The blessing of the gods...

Hoodie25Hoodie25 Member Posts: 312 ★★★

On this, the 25 of September, the Kabam gods looked down once again upon their subjects and the terrible luck that had been dealt to each of them. They nodded with satisfaction at the kingpins, the civil warriors, and the iron patriots that perforated the rosters of the contest. They watched instant replays, broken down frame by frame, of players struck by the dreaded trollover, cackling as the hopeful expectation on their faces gave way to despair. They even paid a visit to Brian Grant’s roster, making sure that neither Ægon nor Ghost had been allowed to occupy a spot since their last documentation.

But then, one of them stopped - just for a moment. He turned to his fellow deities, feeling conflicted...finally, he voiced what was on his mind: “What if, well, what if we gave someone good luck for once?” After several long seconds of silence and confused stares, the rest of the gods burst out laughing - only to realize that he was, in fact, serious (insert J. Jonah Jameson gif here). Before another awkward silence could blanket the room, the one who first spoke pointed at a random summoner down below and said - “What about that guy? Maybe if we let him have an amazing pull, he’ll fall out of his chair, or even gape like a fish for multiple seconds with his camera on in the middle of a zoom class?” Intrigued by this proposal, the gods deliberated for several minutes. Finally, they disbanded their huddle, turned to their expectant colleague, and said fine, they would give it a shot - but on the condition that if this summoner didn’t have a priceless and/or embarrassing reaction, they would never pursue such a radical course of action again, like, ever.

Well, the gods were not disappointed. Having obtained the odds of a lifetime in just 3 cavalier crystals, I did indeed gape like a fish in the middle of my zoom class, staring in shock at my phone screen instead of at the lecture that I should have been paying attention to. As the recipient of the blessing of the Kabam gods themselves, I now humbly and contentedly resign myself to consecutively pulling and duping groot in my next ten six star crystals.

And to you, the reader: may the favor of the gods fall on you also, and may your crystals ever be filled with god-tier champions


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  • Rayaan_2000Rayaan_2000 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    I love the pomposity of your write up, the perfect flavour for my literary tastes, also congrats on that Prof X, truly a once in a lifetime Cav pull
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    What impossible!!
    I pulled a 3 star Proffesor X

  • flygamerflygamer Member Posts: 345 ★★
    Awesome! Still trying to figure out what 'gape like a fish' means though, and I dont think I want to google it...
  • Hoodie25Hoodie25 Member Posts: 312 ★★★
    flygamer said:

    Awesome! Still trying to figure out what 'gape like a fish' means though, and I dont think I want to google it...

    It just means for your mouth to hang open, in shock or surprise typically. I would hope that’s what you would find on google, but you never know the dark corners to which the internet might lead you
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    I love the pomposity of your write up, the perfect flavour for my literary tastes, also congrats on that Prof X, truly a once in a lifetime Cav pull

    Unless your name is @psp742
  • Rayaan_2000Rayaan_2000 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    flygamer said:

    Awesome! Still trying to figure out what 'gape like a fish' means though, and I dont think I want to google it...

    Actually if you have ever noticed fish on a aquarium, their mouth always remains open as they are ingesting the water to utilize the dissolved oxygen
    When one seems something quite astonishing, one's mouth sometimes 'hangs open' or 'gapes open' somewhat like a fish

    That's where the phrase 'gape like a fish' comes from.

  • Rayaan_2000Rayaan_2000 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    *in an aquarium, stupid grammatical error
  • Rayaan_2000Rayaan_2000 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    *sees something astonishing, should have checked for typos lol
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Mephala guard you.
    Nice pull OP. Hear Prof X is insane
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    flygamer said:

    Awesome! Still trying to figure out what 'gape like a fish' means though, and I dont think I want to google it...

    Don't. Trust me.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★

    flygamer said:

    Awesome! Still trying to figure out what 'gape like a fish' means though, and I dont think I want to google it...

    Don't. Trust me.
    Speaking from experience are we?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Terra said:

    flygamer said:

    Awesome! Still trying to figure out what 'gape like a fish' means though, and I dont think I want to google it...

    Don't. Trust me.
    Speaking from experience are we?
    More word-of-mouth.
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