Lost for words - what are the chances

So I opened a 5* crystal this morning and pulled a doctor doom. Naturally I’m really happy, he’s the last horseman I needed to start my abyss journey, and I took him straight to rank 5 (ran out of iso though at level 59 *sigh*)

I’ve just finished exploration of the cav EQ and got enough shards together for a 6* crystal opening, and well....

I’ve just finished exploration of the cav EQ and got enough shards together for a 6* crystal opening, and well....

Sorry man.
5/59 and he is over 12k? Already?
Other than that it’s a standard mastery set-up. I took suicides off this morning for the first time in about 10 months too. He was at about 14k PI with them on.
Double doom is still a blessing as you have one for questing and one for AQ/AW... Or two for the latest variants that benefit mystics or villains. Definitely wouldn't feel bad for that luck. Imagine all the poor people out there still hoping for just 1 Doom.