Thronebreaker At Last

I've had a mystic t5cc in my inventory for over a month now, just waiting for the right champ to take up. I finally pulled Dragon Man yesterday, and he fit the caliber of champs I was looking for to r3, so I took him to r3 today! He's super fun and I look forward to using him in future content (although my AW officer will likely place him on defense all the time 😔). I should hopefully have anywhere from 1-3 more r3s next month, as I am close to forming catalysts for CGR, Cable, and OG Black Panther (will only r3 if his buff is good of course).

My account has improved a ton since last April, which is when I returned to the game with 14 5 stars and my best champ being a 5 star rank 2 Blade! 😂 I still have a ways to go though, and I look forward to continue improving my roster as time goes on.
I was basically in your shoes with a similar roster (one r4 5* gwenpool though) and came back to the game after a year off when covid life had me bored out of my mind last April.
Like you, a year later and the roster is feeling beefy. I got R3 warlock after abyss at Christmas time and am close to a skill, mystic and cosmic t5cc and probably will have 1-2 more r3 with the side event this month. Unfortunately, I have 42 x 6* and still not a single 6* skill champ 😢, so I hope I can take up Doom soon while RNG plays games with me.
I wonder how many others have ramped up , specifically from covid play? Gotta be a ton!!
My 5* Dragon Man is currently sitting in 5R3. I will leave him for a while till there is 2020 Rankup Gem being released in the future Variants (if I have yet to pull him as 6* in 2025😂😂😂)
Dr. Zola