She can be utilized for both, her defense value is quite good. As a attacker, she has a high skill ceiling but can do massive damage if you can use her right. Banger pull there.
She’s an amazing defender and a solid attacker, she doesn’t have a ton of utility but she’s a very safe and sustainable champ, and in the right hands she can deal insane damage, great pull
She's really solid, and the high skill requirement thing isn't really true. She rewards a high skill, sure; but actually she's a pretty good champ for an early-game player, as she helps you recover from your mistakes.
She's really solid, and the high skill requirement thing isn't really true. She rewards a high skill, sure; but actually she's a pretty good champ for an early-game player, as she helps you recover from your mistakes.
The skill ceiling thing is half true. You are correct she can save you from mistakes, but she's also very good as a learning champion cause her playstyle rewards no block/Parry and evasive gameplay. Her damage really starts to shine when you can nail her rotations
She's mostly for medium to long fights due to her rampup damage, but she can be utilized for mini and main boss kills in AQ fairly well. Also, she's a r2 and maybe r3 worthy 6*.
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
For the latter part of your text, there is a synergi with the F4 members which allows for some wiggle room with parries
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
Other champs can easily do 30k in special 2 without requiring that stressful play style. Say no to IW.
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
Other champs can easily do 30k in special 2 without requiring that stressful play style. Say no to IW.
You simply arent good enough at the game to use her fully. She can do well over 100k specials if used right
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
Other champs can easily do 30k in special 2 without requiring that stressful play style. Say no to IW.
You simply arent good enough at the game to use her fully. She can do well over 100k specials if used right
Yeah that's right. Can you show me your gameplay with her in AQ?
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
Other champs can easily do 30k in special 2 without requiring that stressful play style. Say no to IW.
You simply arent good enough at the game to use her fully. She can do well over 100k specials if used right
Yeah that's right. Can you show me your gameplay with her in AQ?
I have no obligation to do that due to some random forum member. The reasons why IW is a good AQ champion is 1, She ignores the damage from suicides at start of fight and regens via willpower until her shield drops. 2, Her damage is way more than enough to crush any bosses around , whether it's mini or Doom. 3, she can (if utilized correctly) entirely avoid a special which is difficult dodging via sacrifice of invisibility. Case closed. Now stay on topic. IW is great in both Aq and Aw, and a solid pull for second 6*. R3 worthy that lass is
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
Other champs can easily do 30k in special 2 without requiring that stressful play style. Say no to IW.
You simply arent good enough at the game to use her fully. She can do well over 100k specials if used right
Yeah that's right. Can you show me your gameplay with her in AQ?
I did a 50k sp2 with only 10 invulnerability in the opponent. It was easy to get 10 invulnerability and she can tank unblockable special attacks but at the cost of her invisibility. I'm really liking her
If you can get about 10 vulnerability charges on her, in AQ shell do wonders and her sp2 can easily get like 30k damage. When you dex an attack you become invisible, the more you dex the more charges you get and her attack increases too. If you block a hit, get hit or parry you lose the charges and her force field goes into cool down
Other champs can easily do 30k in special 2 without requiring that stressful play style. Say no to IW.
You simply arent good enough at the game to use her fully. She can do well over 100k specials if used right
Yeah that's right. Can you show me your gameplay with her in AQ?
I have no obligation to do that due to some random forum member. The reasons why IW is a good AQ champion is 1, She ignores the damage from suicides at start of fight and regens via willpower until her shield drops. 2, Her damage is way more than enough to crush any bosses around , whether it's mini or Doom. 3, she can (if utilized correctly) entirely avoid a special which is difficult dodging via sacrifice of invisibility. Case closed.
All talk. If you are so proud that you are good enough with her as you said, and she is easy for you as you said, bring her on AQ and show me you fight with mini boss or Doom boss.
Also, she's a r2 and maybe r3 worthy 6*.
The reasons why IW is a good AQ champion is
1, She ignores the damage from suicides at start of fight and regens via willpower until her shield drops.
2, Her damage is way more than enough to crush any bosses around , whether it's mini or Doom.
3, she can (if utilized correctly) entirely avoid a special which is difficult dodging via sacrifice of invisibility.
Case closed. Now stay on topic.
IW is great in both Aq and Aw, and a solid pull for second 6*. R3 worthy that lass is
Waste of my time.