So is Aegon and Corvus Blade going to be next to get nerfed?

I used Namor and Cull Obsidian to a certain extent before both got nerfed and to be perfectly honest, they weren't really that "beyond god-tier" as advertised by the YouTubers. Namor you had to wait to build up Imperius Rex to deal good damage, and if you were just an average player like me it's difficult to sustain that SP chain that after your trigger SP3. Cull had to be duped and had to build up a few fights before his damage output became serious.
If we simply stacked let's say, Aegon vs Cull and Namor vs Corvus, both Aegon and Corvus are still further ahead in terms of being "beyond god tier" in their abilities. So going by this logic, if Kabam creates these "unintended abilities" of champs we sacrificed so much to get and rank up only to find out later that they will be nerfed, where and who will draw the line? Is this going to be what we'll have to just get used to because proper testing wasn't done before the champs that get nerfed got released?
I would rather spend maybe an entire quarter in 2020 really focusing on enhancing the beyond garbage tier champs like HulkBuster, the two Cyclops, Groot, etc. instead of nerfing the champs that we worked so hard to get. It just pains me to see that the decisions made by the Kabam executive team love to break the heart of the player base.
If we simply stacked let's say, Aegon vs Cull and Namor vs Corvus, both Aegon and Corvus are still further ahead in terms of being "beyond god tier" in their abilities. So going by this logic, if Kabam creates these "unintended abilities" of champs we sacrificed so much to get and rank up only to find out later that they will be nerfed, where and who will draw the line? Is this going to be what we'll have to just get used to because proper testing wasn't done before the champs that get nerfed got released?
I would rather spend maybe an entire quarter in 2020 really focusing on enhancing the beyond garbage tier champs like HulkBuster, the two Cyclops, Groot, etc. instead of nerfing the champs that we worked so hard to get. It just pains me to see that the decisions made by the Kabam executive team love to break the heart of the player base.
B. Nope
C. Even if they wanted to "nerf" these champs they wouldn't touch aegon cause he's an original character and original characters are always extremely strong.
D. They wouldn't even "nerf" corvus cause it's way overdue plus they did say that he was designed for legend runs as in he was designed to end fights quickly.
E. They probably won't touch any champ that wasn't released in 2019+
seriously though, nerfs are gonna happen! Corvus was released ages ago so they prob won't touch him though.
For instance if they release Longshot and say "he's supposed to be a top tier damage dealer" versus "he's shouldn't outperform X, Y and Z on damage" that's going to pepper how you treat those champions. It's not obvious at all at first blush how far along the spectrum a champ is supposed to be so you have no idea who will be nerfed or not.
OP making 2 outrageous posts the....
It's like when people say these nerfs aren't a big deal...ok, then why did they need to happen at all? If it's not a big deal leave it alone.
I think everyone would be happier if balance happened before champ released not months and months later. It shouldn't be that hard to assess dps.