Very important question

I recently started playing again after 2 yrs, what do I do to get up to date on everything. Cuz honestly, I feel like I'm starting all over again. Any recommendations? Maybe yt beside Seatin? Anything will help thank you
Not sure where you left off but the most important thing to initially spend units on is cores to unlock specific masteries, parry and dexterity are must-haves. Beyond that it'll depend on your top champs and what your focus is.
Generally spending units for crystals is pure gambling and seldomly payoff. You're better to then use your units towards clearing content.
Seems like most alliances prefer LINE as the chat app for MCOC. Welcome back!
2. I think Line is still the 800 pound gorilla when it comes to alliance chat, but there are those that use other things like ClanHQ or Discord or Telegram. There are also Discord chat channels for the game in general, but as I don't subscribe to them I'm not the best source there.
3. The consensus for units is the number one priority is masteries. Decide what kind of mastery set up you want to use, and make it a priority to unlock and activate them first. After that, there isn't general consensus. A high percentage of people will say if you are stuck unable to complete either the main Act content or the Variant difficulty quests and a *reasonable* amount of units will get you there, you should spend there next. Of especially high priority is to become Uncollected (complete Act 5.2 including the Collector fight at least once), and then Cavalier (complete Act 6.1 at least once). Some would say that spending some fraction of your units on Cavalier crystals is a good deal, others don't. I personally think it depends on how fast you earn units: if you earn a constant stream of them from arena grinding spending *some* on Cavs is a good idea. If units are a precious commodity then it is less so.
If you're coming back after two years, here's some significant changes to the game that may be worth investigating further:
1. There's now a subscriber program called the Summoner Sigil. It is $9.99 US a month and you get a bunch of perks, including a special store and a weekly event that has milestone rewards that give you enough units to alone be worth the subscription price. Search around for more details about this, and if you are a spender whether you're interested in spending your money there.
2. AQ and AW have been revamped several times in the last two years. In particular, AW now has "seasons" with end of season rewards, while AQ has new "peak" milestone rewards and a much improved glory store. You need to decide how involved you want to be in AQ and AW, and find an alliance with similar goals. (Or, you can even make a solo alliance if you wish.)
3. About a year and a half ago Kabam started releasing "Back Issues" which are older content being rereleased with two difficulties: something close to the original (very low) difficulty and an end game or near end game difficulty generally referred to as Variant difficulty. These Variant Back Issues contain relatively good rewards, but require decent to high skills and a strong roster to complete. Also, interestingly, the Back Issues have arguably gotten slightly easier with each release, so the easiest one to complete is actually the most recent one, not the first one. Worth checking out depending on your progress level, although you might need some time to get back into the swing of things and/or develop roster and skills to take them on. Googling around should get you a lot of information on the best strategies to take these on.
4. There have been several restructures of masteries which may affect you. Some masteries no longer have costs and had those costs refunded, and some masteries are in different places in the mastery "trees." However, there are no *new* masteries since you were here two years ago.
5. There are new "progress titles" in the game which are unlocked by completing certain content. Everyone starts at "Summoner" and then Contender (complete Act 2), Proven (complete Act 3), Conqueror (complete Act 4), Uncollected (complete Act 5.2), Cavalier (complete Act 6.1). Each title in general comes with a better calendar, better daily crystals, and better rewards for certain content (also sometimes better cash and unit offers). The "title" progress is really how the game intended to gate progress in the game into the future, rather than "levels." Most people would tend to agree that your immediate goal is to progress as far as you can in terms of titles (and therefore Act content) within reason. It isn't worth spending a ton in my opinion, but if you can reach the next title with little or no spending, that's what you should be doing next.
Honestly, the game's the same in terms of the basics, but so much of the details are different in small or big ways. A lot of the champs considered top tier today didn't exist in the game two years ago. Rewards by in large are better, and it is much easier to progress than it was two years ago. But you'll also hear some people say that things are worse, by comparing their specific situation today to some other part of the game today, rather than the situation today verses a year or two ago. The game is also somewhat more complex than it used to be, in terms of how champions work, how the various abilities interact with each other, and the kinds of tactics considered "typical" today verses two years ago.
I would suggest just play the game at your own pace, find a good alliance (if that's your cup of tea) and learn it as you go. There's too much to cover in a single go, but nothing about the game isn't easy to learn over time just by playing, watching other people play, and taking the time to read the game text and maybe the occasional forum or Reddit article.
I have nothing else to say, @DNA3000 covered almost all of the new changes in the game
Playing on a cold, solid surface can sometimes help, like a hardwood or stone table surface. But I wouldn't recommend trying to explicitly cool the phone while playing, like using external cooling pads or things like that, excessively because they can only cool the outside of the phone, meanwhile the inside might get hotter than desired or the battery might drain faster than designed which can actually damage your phone over time.