Feeling a bit grumpy? Join the old ladies!

Grumpy Old Ladies (tag: GOL!) is recruiting. We’re a new alliance, created and (mis)managed by a core group of veteran players. Soms of us were done with all the drama in other alliances. Others, like me, needed to step down from Platinum wars, because life caught up with us. We could adopt (resistance is futile) about seven players, so we can boot our alt accounts.
Or check the alliance, in-game tag: GOL!
Grumpy Old Ladies (tag: GOL!) is recruiting. We’re a new alliance, created and (mis)managed by a core group of veteran players. Soms of us were done with all the drama in other alliances. Others, like me, needed to step down from Platinum wars, because life caught up with us. We could adopt (resistance is futile) about seven players, so we can boot our alt accounts.
What we run
- Map 6, all days, as soon as we get up to strength (currently: 2 BG’s only)
- War at Bronze level (we basically had no rating). Aiming for Gold. No higher.
Worth it if
- You can run map 6 without too much trouble
- You understand donations are a must to run map 6
- You think it’s fun to go through the war ranks
- You want to join all by your lonesome
- Or you want to bring a few friends along
- You either live on the west coast of the US or in Europe
Bad choice if
- You love to spend all your Glory on potions to stay competitive at Platinum or up
- You don’t have Line, and will never install it – not even at gun point
- You like rewards, but don’t want to work for them yourself – laziness is godliness
Hit me up on Line: born.to.hulaOr check the alliance, in-game tag: GOL!
Hit me up on Line: born.to.hula
Or check the alliance, in-game tag: GOL!