Thronebreaker Requirements... 8 Months Later

Well a thread from December just got necroed and it got me thinking again about TB requirements, thought I'd share them here.
Now when this title was first announced 8 months ago, I was pretty pissed. To be completely honest, it seemed like a load of BS to me, but fast-forward to April and I'm pretty fine with the requirements. Granted, I am Thronebreaker now, I have 2 R3's in fact. Is that why I feel differently? Or has my overall view just changed with time? Well you're just gonna have to take my word for it when I say... neither of those actually. Bring me back to the day it was announced and I'd still be a bit pissed.
So what's really changed my mind on TB requirements at this point in time? It's really just the state of the game. 8 months ago, we had a 25% T5CC selector with Act 6 completion. That's it. As far as T5CC selectivity was, that is all there was. Really. Being able to R3 a solid champion was just so completely based on RNG, and it did not feel fair to me, even after I became TB.
Nowadays there's not just more T5CC available, (3 random 25%s in the latest Variants including next month's, 25% in 7.1 completion, more available in side quests) but there's much more selectivity. Of course 7.1 exploration gives a 25% selector and I assume that pattern is going to follow throughout the other 3 chapters. But what's really pushed me over the edge is the latest changes to Cav difficulty. A 10% Nexus each month is exactly what we needed in my opinion, it gives us what the chance to target a specific T5CC, especially when combined with the previously mentioned selector and more to come.
Granted, getting R3 worthy 6*s is still very much luck based, but that problem is much less important when you can target a specific T5CC. Even with only 1 R3 worthy 6* in your roster, it's now pretty feasible to be able to get that champ to R3. And that's more than enough for me personally.
So what are your thoughts 8 months later? (Please keep this discussion logical, not emotional. We don't want a repeat of the recently necroed thread.)
Now when this title was first announced 8 months ago, I was pretty pissed. To be completely honest, it seemed like a load of BS to me, but fast-forward to April and I'm pretty fine with the requirements. Granted, I am Thronebreaker now, I have 2 R3's in fact. Is that why I feel differently? Or has my overall view just changed with time? Well you're just gonna have to take my word for it when I say... neither of those actually. Bring me back to the day it was announced and I'd still be a bit pissed.
So what's really changed my mind on TB requirements at this point in time? It's really just the state of the game. 8 months ago, we had a 25% T5CC selector with Act 6 completion. That's it. As far as T5CC selectivity was, that is all there was. Really. Being able to R3 a solid champion was just so completely based on RNG, and it did not feel fair to me, even after I became TB.
Nowadays there's not just more T5CC available, (3 random 25%s in the latest Variants including next month's, 25% in 7.1 completion, more available in side quests) but there's much more selectivity. Of course 7.1 exploration gives a 25% selector and I assume that pattern is going to follow throughout the other 3 chapters. But what's really pushed me over the edge is the latest changes to Cav difficulty. A 10% Nexus each month is exactly what we needed in my opinion, it gives us what the chance to target a specific T5CC, especially when combined with the previously mentioned selector and more to come.
Granted, getting R3 worthy 6*s is still very much luck based, but that problem is much less important when you can target a specific T5CC. Even with only 1 R3 worthy 6* in your roster, it's now pretty feasible to be able to get that champ to R3. And that's more than enough for me personally.
So what are your thoughts 8 months later? (Please keep this discussion logical, not emotional. We don't want a repeat of the recently necroed thread.)
Most of the knee jerk reactions in that thread failed to take into account the long game and felt like they needed to be tb immediately which negates the whole point of progression based titles.
I was fortunate enough to have 2 r3s from abyss completion and act 6 exploration before thronebreaker was introduced. Thinking back I'd have taken a dud as my first r3 for the title, since then I'm now sitting on 4 different t5cc and about to form another class.
Map 7 and glory store gives enough t5cc weekly that I used to skip previous cav eqs because the rewards didn't feel worth. Having it be a selector makes it much more worth for those trying to form specific t5cc.
Then there's the variants which are generally easier with much better rewards and 7.1 that gave a selector. At this point I don't really see getting the title as a problem if you're actually interested in working for it
I agree now that if you really want TB, you can get the content done and get yourself in shape, but that was definitely not the case when the title was first released.
Originally, i had mixed feelings. Mostly due to the RNG. I have been TB since the start and I explored Act 6 before the title.
Now, i have realized the requirement is definitely too easy. The amount of people ive seen who have only done completion of Act 6/7 and not even explored it who are TB pains me. I struggle to see how you(Worknprogress) and I get the same rewards as those people. It doesnt mean they are bad players, they just shouldnt be in the same progression bracket.
Looking back, T5CC is not that hard to come by, especially if you use cash. As Etjama outlined.
So for me, I would have preferred to have seen TB gated in Act 6 Exploration or in Abyss exploration.
Why not later in Act 7? Because Act 7 is too easy. It is what we all(most of us?) asked for: fun content. But it is no where near challenging. And neither is 7.2.
Act 6 Exploration is a very hard thing to accomplish, even after the Act 6 nerf.(Most of which shouldnt have been put in place if you ask me.) But Act 6 Exploration is the best thing i can think of in Story Content. It would also make an incentive to explore it. What are those TB people who got lucky gonna explore act 6 for? They have t5cc from glory and calendar.
Abyss would be the more painful gateway, but it would also limit the amount of people even further. Personally, id rather keep it in Story.
Anyways, thats my opinion. Shouldve been Act 6 Exploration.
But entirely fair.
Very much agree Etjama. The difference between then and now isn’t the quantity of T5CC, it’s the autonomy that players have over their T5CC through the available selectors and nexus’ that makes all the difference
Now all they need to do is introduce the dual class crystals for shards and we’ll be golden
(Please let me use my 2 Cosmic T5CC. Please. Not to mention the skill, science and mystic I also have in my stash)
The state of the game changing made forming a t5cc through alternative means more feasible over a longer period of time but It didn't change who the title was initially geared towards.
When it was first released had they initially changed the requirement to act 6 exploration or abyss completion people would've still complained about having it locked behind exploring bad content or not enjoying drawn out abyss style content.
I didn't care because I just got Cav that time. And while I was on my way to becoming TB, I never once thought it was an unfair requirement. I actually find the grind fun even though I was shafted by RNG. I have explored 7.1, V5, V6, and 6.1 then did all the 4* challenges and other stuff that gave out T5CC frags but I still haven't form a single one. I'm close to forming three though. Lol. I didn't buy any of the T5CC offers and I only traded energy refills last Gifting season to make the grind so much worth it. Now I have to go to the Abyss next week because it's easier than 6.2 exploration.
Right now, those who still despise it are those who value the destination rather than the journey.