List of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations used for MCoC

HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
I've tried to make a comprehensive list, but I still feel I've missed some. Moreover, the game is forever evolving, so more will be added.

Feel free to add any that I've missed.

* = shared; use context and deductive reasoning
+ = rarely used


BB - Black Bolt
CM - Captain Marvel
CG/Corvus - Corvus Glaive
Hype - Hyperion
KG - King Groot
MM* - Ms. Marvel
KK - Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
PM - Proxima Midnight
Symb/Symb Spider-Man/Symby+/SSM+ - Spider-Man (Symbiote)
SIM - Superior Iron Man
VP - Venompool
VTD - Venom the Duck

AA - Archangel
Blue Cyclops/90's Cyclops - Cyclops (Blue Team)
Red Cyclops/Effective - Cyclops (New Xavier School)
DP/OG DP/Redpool - Deadpool
DPX/DPXF - Deadpool (X-Force)
Dom - Domino
EF+/Emma - Emma Frost
GP*/Goldy+ - Goldpool
Mags*/Red Mags/Rags+ - Magneto
Mags*/White Mags/Wags+ - Magneto  (Marvel Now!)
NC - Nightcrawler
OML - Old Man Logan
OR - Omega Red
ST - Sabretooth
Wolvie - Wolverine
X23 - Wolverine (X-23)

DS - Doctor Strange
DV - Doctor Voodoo
Dorm - Dormammu
GR - Ghost Rider
Guilly/Gilly - Guillotine
IF - Iron Fist
IIF - Iron Fist (Immortal)
Juggs/Juggy - Juggernaut
Meph - Mephisto
MS - Morningstar
SW/Switch - Scarlet Witch
SS* - Symbiote Supreme
JF*/Jane/Lady Thor+ - Thor (Jane Foster)
UC* - Unstoppable Colossus 

Abom - Abomination
AM+ - Ant-Man
CA/Cap - Captain America
CAIW - Captain America (Infinity War)
CAWWII/WWII - Captain America (WWII)
Gulk/Ghulk/Hulk Rags+ - Hulk (Ragnarok)
Fixit/JF*+ - Joe Fixit
OG Hulk - Hulk
LC*/Luke/Cage - Luke Cage
Rulk/RH - Red Hulk
Shulk+ - She-Hulk
SG*/Gwen* - Spider-Gwen
Spidey/SMC/SM+ - Spider-Man (Classic)
Miles/MM* - Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
YJ - Yellowjacket

AV - Agent Venom
BP/BP OG - Black Panther
BPCW - Black Panther (Civil War)
BW - Black Widow
CB/XB+ - Crossbones
DD - Daredevil (Classic)
Netflix - Daredevil (Netflix)
GP*/Gwen* - Gwenpool
HE - Hawkeye
KM - Killmonger
KP - Kingpin
Mas - Masacre
MK - Moon Knight
NT+ - Night Thrasher
TM - Taskmaster
Thor Rags - Thor (Ragnarok)
Bucky/WS - Winter Soldier 

CW/Civie+ - Civil Warrior
DH - Darkhawk
Doc Ock - Doctor Octopus
GG - Green Goblin
HB - Hulkbuster
HTD/Howard - Howard the Duck
IM - Iron Man
IMIW - Iron Man (Infinity War)
IP - Iron Patriot
Neb - Nebula
2099 - Punisher (2099)
RS - Red Skull
RR/Rocket - Rocket Raccoon
Sparky/Starky/SS*+/SMSE+ - Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced)
SL - Star-Lord
Ultron Prime/OG Ultron/Lab Ultron - Ultron (Classic)
OG Vision - Vision
AOU Vision - Vision (Age of Ultron)
WM - War Machine



