Are you exited with the last 3 milestones in SOP?

I'm personally not interested with these kind of rewards. The amount of tier 3 alpha and tier 6 basic are so little that it's almost meaningless and 75 6* sig stones look weak as h.
SOP is kind of coming to an end to me.
SOP is kind of coming to an end to me.
The problem doesn't lie on rewards itself the problem lies on the amount of them.
I can't complain
75 generic sig stones is a great incentive to push to the top milestone. Just because you can’t see the value in it doesn’t devalue them for other people
The game has an economy. Flooding the market would devalue the item and 6* sig stones are a big deal right now. I, personally, am thrilled to get 75 generic 6* sig stones from this content.
Frankly it’s more than I feel I’ve earned based on the difficulty so far, so I’m absolutely not complaining.
Dr. Zola
I'm still excited about the rest of the rewards, but would have liked to see an additional or improved nexus at higher tiers.
It isn’t TB so going all the way isn’t an option, but the pair of crystals (including existing shards) trumps the one nexus.
Dr. Zola