Final lol boss maestro

Hey all I am now on the final boss in lol maestro which champions in my team would be a great option to counter the regen? 2099 has no combo saved from previous fight, I also got the signing unit offer to help with lol.

I hated using ghost on old hulk
Because you don’t fight him often it may take a while to get a feel for the rhythm to evade it.
All of the beams make only a single hit except the last one, 1st and 2nd each from the arms, and then the last one from the chest, which makes 3 hits and you to time it well, it is like the iceman's or cyclops' SP1.
It's pretty easy to bait the special, the first 2 are swipe back, they would be easy, the last one just swipe back when he brings his chest for a launch.
hope this video is of some help.