MCOC - Marvel Contest of Champions
AQ - Alliance Quest
AW - Alliance War
AWA - Alliance War Attack
AWD - Alliance War Defense
EQ - Event Quest
ROL - Realm of Legends
RTTL - Road to the Labyrinth
LOL - Labyrinth of Legends
Decimal numbers are used to indicate different points in various quests. Two numbers represent an EQ or Variant Quest (3.1) and three numbers represent an Act Quest (5.2.4). These numbers identify the act, chapter and quest.
A1/2/3... - Act 1/2/3...
R1/2/3... - Rank 1/2/3...
L1,2,3/sp1,2,3/s1,2,3  - special attack 1,2,3
5x5/55555/etc - indicates the days and maps the alliance does in Alliance Quest
Cat - catalyst
ToS - Terms of Service
RDT - Rank Down Ticket
RUG+ - Rank Up Gem
AG - Awakening Gem
Stone - Signature Stone
Sig - signature
S99/s200 - signture level of champion
4/40 - usually indicates a rank 4 4*
5/50 - usually indicates a rank 5 4*
4/55 - usually indicates a rank 4 5*
5/65 - usually indicates a rank 5 5*
1/25 - usually indicates a rank 1 6*
2/35+ - usually indicates a rank 2 6*
UC* - Uncollected difficulty
LC* - Liquid Courage mastery
GC - Glass Cannon mastery
DW - Deep Wounds mastery
WP - Willpower mastery
DE - Double Edge mastery
Dex - Dexterity mastery
MD - Mystic Dispersion mastery
SYG - Stand Your Ground mastery
GMC - Grand Master Crystal
PHC - Premium Hero Crystal
FGMC - Featured Grand Master Crystal
RNG - Random Number Generator; this is how all drops are determined
T4b*,t3b,t5b,etc - Tier 4 basic, etc
T4cc,t3cc,etc/cc - Tier 4 class catalyst, etc/ class catalyst
T1a*,t2a - Tier 1 alpha catalyst, tier 2 alpha catalyst
T4b* - Tier 4 basic catalyst arena
T1a* - Tier 1 alpha catalyst arena
Suicides - masteries that hurt the player but give a large boost to attack
PI - power index; rating of tour champions with boost and masteries
Prestige - the average PI of your top 5 champions without boosts, masteries or synergies
ROL Bucky/WS - the first champ in Realm of Legends. He is the most easily accessible "boss" type character that people use to test champions, abilities or synergies.
G1,gold 1,p1,plat 1, etc - gold 1, platinum 1, etc. These are alliance ranking in Alliance War Seasons
1v1 - Versus Quickmatch
DoT - Damage Over Time
HoT - Healing Over Time
DPS - Damage Per Second
AI - Artificial Intelligence
PvP - Player versus player; this type of interaction does not exist in the game
PG+ - Power Gain
FS+ - Fate Seal
Buff - something that increases the effectiveness of a champion
Nerf - something that decreases the effectiveness of a champion
Proc - "a process" which has evolved into meaning the chance of a percentage based ability to trigger
Mini/mini boss - a boss type character that is in a quest or war
OP* - Orginal Poster
OP* - Overpowered
MLLLM - medium, light, light, light, medium combo; the most common combo attack string
MLLLL - medium, light, light, light, light combo
Tanking* - deliberately losing an Alliance War during the off season
Tanking*/Tank - deliberately taking the full force of an attack; relying on an ability or remaining health to thwart the attack
MI - Marvel Insider


  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    Hamin wrote: »
    Red Cyclops/Effective - Cyclops (New Xavier School)

    Best one.

    Lol glad you noticed.
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    Ultron OG is also known as ultron drone (thoug he is not i know) because He looks like the Drones from the original ultron aou Event.
    In germany very common.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    There is one more you missed:
    AAR - Ability accuracy reduction.

    As much as I used ST+KM, it's embarrassing I missed this one.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Thanks for the list, very handy if I forget an acronym.
    Hamin wrote: »
    Buff - something that increases the effectiveness of a champion
    Nerf - something that decreases the effectiveness of a champion

    Well buff/nerf is indeed in forum terms an improvement/decline of a champion, in-game it is buff/debuff and applies to a certain type of status effect that yield positive/negative results.

