Who do you think won the overhaul?

Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
I think and hope Antman won.


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  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    i dont have any of them as 5-6 stars but i want antman to win
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★

    We're all winners here.

    Except you Timmy; you're terrible.

    Why is Timmy terrible?
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    Drake2078 said:

    Why is Timmy terrible?

    You know what you did, Timmy.

    I'll never forget the Great Timothean War that ravaged my homeland! The sounds of Timmy-guns still echoes in my ears, every night. Every flash of light in my eyes is a flashback to the atimic bombs destroying our cheese factories.

    Some have forgiven, some have forgotten, but never me. Never me.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Drake2078 said:

    I hope Ant-Man won, he definitely needs it more than Guilly

    He is worse as a champ. Idc how underwhelming this is to you, but he is better solely because of the synergy with ghost, for legend runs or questing, whereas guilly is on the bench at all times due to so many other champions being able to reverse heal more efficiently, and have more to their kit, leaving no reason to bring guilly along, and on top of that, science is getting a miles morales overhaul, already received a MF tune up, and mister negative got added, whilst already having the best champion: quake, with a power house of science champs among them: red hulk, she hulk, human torch, void, wasp, caiw, red guardian, iabom, ihulk, spider ham, spider gwen, thing, and luke cage. How much ground does that cover already? The last buff to a mystic champiom was successful but reverted, and I’ll bet you any day ANY tech champ in the poll would have easily won over ant man, and with mystic being the second worst class, i expected the same outcome tbh. Mystic is good but hasn’t received any sort of love in a while. Guillotine being a kabam creation is a fitting option to help the class out. Only reason to vote for ant man is really because he’s from the MCU and people like him, me being one, but the champ who needs it more as of right now is definitely guilly. Mystic has a lot of great champs but the purpose of many mystics are consistent, with power control and nullify. Tigra is by far the most unique and fun mystic, and guilly could add to that with her soul interactions. Best of luck to both champs but as far as “needing” the overhaul more, guilly most certainly needs it more for her and her class, whereas ant man needs it for himself and will still most likely be used for the ghost synergy. Good day to all.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    If you could only use Ant-Man or Guillotine as they are now, no team or synergies who would you pick?

    I would pick Guillotine because she is better than Ant-Man.

    When I cast my for who to buff, I vote for the worst champion.
    And the Mystic class is already stacked with top tier champs, not that I use that criteria when casting my vote
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Drake2078 said:

    If you could only use Ant-Man or Guillotine as they are now, no team or synergies who would you pick?

    I would pick Guillotine because she is better than Ant-Man.

    When I cast my for who to buff, I vote for the worst champion.
    And the Mystic class is already stacked with top tier champs, not that I use that criteria when casting my vote

    If most of the community voted accordingly by your logic, agent venom would be in this poll instead of guilly
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Hopefully Ant-Man, I have him as a 5* but don't own Guilly
  • firemoon712firemoon712 Member Posts: 549 ★★★
    Hoping Guilly but I'm not gonna be mad if Ant-Man wins. However, I do think Ant-Man will most likely win.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Drake2078 said:

    If you could only use Ant-Man or Guillotine as they are now, no team or synergies who would you pick?

    I would pick Guillotine because she is better than Ant-Man.

    When I cast my for who to buff, I vote for the worst champion.
    And the Mystic class is already stacked with top tier champs, not that I use that criteria when casting my vote

    As i said, ant man is the worse champion, but many people don’t think about the reality of it. I value ant man as much as i do guilly individually due to there being many heal counters that are more effective. And even ant man counters heals on SP2 when placing his poisons from converting the fatigues. What im saying is, ant man had a use, guilly doesn’t. Therefore he would be the better champion, nobody uses either of these champs offensively, so what’s left to compare them is their synergies. Who needs an overhaul more, heimdall or yondu? Yondu is the better champion but there are many that outshine him, and his class is worse, thus he would need the overhaul, whereas heimdall has his uses for being a support champion. An ant man overhaul would simply add more uniqueness to the science class though mister negative has just been released and seems like a science tigra as some say, and we already have a overhaul coming to the science class being miles morales. What do you wish to see in the ant man overhaul? Size change? Be the science psycho man?
  • Ram_SarkarRam_Sarkar Member Posts: 13
    My all vote for Ant man from 2 accounts
  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★

    Drake2078 said:

    Why is Timmy terrible?

    You know what you did, Timmy.

    I'll never forget the Great Timothean War that ravaged my homeland! The sounds of Timmy-guns still echoes in my ears, every night. Every flash of light in my eyes is a flashback to the atimic bombs destroying our cheese factories.

    Some have forgiven, some have forgotten, but never me. Never me.
    People talking about the vote, I just want to know more about this, lol
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
    Ksp_2099 said:

    I am hoping for Antman.
    He needs it more than Guillotine.

    When they are going to announce the Winner?

    I’m pretty sure they’re announcing it at the beginning of next month.
  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Gully has uses ant-man has none except his small glancing uses.
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