6* Vision offer

Uatu_Tazuka1Uatu_Tazuka1 Member Posts: 5
Hi all, I have been grinding for 3 months and have collected just over 15k units. Based on trends, I suspect the 6* Vision offer to roll around again sometime around late April or May (he seems to be offered approximately every 6 months). My question is: if I can't afford the dupe when he's offered, will I be able to purchase the dupe (and also receive bonus materials such as rank up jems) when he is offered again in November for 15k units, or do I need to continue to save until I have the 30k units and purchase all at once?


  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 843 ★★★
    If its like years past you can purchase him once both times but the bonus sig stones and rank up materials are always included in the 2nd part of the deal, not the first.
  • Uatu_Tazuka1Uatu_Tazuka1 Member Posts: 5
    Thank you. That's what I feared. I suppose that means I need to double down on my grinding or just be patient, keep grinding, and wait until November-ish when I know I can afford the whole enchilada.
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