Champion Buff Ideas

Hi all,
I have created this thread for people to post their champion buff ideas and request champion buffs.
I have created this thread for people to post their champion buff ideas and request champion buffs.
40% chance to inflict Armor break on basic attacks lasting 5 seconds.
Every 40 hits grants Sentry a passive reality warp charge increasing attack by 10% for each reality warp.
They stack up to 10 and carry fight to fight with no HEALTH PENALTY
Sp1: inflicts a permanent stacking incinerate dealing x amount of damage.
Sp2: Gain prowess for the duration of the special equal to the number of reality warps increasing sp2 damage by x amount.
Sp3: Regenerates 15% of health
Some utility: Being so fast makes his attacks unable to miss, incinerate and coldsnap immunity.
Sig ability: Chance at indestructible when hit and 2 passive combo shields at the start of the fight.
Waddya all think? Not too broken and gives some much needed basic utility to the character.
Give Hawkeye a Special 3 that power locks and guarantees hemorrhage (He currently is the only champ with no special 3 perks).
Make a Synergy between Hawkeye and Ronin, because they're both the same person. For Ronin, increase perfect block chance by 20%; Hawkeye's hemorrhage bleed is increased 1% per hit in combo meter (i.e. if Hawkeye's hemorrhage deals 50 bleed/second, and is triggered at a 50 hit combo, the bleed does 75 bleed/second until the next hemorrhage is triggered).