How to prepare for endgame content

Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips
How to prepare for endgame content:

Hasty citation-mcoc is a game and games are supposed to be fun so while this write up is probably very overengineered I stand by the statement that item use is never fun, especially when you end up in a situation where you have to use units or quit out. This planning write up hopes to alleviate that.

Step 1: hoarding
Their are several crystals and items that you should certainly be hoarding whilst preparing for tough content.

Free crystals-these crystals are stocked with health potions, small energy refills and occasionally revives, since these crystals are free we have no official drop rates for them but it is fair to say the l2 revives are the rarest. You can pick these up once every 4 hours and most players should have a stack of at least a few hundred when they prepare for tough content

Supreme solo crystals-for most players these should be one of the major sources of your boosts, with a combined 40% chance to acquire either a regular or lesser boost you can get a lot of boosts very quickly if you actively grind the daily events. If you want some actual numbers proff hoff does semi-regular openings of 100. I would not recommend this for most players since you have a cap on the boosts you can store in your inventory but not on the solo shards in your crystal tab.

Potions-most players know that you should grind ROL for potions but I would also check what content you are planning to do, nodes such as life transfer will negate the need for potions in most scenarios whereas nodes like invade can lead to you being chipped down very quickly. Also quick note is you should take advantage of potion conversion when events when they are active since you can effectively circumvent the inventory cap by converting l3 potions from ROL into higher tier potions to free up space.

Revives- I shouldn’t need to say much here, spending units on these sucks, my only note is that this is the other reason you should be grinding the daily solo events.

Energy refills-I would also recommend saving up the energy refills from the 3 day events, often to get the most time value out of boosts you will need to play for 40 minutes to an hour
And in higher level content it is common for you to have a spend of 3 energy per tile.

Planning saves items-and here's how I plan my paths:

So for most planning sessions I would suggest starting by looking at the map in a specific order as follows

Hard requirements (star restrictions, dual class variants)-->global nodes-->boss nodes-->path nodes-->champions.

These are in the rough order of how much each will impact your overall team setup, their is an argument for having champions higher but most players have a good idea of how to fight most champions so the nodes often have greater impact on the difficulty than the defender.

You have 5 champions with which to counter the entire map of opponents, I would recommend writing down what fights each champion will be taking, torch for the mystics, warlock for sinister and domino ect… You want as much crossover as possible (multiple champions being options for each defender) and probably want to minimize the load on each champion since if they are your only option and they get knocked out your stuffed. This is a rule that you can break slightly if you're bringing in synergy teams but even then I would bring the highest pi synergy champions you have since when you get to the end of the map you may as well throw them at the boss to chip them down.

Look into pre-fights, I would always check and double check the champions that have access to teammate pre-fights since often they can be helpful in countering ceratin nodes or scenarios, for example oding pre-fights can be good to make any champion an option for the act 6 shock paths and war machine makes any tech champion a good iceman counter. I have a proper pre-fight guide in the works but for now I just say you should familiarize yourself with them since they offer some of the most versati;e utility often to whole classes or tags of champion.

I would also recommend looking at allocating your boosts ahead of time so that you don’t run out or end up dying unnecessarily to a difficult fight. Timewise I would budget in half an hour per quest for act 6 and variant content and upwards of 3 hours for LOL and abyss content. You may come up substantially quicker than that if you are using suicides or taking a node like flare that makes the fights significantly quicker, however this gives you some extra time for you to slow play a few fights such as parry 3 combo vs evaders or baiting specials against energize opponents.

You don’t need know exactly how many potions you will use per-fight since it is very difficult to predict how much chip damage you will take but it is always good to have a “I will probably need to heal up against this champion more than this champion” in the back of your mind, if in doubt farm more than you need.

Take it slow-unless your doing a legends run (act legend runs have been stopped at time of writing but may at some point be reinstated) you don’t need to move super quickly, rushing is what leads to silly mistakes like forgetting use a pre-fight or re-apply boosts if you remain mindful of the champions you are fighting and take a breather after each fight this can reduce item use.

Always look specifically at what you might die to and how you can counter it, it’s all well and good knowing that warlock is a good domino counter but why? Understanding what is going on in a fight is always beneficial and whilst many defensive abilities can be hard counterd just by attackers, many can also be helped by your playstyle. Dying is bad but dying unsure of what you died to is a lot worse.

Take into account hitpools-many abilities are not very dangerous in lower level content but become problematic as health pools increase, a classic example being ROL wolverine, not a difficult defender but dur to the scaling of his regen as hitpools increase a roadblock if you don’t have a counter.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,065 Guardian
    This is definitely a good writeup. Good job.
  • TheCaptain412TheCaptain412 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Making my run at Cav in the next few weeks. Not endgame content, but this is certainly good stuff for me as well. Cheers!
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  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Great writeup, one thing I would add is it is a good idea to find videos of people doing the paths that you are preparing for to see what options they used and how it worked for them. You will likely have different options as everyone's roster has different strengths and weaknesses, but you will be able to see how similar matchups would work out and give you insight on what champs to bring.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,448 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    1 thing to keep in mind while farming is to keep a check on your sanity. I have seen many people get burn out by farming because it is mind bogglingly boring. Know your limits and use your units if the grind is too much mentally.

    This’ll to I’m use 4 days to farm for SOP and god almost burn out but had a few to keeping me going
  • Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★

    Great writeup, one thing I would add is it is a good idea to find videos of people doing the paths that you are preparing for to see what options they used and how it worked for them. You will likely have different options as everyone's roster has different strengths and weaknesses, but you will be able to see how similar matchups would work out and give you insight on what champs to bring.

    I kinda went back and forth on whether to include this, the issue is from my experience a lot of people use similar champions for the same path. I think that would fit nicely into a point about doing research. for example for the rising sun biohazard path nearly all the runs I could find used ghost so it doesn't always work.
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  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    If Proff Hoff was able to do it, so can everybody else.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Unio77 said:

    If Proff Hoff was able to do it, so can everybody else.

    not everyone else has hundreds of revives to spend on endgame content. @SpideyFunko you figured out how many abyss revives he used, right?
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Unio77 said:

    If Proff Hoff was able to do it, so can everybody else.

    not everyone else has hundreds of revives to spend on endgame content. @SpideyFunko you figured out how many abyss revives he used, right?

    97 single revives, plus 3 team ones. This was the easy path
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    Unio77 said:

    If Proff Hoff was able to do it, so can everybody else.

    not everyone else has hundreds of revives to spend on endgame content. @SpideyFunko you figured out how many abyss revives he used, right?

    97 single revives, plus 3 team ones. This was the easy path
    good thing he has a real job to fall back on because that must've cost a lot of money
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Unio77 said:

    If Proff Hoff was able to do it, so can everybody else.

    not everyone else has hundreds of revives to spend on endgame content. @SpideyFunko you figured out how many abyss revives he used, right?

    97 single revives, plus 3 team ones. This was the easy path
    good thing he has a real job to fall back on because that must've cost a lot of money
    just loads of time in the arena and over 4 thousand 4-hour crystals. Arguably more expensive.
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