Has Kabam given us a reason to why for missing 5*?

Unfortunately... I don't feel like going through forums to find an answer. But I do believe we deserve an answer... We know they will be released as 5*. They just want us to wait until all content of Act 5 or Act 6 is released. So we can't use them now. And when they do come out with them. Its just another way for use to chase after our favorites.
Scarlet Witch
Captain WW2
Daredevil Classic
War Machine
Scarlet Witch
Captain WW2
Daredevil Classic
War Machine
MAIN MARVEL CHARACTERS being left as 4* Max, while champs 95% of people no one has heard of are a 5* - Hood, Hyperion, I mean before Netflix did the shows I would have no idea who Luke Cage even was.
Not saying Hood or Hyp are rubbish champs as they are sweet, but to leave Wolverine rotting away as a 4* is a disgrace when he is one of the first characters you think of in regards to Marvel
Joe Fixit
Doctor Strange
Black Bolt
Marvel Now Magneto
Kabam... we want a reason why? We don't care about 6*... We care about 5* SW... DS... DD... Thor... BB... Wolverine... Captain WW2... Electro... Visions... and Deadpools...
....Ok then nevermind.
By that logic, There shouldn't be a 5* version of gwenpool, iceman, archangel, dr voodoo to name a few. They should make all champs a 5* version before releasing 6* for sure.
Don't always get what you want, the guy answered the question, like others... stop lashing out because your butt-hurt, I'm gutted Wolvie isn't a 5*. Not being a tool about it though
Well they were also original champs, not featured champs. Since they are adding featured champs, of course they have to add AA, Iceman, and DV. There's a small but distinguished difference.
Not really, the answer was the champs are too OP. Well the ones I listed are just as OP if not more than the original champs missing so really no reason not to add them
Well they can't go back and delete 5* gwenpool from the game now, can they? And can't skip a feature 5* because "we think this champ may be TOO good!" Doesn't make much sense either.
Never said they should. Was just pointing out that the logic that they can't add the others as 5* coz they are too OP doesn't make sense when you have the others as 5* and it's not exactly broken the game. So no reason why they can't be added
It's a combination deal. They fit multiple criteria. 1. They are OP champs and help finish hard game content easier than say if you had Luke Cage or Spider Gwen. 2. They are original champs. Kabam can decide which older champs are added to the 5* basics, but like @LocoMotives said, you can't just delete a featured or skip them because they're OP.
I simply asked the question... Not hurt... I still think we all deserve a reason. And let me tell you... I have a solid 5* squad
Dormammu duped R4
Iceman duped R4
Nebula R4
Kingpin duped R3
Mordo R3
Doctor Voodoo R3
Etc... Etc... Etc...
I can continue... but I still want the champs missing from the 5* pull. Because I got t4cc waiting for only the best of the best.
Absolute nonsense
I do think a 4/55 wolvie would break the game. He would make stuff like AQ and questing irrelevant because he would basically be invulnerable.
Can't wait to see what the 6* champs are that get added are then. If we can't have 5* versions of some of the most loved champs in the contest for fear of them breaking the game, I shudder to think of what rubbish we will get as 6* champs.
I would like everything at 5* including Red Deadpool, but The range of options is pretty good. Guily for example does everything wolverine can, hits hard can reverse eegen and gain health back, albeit more random