Who to rank 3

I'm a ftp player, this is my roster so far:

Who should I rank 3 next? Do you think that BWDO is worth rank 3? I am on 5.2.5 in story progression. Thanks so much!

Who should I rank 3 next? Do you think that BWDO is worth rank 3? I am on 5.2.5 in story progression. Thanks so much!
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Then Sentinel.
BWDO is a rankup for fun if you want to do that.
You can get uncollected with just five stars, people usually do it with just four stars.
As for the question, rank up Ghost. She’s stellar and can go way far. Hyperion as well, and as stated above I find BWDO to be a fun rank up as well.
I would R3 Hyperion or Ghost first, depending on your resources and whether you're already familiar with Ghost. After that, G2099 isn't a bad shout, though you're probably a little bit early in content terms to be able to get the most out of her playstyle at the moment.
VtD is one of the most durable questing champions in the game if you can ramp him up, though I'd prioritise Hyperion over him.
In terms of Mystics, Longshot will be excellent for you, there's a lot of resister paths in Act 5 and he absolutely shreds them.