Its still gonna be so long until the rest of us mere mortals manage to get enough t6b and t3a to rank 4 someone by that time t5cc will be pretty plentiful and not an issue
Saving them already sets a precedent and a lack of r3 ultimately. I won’t be saving them for a r4 till we see a massive influx of t5cc on the middle ground player reward structure.
By the time R4 materials become widely available for a fresh R4, T5CC should be much more available imo. So nah.. not gonna change how I’m spending them.
After thinking on it for a while, I think my approach will change slightly. I'll be more likely to hold a T5CC until I've formed 2 of a class if there's no champion I feel I really want to R3.
For example, Gulk and Massacre I was considering taking to R3. They still may be R3d, but I'll probably form a 2nd t5cc of each class before pulling the trigger. If on the other hand I pull a Nick Fury, he'd go straight to R3 without regard for catalyst stash.
6*s R4 are still pretty far to get. For progressing players like me, which have only few r3s, holding t5cc and not using them in order to store for future r4 rank ups, doesn’t seem as the best choice. Unless your r3 options are so bad, that you would hold the t5cc anyway.
The upside to the introduction of r4 materials, is that r3 materials will start to come faster now. 👍
Im hoping that includes sig stones. If they're moving on to r4 materials, then hopefully they can remove sig stones from behind the pay wall.
In all honesty they're not even really behind a paywall right now. They're just nonexistent. They've severely scaled back how often they even sell them let alone how many are available in content.
The upside to the introduction of r4 materials, is that r3 materials will start to come faster now. 👍
Im hoping that includes sig stones. If they're moving on to r4 materials, then hopefully they can remove sig stones from behind the pay wall.
Probably not. It's another way of stretching out the 6* rarity. Which, I've seen many people ask for. By saying.. "Man.. they better not release 7*!!" "It's too early for r4!!" When 6* sigs become more easily attainable, that means 7* is around the corner. It's just how the game works.
The people who are actually affected by this kind of stuff are an extreme minority.
Kabam just tossed out these crumbs so they would be more invested in J4 spending. It might inject some enthusiasm into those bored '1% of 1%' players, but if r4s were actually introduced at the rate that content is evolving -- well, Kabam would just be giving players enough rope to hang themselves out of boredom.
I know it was said that """hard""" content was coming, but we don't have content that fully taxes 5r5s yet, lol.
Yes, but not because of t3a or t6b...but because I’m bored of waiting forever for the right champs and might just r3 some banter champs because why not. So my change would be stop holding t5cc and chuck it blindly...perhaps a r3 rank up roulette is on the way (no modok, not you again)
I did start transitioning over to 6*s about 5-6 months ago. I have 14 6* R3 in total.
It’s really to set the prestige race.
*cries in 2 1/3 Cosmic T5CC*
I’d rather rank someone up and use them now
For example, Gulk and Massacre I was considering taking to R3. They still may be R3d, but I'll probably form a 2nd t5cc of each class before pulling the trigger. If on the other hand I pull a Nick Fury, he'd go straight to R3 without regard for catalyst stash.
For progressing players like me, which have only few r3s, holding t5cc and not using them in order to store for future r4 rank ups, doesn’t seem as the best choice.
Unless your r3 options are so bad, that you would hold the t5cc anyway.
Kabam just tossed out these crumbs so they would be more invested in J4 spending. It might inject some enthusiasm into those bored '1% of 1%' players, but if r4s were actually introduced at the rate that content is evolving -- well, Kabam would just be giving players enough rope to hang themselves out of boredom.
I know it was said that """hard""" content was coming, but we don't have content that fully taxes 5r5s yet, lol.