Sym supreme most op mystic

Here are reasons to why sym sup is the best Mystic:
Damage; his damage is one of the best, he could easily solo abyss VTD which as a 5.7 million health fight
Utility; this right here is the bread and butter for him.
1. Nullifying every buff each time he gets to the sp3 with additional staggers to make sure they don't get buffs pre sp3
2. Armor breaks to help in certain scenarios.
3. Can tank hits with his protection buff(you can stack 2 and have 15% of 15% of your hp)
4. Energy attacks only
5.power gain
6. Power control that makes him spam specials like the chad hyperion
Versatility; mf can do every single fight no cap
Fun; he very fun with 4+ md bro
Damage; his damage is one of the best, he could easily solo abyss VTD which as a 5.7 million health fight
Utility; this right here is the bread and butter for him.
1. Nullifying every buff each time he gets to the sp3 with additional staggers to make sure they don't get buffs pre sp3
2. Armor breaks to help in certain scenarios.
3. Can tank hits with his protection buff(you can stack 2 and have 15% of 15% of your hp)
4. Energy attacks only
5.power gain
6. Power control that makes him spam specials like the chad hyperion
Versatility; mf can do every single fight no cap
Fun; he very fun with 4+ md bro
I am speed.
1 of them is Sym. Supreme , in a buff heavy matchup he man handles the entire game. Nobody controls buffs like Sym. Supreme. I have him at r5 and use him . I do think if his power gain was like normal characters he would be more highly rated.
Your trolling is obvious
But there are mystics that have overall better uses in the More typical match up.