Apocalypse and Mighty Charge

Memento_MoriMemento_Mori Member Posts: 14
edited August 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
In the past, Apocalypse has been the #1 choice for dealing with annoying nodes like Masochism and Mighty Charge. Because, his debuffs couldn’t be shrugged off or purified. But, playing through this month’s Cavalier event quest, that seems to no longer be the case. Is this simply a bug? Or, is this change intended?


  • edited August 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Apocalypse forbid its opponent from purifying the debuff
    Mighty charge make the opponent immune to debuff so technically speaking they do not purify the debuffs, just make them immune to debuff.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    Stellar said:

    Apocalypse forbid its opponent from purifying the debuff
    Mighty charge make the opponent immune to debuff so technically speaking they do not purify the debuffs, just make them immune to debuff.

  • PrinceEldarionPrinceEldarion Member Posts: 80
    Stellar said:

    Apocalypse forbid its opponent from purifying the debuff
    Mighty charge make the opponent immune to debuff so technically speaking they do not purify the debuffs, just make them immune to debuff.

    It makes them immune to future debuffs but as far as existing debuffs, they purify them. It used to be that with apocalypse they couldn’t purify the debuffs but now that’s not working

  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    It's bugged, like so much in the game currently.

    Kabam are bo doubt working hard to fix the issues, but with the game in such a state currently, it's unsurprising that more bugs are arising and we've all seen the response from kabam regarding it.

    No need for people to incorrectly try to justify it.

    Apocalypse has always worked vs the likes of Masochism, mighty charge and others such as Kingpin.

    Kabam, we understand your development team are busy trying to fix the major issues, but please fix the smaller ones too as these just add to the misery of the game currently.
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    @Kabam Zibiit

    Maybe you can get the "team" to look at this one?
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2021
    So it seems that it stems from kabam repeatedly changing the description of mighty charge and not telling anyone.

    This was raised before, and the description was changed back.

    Then a recent update said this in the notes (the initial purify is unchanged)

    And now they have added an extra bit to the end of the mighty charge description (i don't recall that being in the notes, although I may have missed it.

    Why not just say when dashing become immune to all debuffs.
    Remove any mention of purify.

    And more importantly, communicate the change.
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    Seems that kabam have been changing the description and have gone further and added an extra line to the description that wasn't there previously and is contradictory to the recent patch notes.

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