Bad Luck Continues.....

.....just not for me!

Last 3 pulls have been 5star stark spidey, 6star human torch, and now a ghost! Perfect timing on ghost since next event will be mutant heavy.
Just need Aegon and Quake and I will have all the top champs. My roster is looking pretty sick right now.
Also, condolences to everyone getting all the bad pulls. I stole all the good luck.

Last 3 pulls have been 5star stark spidey, 6star human torch, and now a ghost! Perfect timing on ghost since next event will be mutant heavy.
Just need Aegon and Quake and I will have all the top champs. My roster is looking pretty sick right now.
Also, condolences to everyone getting all the bad pulls. I stole all the good luck.
Dr. Zola
Best of luck in future!!
But why do take both your nicks up??
Is it helping someway??(the question was out of doubt).
Edit to explain sarcasm in case it’s not obvious. I am only one in my alliance
Before this I pulled Blade again.
So, starky, ghost, blade, sorcerer supreme last 4 5stars
HT last pulled 6star.
Best streak i have ever been on.
All basics, none from dual crystals
That OG Gully 2 days ago still hurt...I hope her and CapWW2 gets reworked soon to make them usable (getting the wrong Gully and the wrong Cap in these crystals are awful). Duping that WW2 was a kick to the jewels considering how few 6*s I have. Nothing worth rank 2.
So...are stealthy, cull and squirrel girl suddenly invisible to your eye or...?!
Stealthy, Cull, and Squirrel Girl aren't built for day to day use. Situational flimsy champ like Stealthy who is far behind to someone like Nick in damage and sustainability with just slow in his tool kit is not worth resources. Squirrel Girl bleeds some, but not much else going for her. Cull does some damage but takes almost as much from parrying isn't a day to day questing, aw, aq champ either. For a 6* to be worthy of rank up, they need to be useful in many aspects of the game, not just for fighting Thing like Stealthy for example. Watch KT1's vid of champs that he uses most, it makes sense a rank up should be usable in many content.