Next Champs to be buffed?

Kabam, what champs can we expect to get a buff next? If all possible may we see a super buff to both rocket raccoon and iron fist???? Maybe see og guillotine get a good juice up??? I need to r3 a mystic champ. Ive had my t5 mystic since the 2nd week abyss dropped. Still no r3. Only need 2250 t5 Tec frags(which ive needed for about 2 months) so I did this months eq 100% thinking " yea nexus t5 class frags I'll def get tec n r3 my duped ghost.........." Jokes on me. Please please do iron fist n make him aegon good. Love always mcoc johnny
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
but yea all these are straight garbage. They need em to.
Wait wrong timeline carry on