Champion review: Unit Man

UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★
edited September 2020 in General Discussion
Unit Man is one of the OGs of MCOC, and dare I say it, he's aged the best. He doesn't require any synergies, unique playstyles, or masteries to be good. You don't even need to play well. All you need to do, is pump as many sig levels into him as possible. And since his sigs have no cap (there's sort of a catch to this), and that you can get thousands of sigs on him just by buying Odin's treasure chest, getting multiple sig levels on him isn't a hassle.

Unit man also functions a bit like the summoned symbioid, in that you don't need to invest any ISO8 into him. But what makes Unit man so good? Well it's the utility. He doesn't give any boost to himself or anyone else, nor does he have any helpful synergies like Heimdall's cheat death one, but hear me out- who needs to cheat death if you can just stare into death's eyes, spit on 'em, and revive your dead characters! All you need is a lot of sigs.

But, do you remember I mentioned that there was a catch to his infinite sigs? Well, you trade sig levels to revive your dead characters. Fortunately, you get sig stones on unit man every time you complete a quest in any chapter of the story mode/event quest mode. So, not only does he have infinite sigs, you can spend some of them to get through quests, and after completing the quest, you can get some of the units back. And you won't ever run out if you keep constantly buying offers!

Now some of you may not like spending money to pump up Unit man's sigs, but hear me out- remember the days when pulling a 4/5* She Hulk, Colossus, Gamora, Hulkbuster, etc. was considered a detriment for beginners? Who helped them out? Unit man did. He was willing to sacrifice his sigs to help out people that he didn't even know. Unit man is a TRUE superhero, both inside and out. Unit man was willing to sacrifice hundreds upon thousands of his sig levels to give whales the champions that they were looking for. But don't think that Unit man was loved by everyone.

He saw various scammers on Facebook use him to lure innocent 6-year-olds to get their mom's credit card number. These scams insult Unit man, and hurt him on a personal level, so much so that they left him traumatized. And none of you cared...

You can still help Kabam I mean, Unit Man. Just buy every offer in the store. I swear they're great!


  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287
    Unit man synergises well with fat wallets. Beside its not a poverty friendly champion.
  • unoobmeprounoobmepro Member Posts: 899 ★★★
    Unit man's sp3
    *Commits Robbery*
  • SlayerzzSlayerzz Member Posts: 399
    Unit Man OP
    Oooh what a great review!! This is one of the best reviews I have ever seen. This review is tempting me put sigs into unit man................ If I had one :/ I sold him T_T."I am such a noob"

    Unit man synergises well with fat wallets. Beside its not a poverty friendly champion.

    But he is suicide friendly :wink:
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  • KyrieRedKyrieRed Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Unit-man has bailed me out so many times in this game. Thanks Kabam for him.
  • UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★
    Faseeh said:

    This one aint so great imo

    Who made this? It looks awesome.
  • UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★

    It would be absolutely amazing if Kabam trolled the community by actually making a Unit-Man Champion.

    His awakened ability was that he’d add a unit to your account with each fight you win with him.

    The catch? He would hit so weak that you’d likely die in any difficult content - making you use more units to revive than you’d receive for the fight!

    That would actually be an amzing April fool's day prank.
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,692 ★★★★★
    Great review and write up - 10/10.

  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    99% of the community is carried by unitman.
    No actual skill
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  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    The og unitman

    If Harry potter was inbred
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Too bad Unit Man has the worst prestige! Lol
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