New Masteries and/or Champ adjustments with AW Changes?

With one of the biggest changes to the AW being the removal of the champs class being hidden from you, does this mean the Class Detect masteries are useless? Do they serve a purpose anywhere else in the game?
If the answer is, yes they are useless. Does that mean we will see new masteries coming out in 15.0? I would imagine this would be the best time to release new ones or update old ones. I haven't seen a comment from a mod saying anything about masteries with the AW changes, aside from they will take a persons question about the detect masteries to the game team.
Should we all hold off on unlocking or changing our mastery setups until 15.0? If there are new masteries or an update to old ones coming to 15.0 I would hate to spend a ton of units for something that might end up not working the same or have more options than I do now.
What should happen to those who spent units on class detect masteries, that could very well be useless?
Another change is the removal of Thorns, does this mean those champs that were used by top alliances to defend thorns will get some sort of adjustment or buff? Some people took 5* Ant-Man to 4/55, a careless move perhaps, or would it be worth it if he could be a better attacker without taking away his glancing ability?
There are also those who countered Thorns, will they get an adjustment of some kind? Much to think about and discuss, hopefully we get some official hints or comments. What do you all think about all of this?
If the answer is, yes they are useless. Does that mean we will see new masteries coming out in 15.0? I would imagine this would be the best time to release new ones or update old ones. I haven't seen a comment from a mod saying anything about masteries with the AW changes, aside from they will take a persons question about the detect masteries to the game team.
Should we all hold off on unlocking or changing our mastery setups until 15.0? If there are new masteries or an update to old ones coming to 15.0 I would hate to spend a ton of units for something that might end up not working the same or have more options than I do now.
What should happen to those who spent units on class detect masteries, that could very well be useless?
Another change is the removal of Thorns, does this mean those champs that were used by top alliances to defend thorns will get some sort of adjustment or buff? Some people took 5* Ant-Man to 4/55, a careless move perhaps, or would it be worth it if he could be a better attacker without taking away his glancing ability?
There are also those who countered Thorns, will they get an adjustment of some kind? Much to think about and discuss, hopefully we get some official hints or comments. What do you all think about all of this?
Changing champions doesn't make sense just because AW will change.
Isn't that a problem though? They should of had an answer ready for the class detect masteries. I guess changing champs because of the AW changes doesn't make all that much sense but well some, if not a lot of stuff that happens in this game doesn't make sense and is working as intended.
of course changing champions makes sense because AW will change. Some champs were ranked ONLY because of AW.
Well, yeh. But how do you expect Kabam to identify all champs that were used in Thords node and buff them just for this reason?
They can't
They could just look at the champs they created that would be most useful for Thorns, those who defended it and those who countered it. I beleive it was a mod in the old forum that said Supr, Iron Man was still a good option to defend thorns. Now the game has come a long way since then but they know what purpose the champs they create will serve.
They also claimed to play the game, so they could be in any of our alliances. They are among us and they know what people do. They could easily figure out who to buff when it comes to those who attacked and defended Thorns.
We won't get them, of course, but it's as good a reason to issue them as any.
Changes in a champions usefullness happen with the changing seasons of every AQ and addition of new content, if people didn't account for that when making huge rank up decisions with end game materials well sucks to be them wasting end game materials on single use pigeonholed champions. There is no way prestige and rosters should be now allowed a mulligan because people made poor decisions. Back during 12.0 and the RDTs the devs came out and said AW was due for a shake up, players were informed that the status quo would not remain.
Changes will and do happen if people do not account for that when making critical decisions and will be stuck with they failed at strategy, Kabam should not be in the business of coddling players.
Will we get it? No. Doesn't make them any money.
How dare you (the players) rank people for a specific function, when we can just take it away and leave you hanging!
Bought sunglasses!! Huzzah, rainclouds!
Snowboard! You're not a desert!
etc etc
I agree with it this to a certain point. I know several that have unlocked the mastery though only when AW began to hide everything about the opponent in most of the content.
I can understand them not refunding it if you unlocked the mastery more then 3 - 6 months a go, but I'm willing to bet that anyone that unlocked it the last few months only did so because of AW.
But I'll try and be fair here and would suggest that anyone that unlocked it between 2 and 3 months a go should have the costs at least partially refunded, and if you unlocked them in the last month fully refunded.
Yes they may have released the detect masteries before the AW, but who's to say they didn't just release it early for us to test so it would be ready for the AW?
As for the champs they create, they know where those champs will most useful or how many modes they will be best for. It's up to us to figure out where each champ is best suited for. It could be a generic defender for AW or a specific champ for a specific node to attack or defend. It could be a great attacker for the entire game or just someone for the arena.