How many people actually participated in the new arena?

Just received my rank rewards for the 6 star basic arena, I placed 5121 and got 11-30% rewards. This leads me to believe that around at least 50,000 people 'got in the pool'. I'm not sure how many people usually participate but 50,000 seems really low
Dunno how the Title limitation might've affected average participation. It's a shame Kabam doesn't release information like scores, cutoffs, participation, etc.
This is what I got. I didn’t collect my rewards from the stash, so I have no idea what my numerical placement was.
I only tried it out of curiosity / litmus test.
After seeing some of the numbers for the bigger prizes I’m going back into arena retirement (as I was before the change).
I prefer to treat this game as a pastime, not an occupation, and as a Thronebreaker with 30 6*’s I’m neither interested in the 4* milestone, nor the vast swathes of no-man’s land between the last milestone and the next rank reward.
But I do find it fascinating that people are willing to put in these extraordinary numbers. Absolutely fascinating.
I did a lot better than I thought, but there is no chance of me doing this again. It’s a life-killing slog to complete milestones, and the payoff isn’t there. Probably great for the top tier players with great rosters, though.