New Alliance?

Looking forward a semi active alliance that run aq casually.
Also want an alliance that will participate lots in the December gifting event.

I have 7k prestige


  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,627 ★★★★★
    Check us out... Alliance is OGRECON. Tag is OGREC
  • PappaBunnyPappaBunny Member Posts: 112
    Good Old Boys & Girls would love to have you. We are new, and small. But we do AQ map 2, so champs don't get locked out. Also do AW if there is a demand for one. We are currently 1-0 in AW. Come on by and sit a spell. We are casual but friendly.

  • Jaxman2000Jaxman2000 Member Posts: 5
    Hey bud. Could use your services.
    Map 5x5 w/mods 250mil + total. In Gold 2 for AW. Good group. Name of the Ally is “stress free and drunk” lol

    Jaxman728 in Game

    Jason24000 is my line Id.
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 410
    Sent an invite in-game from StarBrothers.

    Active and supportive alliance. We do AQ maps 554x5 with mods. Last score 172M (3800 glory). AW optional.

    In-game and Line: Avenger A-1
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    We are Gladiators has two members retiring, and we're looking for two players to join our fun, no-drama alliance. You don't need to be a veteran boss-killing machine, just a reliable player who can handle Uncollected content and above. (FYI: A couple of our members have done The Abyss, and a few more have completed Act 6, and most of us are Cavalier, but not all.)

    We focus on AQ, playing three BGs, running map 4 every day, with modifiers. Our weekly score is 140 million-plus, which offers good rank-up rewards.

    Our alliance runs AW optionally for players who are interested, and just one BG. We do not require boosting, reviving and such. If we lose, no sweat. We try to win, but we don’t worry when we don’t. It’s all about having fun.

    The only requirements are to participate in AQ, to use Telegram for messaging (but only as needed, and it is not needed much), and to communicate when you cannot be available. Everyone has life requirements, from school to jobs to vacations, and we accommodate that.

    We are Gladiators is stress-free, fun, and well organized (pats self on back). If you are looking for an alliance where you can grow and improve your roster without drama, contact me.

    I need to have a short conversation with you to ensure we're a good fit for each other (this benefits us both), so you can reply here, or even better you can find me on Telegram: @cwhitworth

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