I'm finally Cavalier!
After a week of hardwork to get cavalier, I finally accomplished my goal!
Units used: 1240
Extra Revives(not counting the revives bought by units) : 10, 20% and 7, 40%.
Revives/units per quest
6.1.1 : 6
6.1.2 : 3
6.1.3 : 4
6.1.4 : 4
6.1.5 : 680 units
6.1.6 : 440 units
Edit: isn’t there a 12k offer at the end?
What path in 6.1.6 did you take?
From X-23, the path was the arc overload and unblockable and Increased attack node was there. Moon Knight, Havok and Heimdall were unnoded