AQ disconnect health loss

ChamwadChamwad Member Posts: 17
Hi. I’m really over losing half my champs health whenever I’m disconnected just before a fight in AQ. It’s not my fault and I don’t understand why it happens. Is it to stop people cheating in some way? If so, it’s really unfair to the majority of us who don’t.


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Yes it’s to stop being able to exploit by just force quitting after a bad fight with no repercussions
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey @Chamwad, in the past, players were able to Quit out of a match at any time without losing any Health. Unfortunately, this was exploited by some Summoners to gain an advantage in The Contest. If someone made a mistake which would otherwise cause their Champion to be KO, they could simply Quit out of the Fight and try again, and this could be done repeatedly. To stop this from happening, we implemented a feature which deducts 50% of your Champion's Health if you Quit out of the Fight.

    We didn't intentionally implement this feature to punish players who experience connection issues but unfortunately, there is currently no way to distinguish between a player who Quits out of a fight and another player who has been disconnected due to a network issue.

    We're constantly working to make improvements to the game in an effort to reduce the likelihood of loading issues, lag, connection issues and crashes occurring. To help with our investigations, we created the dedicated threads below.

    - Android Lag and Performance Issues Thread
    - iOS Lag and Performance Issues Thread

    Please take a moment to share your feedback in whichever of those threads is relevant to you by providing the details outlined in our Bug Report Template.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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