Who is the most fun champ to play for you?

Mines sabretooth. Love my 4 star r4. Use him in aw map 4. He takes a few fights to ramp up but at bout 30 furies and Sasquatch synergy, he crits for like 10k and sp2 with horsemen is so op.
My fav team for him
Two extra slots
My fav team for him
Two extra slots
After that I enjoy just a full Mutant squad around my 6r3 Apocolypse. Add in Cable, Magneto, Omega Red and Emma Frost or Archangel and you just win the game in so many ways.
War Machine because I recently ranked him up to R3 as a 6 star and he's VERY satisfying to play overall. That damage ramp has such an amazing payoff that other champs don't have. Unlike say Guardian who does do crazy damage when ramped but loses all his charges, WM's damage when ramped is consistent to keep up for the rest of the fight. He's also a frekin tank of a champ, very low block/parry damage, HIGH energy resist and regen that's quite good also.
CGR: I only recently pulled him as a 6 star and R2d him and boy, he's a fun one to really mess around with. He's the opposite of War Machine funny enough. Very quick ramp and burst damage rather than constant damage unlike WM.
BWDO is pretty close too
CGR cus he does general questing crazy fast and G99 because it is satisfying melting a massive health pool with her
+caiw + rulk
I enjoy playing ATM.
Honorable mentions: Doom (very similar to fury carried me as a 4 star, got him as 5 star immediately awakened him and r5d him asap. Love his absolute control on fightsand kinda nasty damage), Corvus (My first r5, as a r3 and rank 4 5 star he carried me through act 5 and 6.1, once I duped him his immortality has saved me multiple times, beast in incursions, eq, and aq. Just love him), Luke cage (my first good four star, carried me through act 4 and act 5, I live his simple but effective playstyle and his indestructible is such a nice safety net), Buffed Ultron (I needed a good robot and since I don't have Warlock and I tried and didn't like guilly 2099(great champ but I don't like playing her) I decided to try ultron. I love his simple hard hitting rotation, his regen, easy armor up and evade that can save you. I rank 5d him recently and I love playing him and I hope to awaken him soon to unlock even more utility. Great champ).
MaxGaming- Taskmaster
Mr. Fantastic is also a total blast!
Call me old fashioned
Leaning sentinel