Why are so many outdated champs in the six star pool?

typghtypgh Member Posts: 80
I pulled my fifth 6* the other day and got Drax, an OG champ all the way from 2014. Like a lot of those original champs, he is basic as all hell. He has ZERO utility, with his only abilities being fury buffs and bleeds. I tried to be positive about it at first. I have a 6* Gamora and Nebula, so I have a Guardians synergy team building up that could be fun to use. Then I actually leveled him up and tried him out...

He ended up with a lower rating than all of my other 6*s and R4s. He does not even hit 8K rating. I expected his damage would at least be good. I mean, that is all he seems to be meant for. It was terrible though. I brought him into ROL with full synergy team and he hit like a wet noodle. Most of his crits didn't even hit 2k damage. I seriously have R3 that put up better numbers. His fury buffs and bleeds are inconsistent and weak and he needs awakened to get more than two buffs at a time.

In 2020 when all the newest content has ridiculously specific nodes, why am I spending two months grinding for an ancient champ that I would never actually bring into any Act 6 quest? I don't expect every pull to be God tier, but they should at least have some use. I can't imagine ever using him for anything but Arena as is.


  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    They keep adding them with every new release unfortunately. It is to make sure dups are rare and the chance of getting a champion you would r3 is rare.
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    I agree. (My first 6*)

  • deepblack12deepblack12 Member Posts: 230 ★★
    And for some reason you always get those outdated champs first.
  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    It’s just the nature of the game. It’s frustrating for everyone but it’s the only way Kabam can make those elite champion pulls rare. Keep playing and grinding and eventually you’ll get a great champ. Gamora is actually pretty legitimate.
  • KevanproGKevanproG Member Posts: 308 ★★
    First 6* was beast and thankfully he's the only 6* champ I pulled that useless
  • typghtypgh Member Posts: 80

    It’s just the nature of the game. It’s frustrating for everyone but it’s the only way Kabam can make those elite champion pulls rare. Keep playing and grinding and eventually you’ll get a great champ. Gamora is actually pretty legitimate.

    She has been my best 6* pull so far and Nebula has her uses as well. Vulture, Yellowjacket and Drax are other three. Vulture is only useful because I have a lot of synergy partners. He is trash without them and so is YJ without dupe.
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