The most unfair SQ ever

Kabam, your decision to give rewards by random is very bad idea. Really, 5 days gone, I got only 600 6* shards, while a lot of my alliance mates got 1500-2400. I am extremely unlucky in this SQ, it was two times when I saw 300 6* shards. However, there are people who entered quest and got 3x300 6* shards.
I am thronebreaker and my typical rewards on nodes are just meh for me. I do not need gold, I have 40 millions, I do not need CC4 fragments as I have hundreds of crystals with them. I do not need 5* shards as I am looking for 6* champions right now.
It is just ridiculous to enter the quest for rewards as such:

I am thronebreaker and my typical rewards on nodes are just meh for me. I do not need gold, I have 40 millions, I do not need CC4 fragments as I have hundreds of crystals with them. I do not need 5* shards as I am looking for 6* champions right now.
It is just ridiculous to enter the quest for rewards as such:

Agreed the rewards on Legendary so far would not peak the interest of an uncollected player never mind Cav and Thronebreaker players.
Just please keep the critisizm for when this event is over. Then you can compare the cumulative rewards with your alliance mates. But now, it makes no sense.
There is quite probably a person who got only 6* shards in the legendary quest so far, considering the amount of players, the odds aren't so low. For this person, this event is far better than Mutant Treasure island.
However, the more times we play this event, the closer we get to equal distribution of rewards. So, hold off your judgement until the event is over and until you compare your 25 tries' worth of rewards with other players.
We have RNG in crystals and it divides people very much. Why do we also need an RNG in quest rewards?
Yes, in the end, there will always be some differences in rewards (that'll always be in RNG based stuff, unless everyone opens infinite amount of crystals). That's part of RNG. But the difference will be much lower after all the 25 tries you will have, than it is now after 5 tries. All I want is, that you wait until you get all the rewards and evaluate the fairness of this event then.
Also, that's why your argument about Variants is invalid - you get completion rewards just and only ONCE, whereas here we all "roll the dice" 25x.
P.S. pls don't take the 25 too literally, I know when should have about this amount of tries, but idk the exact amount of entries we can have
I am thronebreaker and I do not need a 3*, it is ridiculous to base this on RNG. I need 6*!!
If it is RNG of all good stuffs, I think no one will complain like this SQ.
That said, you cannot say the rewards will balance out. There is no guarantee that it will. When talking about crystal, people say every crystal has individual drop rates and there is a chance that you won't pull a 6 star from cav even if you open 100 of them. When it comes to this event, the same people are saying that the rewards will even out. You can't have it both ways. There is a chance that someone may run this quest 25 times and not get any 6 star shards. That scares a lot of people.
Is this the worst side quest ever? No worse than the rifts which had the same rng aspect. But, not many people like the rng aspect of the rewards.
Note: I have not run the quest even a single time yet. So I could be the guy that gets shafted. 😂
As an example, if you flip a coin once and bet £10 on heads or tails you will have all or nothing. That's like the rifts.
However, if you bet £1 on ten coin flips, you are less likely to win £10, but more likely to come out with something. The results are "more likely to balance out". In the first scenario, you have a black and white win or lose, £10 or £0. With the second, even if you don't get £10, you could end up with 5, 6, 7 or 8. You have less to lose.
People don't mean you're guaranteed to get 6* shards over this event, but it's much more likely than the dimensional rifts to come out with something worth getting.
It is similar to the regular arena and uncollected arena crystals. Regular arena crystals gives you more chances at the units, but uncollected gives more units per chance. But unless you open up a significant amount of either of those crystals, there is a chance that you could end up with only gold. There have been times when I have opened 30 arena crystals and ended up with only gold. That does not feel well.
Firstly, I never said rng stacks. It does not. However if you have more chances to roll the imaginary dice, the more times you roll it, the closer you get to equal distribution of rolls. That's a fact: only if you rolled the dice infinite times, you'd get perfectly equal distribution of rolls. That is how statistic works. And what OP did is, that they basically fllipped a coin twice, got two heads and said it's unfair they didn't get any tails.
Secondly, it is interesting how everyone seems upset with this event being "uNfAiR", yet noone complains about pulling multiple bad champions from crystals? Why don't you apply the same logic there, it's the same story. My first 12 5*s were worst of the worst. Does that mean the crystals aren't fair? Of course it doesn't. Yet here, 5 bad runs = unfair...
Thirdly, it makes no sense to say "cav/tb shouldn't get this or that". The rewards from this event aren't unusually stacked. But I don't see any reason why some groups of players should get only good stuff. And as I see it, none of the legendary rewards is absolutely useless. I am just a cav tho, I got no idea about TB.
Lastly, if you find the RNG aspect unfair, I suggest you go play another game, that isn't RNG based. Really. If randomised rewards are an issue for you, it's probably a bad idea to play a game that revolves around opening randomised crystals.