What’s your thoughts on v6?

I’ve just finished my completion run. I used 4 champs for all fights in the entire run, they were:
Omega red
Venom and magneto were definitely MVP’s, with both cheesing entire lanes.
Overall I thought the difficulty of v6 was a tad low compared to the other variants, but overall very fun. What teams did you use and how did you find it?
Tbh I had it the whole lane which I did with sentinel. It would take 3 - 4 tries to activate the heal reversal.
Aarkus I’m not staying alive long enough to find out. I think my best bet is KM but I get trapped in the corner baiting his specials or die to sp2 block damage before I can build enough regen charges. I’m pretty pants at fighting him though.
Classic difficulty is bugged.
Cosmic symbioids fights crash the game in infinite load screens.
Paths that contain them cannot be done.
Don’t attempt those paths, unless you want to waste your energy.
Was a funny challenge not to hard just in relation to the mediocre rewards