A concerned summoner

Obaid_Jacob03Obaid_Jacob03 Member Posts: 72
With all the negative feedback about Act 7 and Seatin's latest video, I think there are a few things Kabam has to realise to keep players interested in the game and still make money while doing so.

1) Don't underestimate YouTubers. Take for example Seatin. The amount of entertainment and gambling vibes he rubs off on you is not something you can underestimate. Without YouTubers, knowing what champs are really good is impossible for players to know untill they actually get them. Take advice from content creators with a pinch of salt. Most players would have quit the game after Act 5 collector, variant 1 or even Act 6 if it wasn't for the walkthroughs or "cheeses" provided by them. How many of you would have honestly tried LOL or ROL if it wasn't for YouTubers?

2)Maybe you could restrict new champion releases to 1 champion and focus on reworking 2 old champions every month. I believe it requires lesser efforts to rework older champions because the animations and base character design are already in place. Revenue can still be generated with the 1h featured crystal for a particular shot at existing champions. In fact, it may generate even more revenue. Aegon arena shows the demand for older champions.

3)As suggested by many, make act 6 and 7 more Champion friendly. When we complain about only "Quake" or "Ghost" blasting content, it doesn't mean you have to make them useless for upcoming chapters. It means include other champions that can do the fights beside these two. Not nerf Quake and Ghost to the ground passively by throwing armor break or true strike globals but make other champions playable along side them.

4)I'm not an end game player, but AW is still a drag for players at every tier. At lower tiers you might not spend much, but you don't receive much either.
For example an Alliance running Map 5x5 can get about a whole T5bc and 5-6 T2a in a month.
The same alliance would most likely hit gold in AW and get half a 5* crystal a month.
What's worse is, rank up materials are atleast not RNG dependant.
I could do a 25 day war just to pull a Kamala Khan or Magneto.
Wars should be quicker and less stressful at ALL tiers. It's a complete pay to win game mode where if you can top up and boost up every fight, you will not lose attack bonus.

5) Don't make money out of signature stone crystals. It's fine upto a limit, but majority of the signature stones must be made available in the game.
Don't make money out of rank up materials. This is exactly what creates gap betwen F2P and P2W players. This will allow newer players to catch up too.
Make money out of crystals. Even if I have all the champions in the game, it's no point if you are not selling "ranking up" materials.Ill still hit a roadblock because of lack of access to rank up materials, thus not creating too much of a difference between whales.
Maybe you could make cosmetics more enticing and sell them as well to maintain stream of revenue to make up for lack of sales of rank up materials. Taunts like Modok's, Korg Vs Ghost can be put behind pay walls. They'll be real fun to look at during wars and duels. Unlock signature ability for one particular fight at a reasonable cost ($5 for a 5* probably with a cool down period on the same champions). This will make content accessible and also make money.
Mastery pages for additional mastery setups for a fair price like 1500-2000 units per page.

6) Please take feedback from Beta tests. Just because you have already designed and developed content does not mean you have to shove them down our throats. There is absolutely no point of Betas if you think ALL the Beta testers are being unreasonable.

7) Gifting event should be more fun and not be put behind paywall. Make gifting possible with battlechips or something like that but limiting the amount you can earn in a day.

8)Optional Ads in the game is fine I believe for making revenue. 10 units per ad with a limit of 3 ads per day as completely optional.
Revenue is an important part of the game. You can probably make more money off ads than the units players would purchase because every player is watching the ads but only few players are purchasing units.

I still enjoy the game and don't plan on quitting anytime soon. But I don't want to be the last few players left playing the game or Kabam running on a loss.



  • SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Member Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    6) They are listening to us about the attack values and have reduced them twice so far, but they still need one more 100% to be good or a 200% reduction to be perfect.
    8) Dude, I don't want ads in this game
  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    agreed, I really agree with this, I might say remove featured crystals, add people straight to the basic with a really low drop rate, and give us more nexus stuff
  • Obaid_Jacob03Obaid_Jacob03 Member Posts: 72

    6) They are listening to us about the attack values and have reduced them twice so far, but they still need one more 100% to be good or a 200% reduction to be perfect.
    8) Dude, I don't want ads in this game

    Yup, they would be annoying.. But they won't be forced and it'll be small price to pay to keep the company up and running without greeding out on the players.
  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    The burn out is real. Please strongly consider restrategizing kabam. I don't want to see this boat sink. But we won't sink with it if you insist on it.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,495 ★★★★★
    If ther make ads I’m probably quick might be one then over time wil be more
  • MathgeekMathgeek Member Posts: 609 ★★★
    I think optional ads are a good idea. You don't have to watch them and if you do you get free units.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    no ads. never ads. no. just no. no way. not gonna happen. never. Almost everyone would quit.
    PS. I'm behind bars again. YAY(that's sarcasm for y'all that don't get it)
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Thank you for all the feedback in regards to this! However, in order to keep this all together we ask that you keep your thoughts in the thread currently active which can be found here.
This discussion has been closed.