Degen buff on boss node Sector 7, zone 6

Danny790Danny790 Member Posts: 27
Device and Version: Mi A2
Device Operating System: Android 10, Kernel 4.4.192

Cellular or WiFi: WiFi

Game Version Installed: 1012370

Game Mode: Incursions, sector 7, zone 6

Champions Affected: Void, Venom, Colossus all maxed out 5*

Active Boosts: None

Description of the Issue: In the Void boss fight, both me and my partner took degen damage. Degen link was out. Please check the attached video to see the degen.


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,293 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020
    Any and all debuffs on you will trigger Voids abillities for you to take degen. He counts any debuff on you as one of his own. Short Burst Lockdown inflicts debuffs on you at start of fight
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