
Is there a list of abbreviations used on this forum?
It took me months to learn that HE stands for Hawkeye (I used to think it was Hyperion, but the comments didn't make sense).
Who is AV, for example?
It took me months to learn that HE stands for Hawkeye (I used to think it was Hyperion, but the comments didn't make sense).
Who is AV, for example?
DD - Daredevil
SW - Scarlet Witch
BB - Bed And Breakfast (Lol), Blackbolt
BW - Black Widow
CW - Civil Warrior
GR - Ghost Rider
GP - Gwenpool
DV - Doctor Voodoo
That should get you started. I am a bit pressed for time.
SM Spider-man
DS Doctor Strange
Mags Magneto
BPCW Black Panther Civil War
CA or Cappy Captain America
CA WW2 The better Captain America
Some are abbreviations and others are more like acronyms so it can be tough to figure out which is being used.
Ex: "TH" could be an abbreviation for "Thor" or an acronym for The Hulk
No one I know calls hulk or thor TH. They are simply Thor and hulk
JF-Joe Fixit
RH-Red Hulk
LC-Luke Cage
SM spiderman
AM antman
MM miles morales
SG spider Gwen
SH she hulk
WS winter soldier
CB crossbones
BW black widow
BP black panther
AV agent venom
BPCW black panther civil war
MK moon knight
HE hawkeye
DD daredevil
NDD Netflix daredevil
GP Gwenpool
NC night crawler
DP(X) Deadpool(X)
MMN magneto marvel now
OML old man Logan
AA archangel
SIM superior iron man
MM miss marvel
CM captain marvel
BB black bolt
VP venompool
SSM symbiotic spiderman
GG green goblin
HB hulkbuster
IP iron patriot
RR rocket raccoon
IM iron man
SL star lord
WM war machine
CW civil warrior
DO doc ock
SMSE spiderman stark enhanced
GR ghost rider
IF iron fist
DS doctor strange
DV doctor voodoo
SW scarlet witch
Thor JF Thor Jane foster
UC unstoppable colossus
KG king groot
KK Kamala khan
Strange- Doctor Strange
Voodoo- Doctor Voodoo
Rulk-Red Hulk
Widow-Black Widow
Howard-Howard The Duck
IHWTMST- I have way too much spare time
It's a good point. Now that you mention it they are usually posted as you said.
Still, unless it is one of the more common ones, it can take me a minute to figure out who someone is referencing as I go through the marvel catalog of champions inside my head for a match.
Awesome !
Rulk (red)
Shulk (she)
Gulk (Gladiator)
Jane (Foster)
AoU/AUV (age of Ultron vision)
Vision (classic)
SM (Spidey Classic)
SYM (black suit Spider-Man)
MM/Miles (Miles Morales)
KK (Kamala KHAAAN)
HE/Hawk (Hawkeye)
Ice (iceman)
IM (iron man)
Thor (classic)
Rag (Thor Ragnorok)
IM-IW (iron Man Infinity War)
CA (classic captain America)
WW2/WWII (wwii captain America)
CAIW (captain America infinity war)
Marvel (one of the Carol Danvers)
Jugg/Juggs/juggy (Juggernaut)
Hype (Hyperion)
BB (Black Bolt)
Red/white mag(s) (respective Magneto)
AA (energizer bunny) (I mean Archangel)
much easier to type MS, than the Morningstar
Easier for some... haha. Not for us who barely know the names of all champs.
I have to look up some of these short forms. Maybe it's just me, but I find it easier remembering a name, than two letters. (Also, not really knowing the character Morningstar or caring much about it might not help in this case)
Then again, it's quite typical north american to use many abbreviations, we don't do that as much in Sweden. At least not my generation. Maybe the younger generation of online gamers disagree.
I wish people would stop necroposting.
SA= Summoner Advancement
AE= Alliance Event
SE= Solo Event
AW= Alliance War
AQ= Alliance Quest
EQ= Event Quest
BA= Basic Arena
FA= Featured Arena
(You'd be surprised how many people don't know what SA means)
Edit: Nevermind... NF stands for Nick Fury. LOL how could I forget about him?
Cap marvel movie = sparkles
Stark Enhanced spiderman = sparky
Storm pyramid x = glancing babe
if anyone is still interested
🧊 👨 for the win!