Act 7.1 Revisited

Hi, I'm IKON. You may remember me from such posts as act 7 is not endgame material and Act 7 - where do we go from here. I've said multiple times this content is far too easy, and not a good direction for the game.
I recently explored 7.1 again, this time on my alt. For reference, an account with approximately 10 maxed 5*.
It cost approximately 10 revives, and 400ish units (main was probably a dozen L1 revives, could have been 0 but hey they're expiring)
So how did things compare to main? The content felt almost perfectly tuned to an account of this size. I consistently felt challenged and enjoyed playing it. Some paths were still stupid easy, most paths were straightforward but challenging, and some paths required several restarts to really figure out with my roster limitations.
The disconnect between the two accounts is simple, strength of roster (Yes, some of you were correct). At the time of exploring 7.1, I likely had 6 R3 6*, as opposed to 0 on the alt. Things felt like a pushover because they were, I was simply over levelled for the content. If 7.1 had been released when it had been intended to, and not 6 months later, it may have been different.
So, in the end, has my opinion changed on the content? I'll answer with a resounding... Somewhat.
I maintain the difficulty is too easy, however where my opinion has changed is the degree of how easy it is to what I expect. I no longer feel like it is wildly out of place, and would probably refrain from commenting on it.
Unfortunately, this is the end of the line for this account. Life just gets too busy to run multiple MCOC accounts sometimes, but the 6* nexus left me with something to remember.
I recently explored 7.1 again, this time on my alt. For reference, an account with approximately 10 maxed 5*.
It cost approximately 10 revives, and 400ish units (main was probably a dozen L1 revives, could have been 0 but hey they're expiring)
So how did things compare to main? The content felt almost perfectly tuned to an account of this size. I consistently felt challenged and enjoyed playing it. Some paths were still stupid easy, most paths were straightforward but challenging, and some paths required several restarts to really figure out with my roster limitations.
The disconnect between the two accounts is simple, strength of roster (Yes, some of you were correct). At the time of exploring 7.1, I likely had 6 R3 6*, as opposed to 0 on the alt. Things felt like a pushover because they were, I was simply over levelled for the content. If 7.1 had been released when it had been intended to, and not 6 months later, it may have been different.
So, in the end, has my opinion changed on the content? I'll answer with a resounding... Somewhat.
I maintain the difficulty is too easy, however where my opinion has changed is the degree of how easy it is to what I expect. I no longer feel like it is wildly out of place, and would probably refrain from commenting on it.
Unfortunately, this is the end of the line for this account. Life just gets too busy to run multiple MCOC accounts sometimes, but the 6* nexus left me with something to remember.
