Special not firing and power draining

This is the second time I've fired a special but all it did was drain my power...and get me hit.

Anyone else encounter this?


  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    YES! I was coming on here to say this, really hope they fix it ASAP. Your power is going away like you used it but your champ isn’t using their specials
  • Mia_Draconis01Mia_Draconis01 Member Posts: 20
    It appears like I'm having random power drains without firing a special.
  • roskeroske Member Posts: 25
    It's happening one out of 3 times, too many times, specials are not realiable
  • Sylvia14mkSylvia14mk Member Posts: 73
    Its happened to me multiple times in the past week.
  • EBY1980EBY1980 Member Posts: 1
    Only happens when I use voodoo
  • SamuelSouzaSamuelSouza Member Posts: 4
    I am very sad to realize that my efforts to advance in the game is bumping into this problem that is occurring every time when a special failure is going to power, health and energy ... I hope to count on the sensitivity of you in order to solve this problem
  • Sylvia14mkSylvia14mk Member Posts: 73
    Just happened again. With electra. Against cap
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