Map modifiers

DcM_007DcM_007 Member Posts: 19
Hello everyone.
Can anyone please give me a proper understanding of map modifiers?

I understand some basics.
Like: they have different dificulties.
More difficulty equals more points.

But, I got a question.

There are multiple modifiers in same difficulty right?
Do they give points differently?

[ Note: one of my alli member said, "we get less point for choosing the same modifier again & again". Is it true? ]

Enlighten me with anything about map modifiers that you know.

Thank you in advance.


  • DcM_007DcM_007 Member Posts: 19
    Can't anybody tell anything? 😔
  • Tseramed19Tseramed19 Member Posts: 35
    i don't have the reference, but you get more points if you do not re-use the same modifier within a specific AQ cycle. so your alliance mate is correct (as far as I understand). i was going to copy and paste a link to an AQ calculator (that shows this) but out of respect for copyright or whatever, i will just tell you to google "the class advantage mcoc AQ calculator".

    it can help alliance leaders plan for which maps and modifiers they want to run, and what prestige to shoot for, in order to get a certain AQ milestone score.

    in the modifier window, it will give more points for unique ("U") modifiers, as compared to re-used ones.

    somewhere in the forums is an explanation of modifiers when they were first introduced. (less than a year ago).
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,160 ★★★★
    If you go back and search for the relevant post in the News and Announcements section, you’ll find the relevant post explaining modifiers.
  • DcM_007DcM_007 Member Posts: 19
    Thanks a lot man. 😎🤘
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