonstrated the ability to detect a threat to his well-being in his immediate vicinity before they commit the action and possesses enhanced intuition.
    Telepathic Cloak: He can mask his presence from being detected by others. His abilities can at times go undetected or be counteracted by other more powerful telepaths depending on their level of skill in using their own psi abilities. He can extend these defenses to others around him as well.
    Mind Control: He can control the minds of others only if the target is in his physical presence.
    Telepathic Illusions: He can create illusions to make himself seem to be invisible, look like someone else, or make others experience events that are not truly happening.
    Mind Possession: He can possess the mind of another and use that being's body as her own.
    Mind Alteration: Exodus can alter the minds of others by force of will, changing their personality partially or entirely.
    Psionic Shield: He can erect a psychic shield for protection of his and of other minds.
    Mental Paralysis: He can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
    Mental Amnesia: He can erase any awareness of memories or cause total amnesia.
    Psionic Blasts: Exodus can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects, but which can affect a victim's mind to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and/or turn someone brain-dead.
    Astral Projection: He can project his astral form from his body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane he can only travel in astral form over short distances. In the astral plane, he can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of his environment.
    Absorb Information: He can quickly process and store information, by mental transference.
    Intuitive Multilingual: He can intuitively translate new languages.
    Psionic Vampirism: Exodus can also 'feed' upon the psionic energies of others, absorbing and stealing psionic energy from those around him and using it to his own advantage.[45][55]

    Notable aliases
    Paris Bennet
    Superhuman physical attributes
    Accelerated/Regenerative healing factor

    Powers and abilities

    Exodus is an Omega-level Mutant[29] and one of the most powerful mutants on earth. He possesses vast superhuman powers, including telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation, as well as superhuman durability and healing. His high power levels may be a result of tampering by Apocalypse.

    His telepathic abilities have at times matched those of Professor X, Emma Frost and Rachel Grey and less than X-Man and Jean Grey. Exodus has also used mind control to command a dozen X-Men to immediately fall asleep.[30]

    Exodus is able to use his telekinetic abilities to lift heavy objects, generate highly durable force fields around him, project damaging blasts and disassemble and reassemble complex technological devices. The Hulk and Apocalypse have been able to withstand his telekinetic attacks. He also uses this ability to allow himself and fellow Acolytes to affect a form of flight.[30] His telekinesis has sufficient fine control that he could perfectly reform Charles Xavier after Xavier's brain and skull were obliterated.

    Exodus is a teleporter of great range.[17][31] He has used this ability to transport himself and others across the planet and regularly transported Acolytes between Earth and the orbiting space station Avalon.

    Exodus exhibits superhuman durability and taken multiple blows and cuts which would shred an ordinary human including blows from Cannonball and Rogue (using Kid Gladiator's strength), gunfire from Hope, detonation from Gambit, and stabbing from Wolverine's claws.

    Exodus has also stated that he can heal and also bring the dead back to life. He appears to have done so on several occasions bringing back Acolytes who had been killed as well as Professor X.[15]

    Exodus quickly healed himself after Dust entered his mouth in sand form and obliterated his organs. He was on his feet and gathering Xavier's destroyed brains telekinetically and teleporting his team off of Muir Island only minutes after losing his internal organs.[32]

    Exodus is either immortal or extremely long-lived.

    Once, when severely weakened, he acted as a "psionic vampire", absorbing and stealing psionic energy from those around him and using it to his own advantage to re-energize himself.[9]

    In the presence of the loyal Acolytes his powers have appeared to be greatly amplified.[33] He showed himself capable of simultaneously:[7]

    Amplifying Genoshan mutates' hatred of humans
    Crushing Genosha via a massive force field
    Immobilizing Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Crystal and Jean Grey in another force field
    Mentally resisting Professor X's telepathic control
    Protecting himself from physical attacks
    Dealing out powerful psionic damage to both the X-Men and the Avengers
    Exodus has also been shown able to counter at least one form of reality manipulation[34] and his powers are proved too great to be absorbed by Rogue in their entirety, which led her to pick just one.[17]

    Nemesis (Earth-295)
    Dark Nemesis


    Life-force Absorption: Holocaust's primary mutant power was an ability to absorb various forms of ambient energy, including the life energy of other beings, into himself. He could use this drained energy to augment his other mutant attributes and was fully sustained by these energies. As a result, he required no food, water, air or even sleep to sustain his physical and mental health.

    Superhuman Strength: By purposely channeling the energy he had absorbed, Holocaust could grant himself sufficient superhuman strength to lift up to 2 tons.
    Superhuman Stamina: As a result of using his absorbed energy to enhance his strength, his musculature was far more efficient than that of an ordinary human. His muscles produced less fatigue toxins during physical activity than that of normal humans and he could potentially exert himself almost indefinitely, provided he could continue to absorb energy as needed.
    Superhuman Durability: Outside of his armor, Holocaust's body is in an almost intangible state. As a result, he is virtually impervious to all forms of physical injury. However, he must continuously absorb the life energies of others in order to maintain his form outside of his armor.
    Superhuman Reflexes: Holocaust's reflexes were heightened to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Plasma Blasts: Holocaust could generate concentrated beams of plasma, which he often used in combat situations. At his peak, he could generate plasma blasts reaching a temperature of about 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
    Flight: Holocaust could propel himself through the air, under his own power, at great speeds. He did so by creating super heated air currents that propelled him. While at his peak, he was able to reach speeds up to MACH-1, approximately 760 miles per hour.
    Psionic Resistance: Onslaught was able to alter Holocaust's brain engrams that rendered him resistant to most forms of telepathic assault. His engrams were altered to such a degree that he was rendered undetectable telepathically.

    Holocaust was a good hand to hand combatant, though he relied more on his powers than actual skill. The fact that he could absorb the life energies from most other beings was primarily responsible for his success in combat situations as it made him extremely difficult to fight.

    Holocaust relied on his armor to stay substantive. Outside of his shell, what was left of Holocaust's body was mostly intangible energy.[2] Absorbing life energy from others could recreate his physical form, but required constant replenishment.[26] The armor gave Holocaust a constant physical form that was not reliant on his powers and outside lifeforce to maintain.

    Crystalline Armor: Holocaust usually wore a high impact, crystalline suit of armor that essentially acted as a highly durable containment suit. Wearing this suit allowed him to remain in a cohesive form without having to constantly absorb ambient energies around him. When charged with life-force energies, the unique shapeshifting abilities of the armor allowed him to take on virtually any type of humanoid form.[4] However, he had to constantly absorb life-force energies in order to maintain the feature of whatever form he had taken.[27]
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Negasonic Teenage


  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Janet van Dyne - Supposed Class: Science

    Xolum - Supposed Class: Tech

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Hank Pym - Supposed Class: Science

    Growing Man - Supposed Class: Tech

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Scarlet Scarab


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Defender Strange


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Colleen Wing

    Lady Bullseye

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Multiple Man


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Mister Misery

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Franklin Richards

    Doctor Doom (God Emperor)

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Venom (God of Light)

    Absolute Carnage

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • GammascientistGammascientist Member Posts: 1


    Mother Righteous


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Jack O'Lantern


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Captain Universe (Spider)

    Ghost Spider

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