MCOC Strategy and Tips For Newbie People

Hello friend's 
First of all this is not spam post or not against mcoc rules.
I got some informaition on net which is really helpful for newbie people
MCOC AW Update v15.0 : Alliance War Season 2 [2017 - Q3]
Marvel Contest of Champions AW Defense Placement + Attack Tips
Link :
About MCOC Alliance Quest | MCOC Alliance Strategy | MCOC Alliance Events | MCOC Alliance Map
Link :
Here are the steps to reset your password. You will have to do this in-game [MCOC|KABAM ID Password Reset]
Link :
MCOC Champions Abilities
Link :
MCOC Gameplay Video Guide By Popular Youtuber's
Link :
I hope above information will help you and your alliance.
Hit Like if u guy's agree with my post . Thank You

First of all this is not spam post or not against mcoc rules.

I got some informaition on net which is really helpful for newbie people

MCOC AW Update v15.0 : Alliance War Season 2 [2017 - Q3]
Marvel Contest of Champions AW Defense Placement + Attack Tips
Link :
About MCOC Alliance Quest | MCOC Alliance Strategy | MCOC Alliance Events | MCOC Alliance Map
Link :
Here are the steps to reset your password. You will have to do this in-game [MCOC|KABAM ID Password Reset]
Link :
MCOC Champions Abilities
Link :
MCOC Gameplay Video Guide By Popular Youtuber's
Link :
I hope above information will help you and your alliance.

Hit Like if u guy's agree with my post . Thank You

For the 2* arena you can use any 2* that is 2/20 or higher if you are a good enough fighter.
For the 3* arena you can use any 3* that is 3/30 or higher if you are a good enough fighter. The worst matchup you could draw is a 3* max ranked 4/40 which is not that hard if you are a good player.
The other arenas are a little more tricky. But does what I have so far help?