Chadwick Boseman

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra .....
Just a quick question after the late mr Boseman passed i could of sworn kabam said they were gonna do something to honor him.. yet it has been several months and nothing has happened with it. Even just a title or something to honor him would be nice.. or maybe a new profile pic or something.... I don’t expect something major just a nice gesture to show our appreciation for the man who made black panther a household name.
Just a quick question after the late mr Boseman passed i could of sworn kabam said they were gonna do something to honor him.. yet it has been several months and nothing has happened with it. Even just a title or something to honor him would be nice.. or maybe a new profile pic or something.... I don’t expect something major just a nice gesture to show our appreciation for the man who made black panther a household name.