I chose wisley

I ranked up specific champions for there specific defensive skill set. They were doing great in AW until, how was it put, a major game change instead of major character change. Are these the semantics that kabam is using to justify the lack of compensation. I have Maxed defensive champs that have clearly been devalued by the severity of this game change. It is true the champ hasn't changed they are still great defenders that now now forced to ride the pine. At the time ranking these character was the wise choice. I guess I'm wondering do I rank up characters at slim fear of not choosing wisely. Sincerely someone who is now not using his heavily invested defensive champs in war.
Don't rank up trash, rank up champs that can be useful for the main parts of the game.
They weren't trash until made so by game changes. Kabam makes defensive champs for ...I don't know...defense. heaven forbid you want more than one of a very good defensive champ on defense.
Which you can still use. Just not 6 of them in one BG.
Except the lack of challenging nodes SEVERLY diminished the value of a LOT of defensive champions
EVASION is like 90% a defensive ability and 10% annoying for the user! And yes Nightcrawler might not be specifically defensive because Swashbuckler is insane DPS but Spider-Man definitely is. And let’s not forget Mordo or awakened Medusa or even ELECTRO!
That still doesn't mean it's necessary to fill the BG with the same Champs.
You obviously don’t understand the issue here. Its not that you can’t use 6 of them, is that you can’t use 2 of them per BG because this diversity ****. So Not worth ranking up a champ for defense anymore. But before the AW update, it was worth ranking up for defense. We deserve compensation for the wasted resources and time spent ranking up champs that are AW defense oriented
Ranking a Champ is not worthless. Whether people Ranked the Champ for Defense alone or not, they're still using that Champ in whatever area they choose. Questing, Arena, AQ, wherever. If they choose not to use them, that's still a choice.
Secondly, they're not responsible for our choices to Rank. Who we Rank and for what reason is up to us. Ranking is not worthless. It's how we advance our Accounts. Which is where decisions come in. It's our decision. We make choices to Rank Champs for our own purpose. Which we have been able to use up until the War changes. Now that we have to make different decisions, we have to use them for something else. If we choose not to, that's also a choice. It doesn't mean they owe us Tickets or Ranking Materials to have the best War Team at all times.
-AW offense
-AQ offense
-special events
-AW defense
Ranking up 5/50s is irrelevant to the discussion as those resources are unlimited, it's the T2A that matter. Why you would rank a champ that useful for only one thing just blows my mind.
So you are basically saying we need to use the champions we specifically ranked up for AW defense for something else? I grinded for Dormammu and used a gem and ranked him up to 5/50 specifically for AW defnese. It was my decision, yes my decision only, but based on the current game system at the time. Now they have changed the rules and my resources spent are now useless. I can’t use him on AQ or AW offense he is not good enough for attack. And t4cc and a gem are not spent on a champ that you will use only on arena.
Again, you don’t understand the issue here.
If he's not good enough for ANYTHING except defense why would you put all those resources into him?
That said the best thing for everyone is no rtds but to fix war. The scoring system is a joke. There needs to be a better balance with diversity and whatever. Defender kills seems to be the most logical solution. If war stays the same well then I'd be in full support of rtds but it shouldn't come to that. War is such an important part of the game that it shouldn't be this messed up.
Sure they have merit in offense and personal use… Ultron evade saving me often with wonky specials I’m trying to Dex and, Unstoppable maybe in arena for fun but in practice rampage isn’t easy to pull off without stun chain like Hulk, Indesteuctible Luke Cage is very niche as time stalling, and Limbo yeah maybe good if you take a hit at the perfect time and get lucky
But these abilities are GLORIFIED as obstacles… ASTRAL EVADE being on of the worst as it ONLY specifically works when stunned and attacked. Reflect stun is EVEN worse when most stuns in the game are non-contact EXCEPT parry
Being good for AW defense alone was a very important part of the game as AW is the fastest way to earn 5* shards. So tell me would you spend resources on an AQ champ like wolverine? What if kabam changes AQ and half if the map has healblock? He and most regen champs become useless, which is what happened with AW recent changes
Well i would continue to use wolvie in quests so at least that's 2 areas where he's good
You don’t need wolvie for quests, any champ can be good for quests. He is great for AQ only. You also don’t seem to understand the issue here
The issue isn't people ranking up garbage champs who were defense only and those champs now becoming mostly useless?
Ya, RDT are without question the worst thing for the game so you have to fight it at all costs. I don't think anyone says they haven't been devalued, but you won't convince me someone who took antman or cyclops or spidey or w/e to 4/55 made anything other than a dumb decision.
Maybe. Try. To. Use. Fewer. Full. Stops. To. Get. Your. Point. Across. Lol.
But not all champions are good in many areas except only alliance war defense...#VVIP#
The scoring system has been the biggest problem all along. If diversity was supposed to be a tie breaker it might be worth the risk of having multiple of the same champ. The risk reward part of defense is all screwed up. We'd be better off putting the heat on kabam rather than each other.
Mordo has amazing prestige so he's a monster for AQ
How he is monster for AQ..?