    Don't forget nodes, a lot of people (myself included) don't usually know all the effects by hard. I've searched the internet and there is nowhere a list of those. Like:
    • Masochism
    • Buffet
    • Mesmerize
    • etc.

    Also: meme champion: KK, Colossus, Spider-Gwen, Joe Fixit,...

    Also, nicknames. Like potato head (MODOK).
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Thanks for the list, very handy if I forget an acronym.
    Hamin wrote: »
    Buff - something that increases the effectiveness of a champion
    Nerf - something that decreases the effectiveness of a champion

    Well buff/nerf is indeed in forum terms an improvement/decline of a champion, in-game it is buff/debuff and applies to a certain type of status effect that yield positive/negative results.

    Don't forget nodes, a lot of people (myself included) don't usually know all the effects by hard. I've searched the internet and there is nowhere a list of those. Like:
    • Masochism
    • Buffet
    • Mesmerize
    • etc.

    Also: meme champion: KK, Colossus, Spider-Gwen, Joe Fixit,...

    Also, nicknames. Like potato head (MODOK).

    This is a list of acronyms though, so your point is not necessarily relevant in this discussion.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Do kabam have the ability to pin this discussion?
  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★
    edited February 2019
    Dupe - Duplicate Champion
    Kabam-med - Getting a horrible champion in a crystal you invested a lot of time on. Otherwise known as life slapping you in the face.

    That's all I got.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Or......we could negate the need for a comprehensive list of acronyms and abbreviations by not being lazy and actually typing out the names.

    You haven't used the in-game chat much, don't you?
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Thanks for the list, very handy if I forget an acronym.
    Hamin wrote: »
    Buff - something that increases the effectiveness of a champion
    Nerf - something that decreases the effectiveness of a champion

    Well buff/nerf is indeed in forum terms an improvement/decline of a champion, in-game it is buff/debuff and applies to a certain type of status effect that yield positive/negative results.

    Don't forget nodes, a lot of people (myself included) don't usually know all the effects by hard. I've searched the internet and there is nowhere a list of those. Like:
    • Masochism
    • Buffet
    • Mesmerize
    • etc.

    Also: meme champion: KK, Colossus, Spider-Gwen, Joe Fixit,...

    Also, nicknames. Like potato head (MODOK).

    This is a list of acronyms though, so your point is not necessarily relevant in this discussion.

    The node name is a sort of abbreviation. Nobody really states if it is a node or what it does, but assumes everyone knows.
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    F2P is a good one.
  • Drstu3000Drstu3000 Member Posts: 31
    Wow what do you people do with all the time you save by using these stupid abbreviations
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Drstu3000 wrote: »
    Wow what do you people do with all the time you save by using these stupid abbreviations

    Win the game - achieve something thought to be very difficult in nature, especially that which one previously believed that one would never achieve. (Ex. ROL, LOL, Darkhawk Uncollected)
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    winterthur wrote: »
    ma boi / pillow fist = Luke Cage :)

    You know he got buffed a while ago right
  • The_Soul_AssassinThe_Soul_Assassin Member Posts: 63
    I have a LINE bot that I made that has the acronyms for champs. You can find my forums post here:
  • Sokrates_77Sokrates_77 Member Posts: 13
    What does CEO stand for in MCOC? I have a feeling it is not CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,968 ★★★★★

    What does CEO stand for in MCOC? I have a feeling it is not CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER.

    Don’t necro threads.

    And it just means you have really good luck
  • edited February 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • Sokrates_77Sokrates_77 Member Posts: 13

    What does CEO stand for in MCOC? I have a feeling it is not CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER.

    Don’t necro threads.

    And it just means you have really good luck
    My apologies. And thanks for the answer.
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