Alliance War Rewards are outdated and underwhelming.

Hello dear Kabam
More and more alliances are stopping to participate in Wars, and some of them don't focus or even try hard enough to win them.
I believe that Wars were the main reason why people wanted to be part of an alliance, an organized and robust group, where people could work together for a common goal.
It's hard to find war focused members, as most of them don't care about it due to the rewards no being worthy.
People have switched their interest and focus to Alliance Quests, and guess why? Yes, because the rewards are a lot better.

I'm the Leader of our alliance, and I like wars merely because I love to compete with others alliances, my motivation is not the rewards, but unfortunately, that is not the case for the other 29 members of the alliance.

Please Kabam, Update and Fix Alliance War Rewards, and Season Rewards, please bring the fun back to the game, into alliances and players.




  • njandynjandy Member Posts: 238
    my alliance stepped away from wars as well. the rewards simply aren’t worth it to us for the time and effort we put in. last season was the last straw. we won three wars total last season because we were completely outgunned due to poor matchmaking. we literally had the other teams apologizing in war chat not understanding why we were matched together. it’s time for change!
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Yes, a massive rewards buff is long, long overdue.
  • NarsilNarsil Member Posts: 3
    I asked the same thing from Kabam about 2 months ago... I am in COMPLETE agreement! Kabam needs to make War as desirable as Quest, perhaps more so... after all, the games name is a Contest of Champions, we're supposed to be competing with each other!
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