When should you stop ranking up 4*?

As for rn, I'm in 5.3, I do map 3 & 4 in aq, and I'm gold 3 in aw. I don't exactly now when I should stop ranking up 4*. I plan from this point ro rank up 4* only if they're useful in aq or aw def./off.
This is my roster:

This is my roster:

Regeneration counter
Evade counter
Power control Champion
Immunity (bleed, poison, Coldsnap and incinerate)
Strong nullify Champion
Reliable questing Champion with lot of regen.
Quake (she owns the game, a must have imo).
If your 4* Champions cover all these things, you probably don't need to upgrade any more 4* Champions, focus on your 5*s.